Hilton OXblood!

Meanwhile in a cathedral, not very far from George was, a scene was unfolding. The cathedral's cavernous depths echoed with frantic shouts as Vampire hunters pushed forward, their voices bouncing off ancient stone walls.

"They could be hiding anywhere."

"Stay alert!" A voice warned, his tone sharp with tension.

Amidst the chaos, torchlight flickered across determined faces and gleaming weapons. The hunters moved in practiced formation, but their eyes darted nervously into the shadows.

In contrast to the frenetic energy around him, a tall figure stood apart from the group.

His head was bowed, face hidden in shadow, with one hand behind his back in an almost contemplative pose. At his waist hung an unsheathed sword, its yellow handle a bright spot in the gloom.

The tall figure's white uniform stood in contrast to the black-clad hunters around him, a visual reminder of his elevated rank.