Fiancee and a System

Mo Xiuluo took it, and the ring had a blood red phoenix imprinted on it.

Mo Xiuluo immediately sensed some profound energy, and knew it was a treasure, and leaked some of his divine sense in it.

Inside the ring, there were many medicinal pills, techniques, and even weapons.

"This should help you when you go to the Horizon Sect." Said the elder.

Mo Xiuluo was thankful. He knew the value of each and every treasure and pill.

"Now, for the second thing." Said Mo Sijia.

Hearing this, Mo Xiuluo had a bad feeling.

"I plan on marrying you to the eldest daughter of the Bing family, also known as the leaders of the Ice clan." Said Mo Sijia

"But..." Mo Xiuluo was about to refuse, but was stopped.

"No buts, it has already been decided." Said Mo Sijia

The Bing family is one of the strongest clans in the Dominion of the Rushing Seas, and is the number one clan in the Dominion.

Mo Xiuluo can't tell why his father is doing this. What is the benefit for marrying the Bing family?

"Confused?" Asked Mo Sijia, staring at his son intently.

Mo Xiuluo nodded his head, not denying his fathers words.

"Explain why you're confused." The second elder spoke up.

The second elder is the tenth strongest person in the Mo family. His name is Mo Zhongcheng.

"The Bing Family is a strong clan in the Dominion, what can we get from marrying the eldest daughter? We are a part of the Rising Sun Empire, doing this might offend the Emperor." Said Mo Xiuluo, cupping his fist.

When they heard him, everyone in the room burst out laughing.

"My son, do you think I don't know what you're thinking? This marriage will benefit the family greatly." Said Mo Sijia, looking at Mo Xiuluo.

Mo Xiuluo was still confused, and was a little embarrassed.

"I have been trying to make this marriage happen since you were born. So what if we offend the Emperor? They need our power to defend the Empire in this first place. With you in the Horizon Sect, we are guaranteed to advance." Said Mo Sijia

"Besides, I heard from the Bing family that their daughter is a Rank 10 talent, and is the same age as you. Her cultivation is now in the Foundation Establishment Realm. If the two of you marry, imagine the talent your child will have, a perfect Rank 10 talent."

"With her, our clan will finally have a Rank 10 talent, and a new bloodline to help the clan advance." Said Mo Sijia, greedily.

"The marriage is not until a few years, when both of you are at least 20, and have reached the Core Formation Realm. So now you guys are just Fiancée's, don't you dare cook rice when it's still raw, got it?" Said Mo Sijia sternly.

Mo Xiuluo shivered. His father had a cold and sharp stare.

"Yes, father." Said Mo Xiuluo, agreeing with him.

Mo Sijia looked at him and his face brightened.

"Good, your fiancée is also located at the Horizon Sect. She is a core disciple under Master Jiang Feng who is the ruler of the Peak of Life.

"I am sure that she will be helpful for you." Said Mo Sijia

"Yes, father." Mo Xiuluo replied.

"Then, that is all." Said Mo Sijia

Everyone else in the room stood up and bowed, then left.

"Wait, Xiuluo, come here." Said Mo Sijia, seeing the last elder leave.

Mo Xiuluo stopped, and walked towards his father.

"Take this." Said Mo Sijia, handing Mo Xiuluo a token.

The token had the Underworld clan's emblem on it, and had a mysterious aura around it.

"This is the highest order in the Underworld clan, if anyone sees this, they will not dare oppose you. This is the highest order that the patriarch can give, use it wisely." Said Mo Sijia

Mo Xiuluo felt touched. Never did he think that his father would give him such an important token.

"Thank you, father." Said Mo Xiuluo.

Mo Sijia looked at him and sighed.

"You better not disappoint me. Remember, your marriage is in the next 3 years, and you better reach the Core Formation realm." Said Mo Sijia.

"Also, when you go to Horizon Sect, do not reveal anything about our family. We have spies there, and will keep an eye on you, remember this."

"Yes, father." Said Mo Xiuluo.

"Ok then, go to your room and cultivate, your carriage will come in three days, you need to be prepared." Said Mo Sijia

Mo Xiuluo bowed again, and left, heading straight towards his room.

Once he entered, he sat down on his bed while sighing, and was about to start cultivating, but was interrupted by a loud voice in his mind.

[Ding! Heavenly Demon Protection System is bound!]

"System!?" Mo Xiuluo said, jumping from his bed.

[Ding! Detected that the host has a fiancée!]

[Ding! System is loaded!]

[Heavenly Demon Protection System]

[Protecting: Bing Dong'er (Reborn Empress)]

[Status: Healthy and in no danger]

[Host Realm: Sixth Stage of Qi Refinement]

[Weekly sign in 1 (0 sign ins)]

Mo Xiuluo looked at the system, and a bit of confusion appeared in his eyes.

"System, what do you do?" Asked Mo Xiuluo.

[If the host's fiancée is in danger, the user can get rewards if he protects her. Rewards are based on the danger the host's fiancée is in. You can also sign in weekly as a congratulation on keeping your fiancée alive.]

"That's good." Said Mo Xiuluo.

Since his fiancée will be in the same sect, this is very useful.

"Is there any more information about my fiancée?" Mo Xiuluo asked, his brows tightened as he read the words "Reborn Empress."

[Ding! There is more information. Bing Dong'er is reborn! She was once the ruler of the Frozen Heavens but died from other people in the god realm.]

"They won't come down and smite her, will they?" Mo Xiuluo asked, his face ugly.

[Ding! No. She is a reborn that went back in time by entering the Lost Well of Time.]

"Ok, that is good." Said Mo Xiuluo as his expression eased knowing that she wouldn't be in danger.

As long he doesn't have to face off these gods in the early stage. Hell, what is he going to do as a mortal who just started cultivating?

"Hey wait, Gods?" Mo Xiuluo's expression froze and he suddenly had a headache.

"Why did the system say God?"

"Hey, system, explain." Mo Xiuluo yelled, his head pounding.

A moment passed.

"System, are you there?" Mo Xiuluo asked

A moment later.

"Hey, system, answer me." Mo Xiuluo was getting impatient and annoyed.

After asking many times, his system never responded, almost as if he's been muted.

"Hey, fine, forget it. How about signing in?" Mo Xiuluo asked, opening up the system panel.

[Ding! Congratulations on the host's first sign in! You got the Unholy Body alongside a gift pack!]

"Unholy Body?" Mo Xiuluo's expression froze, and was confused.

In the Sky Rise Continent, special physiques are unheard of. Maybe people in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm or the Celestial Realm, but they might only know a thing or two. 

"But why does it sound evil?" 

This was why his expression froze. In this world, you have Blood arts, Holy Arts, and the Prismatic arts, which is a neutral way of cultivating.

Blood arts are what demonic cultivators take, and are heavily frowned upon, and are mortal enemies if you use these arts mainly on humans. You are also blocked from cultivating any other path, but it also comes with its benefits.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence. System, what is the Unholy Body?"

[Ding! All negative side effects from Demonic Qi are removed. Such as emotions getting violent, the urge to kill, or when using a demonic artifact, some side effects will happen, but with the physique, all effects are removed!]

Mo Xiuluo fell into silence hearing this, and took a deep breath.

"Open this gift pack!" Mo Xiuluo said, controlling his emotions.

[Ding! Congratulations on getting the Asura Great Demon Sword and five rank one spirit beast cores!]