Foundation Establishment Realm

The sound of metal hitting each other was heard and the smell of blood started to float.

Mo Xiuluo slashed his sword and a blood-red crescent appeared, causing the air to explode as the crescent flew towards the bandits.

The bandit leader saw the attack coming and held up his sword, blocking the attack.

But, his sword was sliced in half, and was cut open, causing a river of blood to gush out.

"Aaaahhh!" The bandit leader screamed, and his life faded away, and died.

Mo Xiuluo didn't waste any time and killed the other bandits.

Although the bandits were in the Qi Refinement Realm, their skills weren't good.

Their bodies were also in a terrible condition and were malnourished, and some of the bandits even had bones poking out from their skin.

The group of bandits only had thirty people, but only 26 are currently lying down dead and Li Yifeng hasn't come back yet.

"You stand down and rest, I'll see what's taking Li Yifeng so long." Mo Xiuluo said, walking through the trees.

Li Yifeng was in the Core Formation Realm, meaning that he could deal with the remaining 4 bandits instantly, but seeing as he hasn't come back yet, Mo Xiuluo guessed that something is wrong.

After walking for a few minutes, he saw Li Yifeng tattered and blood was gushing out from his stomach.

"Young master." Li Yifeng, seeing Mo Xiuluo, smiled and his body collapsed, but Mo Xiuluo rushed forward and grabbed him before he hit the ground.

Looking at Li Yifeng's injuries and smelling the blood on his body made his face darkened, and looked at the last standing bandit.

This bandit was tall, had long silver hair, and had an evil looking face.

Mo Xiuluo's pupils constricted when he looked at the man, and gritted his teeth and gently put Li Yifeng on the ground.

Mo Xiuluo didn't talk nonsense and slashed at the man who he presumed to be a high level Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator.

The bandit laughed as he deflected the attack.

"Oh, a talented little boy."

Mo Xiuluo's pupils shrunk, and his face turned darker, and his body exploded with power and attacked the man with a series of slashes, but the man easily deflected all of his attacks.

The bandit grinned, seeing this.

"You're quite a talented one. If you were my subordinate, you'd probably become a Foundation Establishment expert."

"That's quite the insult." Mo Xiuluo replied.

"Is it?"

The bandit didn't wait for a reply and attacked with his sword, the sound of metal colliding echoing through the woods.

After exchanging blows, Mo Xiuluo, who has a bit of training in the Phoenix Palms, used it.

"First Palm of Hell!" Mo Xiuluo roared, and his palm ignited and burned the bandit's chest.

The bandit cried in pain and jumped backwards, holding his chest.

"Damn brat." The bandit said, and his Qi surged and attacked Mo Xiuluo, whose body exploded and slashed towards the bandit, clashing.

But, Mo Xiuluo was injured this time. His arms were cut open, and blood was gushing out and dripping onto the ground, painting it red.

Phoenix Palm can't do much with his current strength as he couldn't access the six main points in the body because he couldn't break through the protection of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

After the bandit was hurt, his expression darkened, and the two continued their battle.

"I can't keep this up." Mo Xiuluo said, gritting his teeth.

His current injuries and his body have gone through a lot of strain and have been pushed to the limits. After all, he's only a Qi Refinement cultivator.

As the bandit saw this, his eyes shone.

"I guess I will end this quickly."

The bandit slashed at Mo Xiuluo's chest, causing him to fly into the air.

"Cough, cough."

The bandit looked at Mo Xiuluo.

"It seems like your luck has run out." The bandit said.

"It has."

Mo Xiuluo coughed up blood and was panting heavily, his hands trembling as he held the Ashura Great Demon Sword.

"But I do have one thing." Mo Xiuluo said, channeling the power of the Ashura Great Demon Sword, making his killing intent more and more fierce, causing the area to become cold and dark.

The bandit could feel the killing intent from Mo Xiuluo. It felt as if there were a thousand blades surrounding him, making his body sweat.

"You...You're a demonic cultivator." The bandit said, backing away.

"Maybe I am." Mo Xiuluo grinned and his body exploded with power and rushed towards the bandit, the two exchanging blows.

After a while, Mo Xiuluo couldn't take anymore and was knocked back a few meters.

The bandit's injuries were worse than Mo Xiuluo and was bleeding heavily.

"Looks like your Qi is running out" The bandit said, grinning.

Mo Xiuluo, whose whole body is aching and is covered in cuts, spat out blood and struggled to get up.

"Hahaha! Is it really?" A fierce light appeared in Mo Xiuluo's eyes, and took out a Spirit core.

The bandit stopped for a moment, and his eye's looked at the spirit core.

"I think I'll use this."

Mo Xiuluo threw the spirit core in his mouth, and swallowed it.

Instantly, Mo Xiuluo was covered in a white light, and his body started to become stronger, and his cuts began to heal.

The bandit's expression changed, and his face was filled with shock and fear.

"You bastard! Aren't you afraid of the side effects? This will destroy your foundation and will probably kill you!" The bandit said.

"Not for me!" Mo Xiuluo said, grinning.

As soon as the spirit core was eaten, Mo Xiuluo's injuries started to recover. He even felt the Ashura Great Demon Sword energy flowing throughout his body, and felt a faint sharp barrier protecting him.

'Am I about to break through?'

With this thought, he attacked the bandit, his speed and strength increasing.

The bandit was caught off guard, and was attacked.

After the bandit was hit, his whole body was bleeding and was lying on the ground.

Mo Xiuluo walked up to the bandit, and put his foot on the bandit's neck, causing him to choke.

"Say, any last words?" Mo Xiuluo said, with a mocking smile on his face.

The man tried to speak, but no words came out.

"Oops, forgot that my foot was on your neck."

Saying that, Mo Xiuluo put more pressure on the man's neck, causing it to sink in.

The man's eyes didn't leave Mo Xiuluo's body, and he seemed to say something extremely mean, but Mo Xiuluo went straight to Li Yifeng and touched his body.

"Dead." Mo Xiuluo muttered, making his mood feel heavy.