Master Jiang Feng

Back in the room. Li Wei has already checked everyone's diantian, and those who qualify have already entered the room behind him.

While everyone else waited, Mo Xiuluo was sitting on the ground in a lotus position and was absorbing Qi, cultivating.

It's been a while since Mo Xiuluo started, and he wanted to strengthen his realm in the Foundation Establishment Realm. Everyone else looked at Mo Xiuluo like they were looking at a monster. The Qi in his body has gotten a lot sharper and had a faint burning sense to it as well.

Normally you don't get an element attached to your Qi/diantian till you reach the Soul Transformation Realm if you're talented or Spirit Fusion Realm.

Of course this doesn't mean you don't have an element once you awaken your diantian, but you must use a technique to bring out that element, not have it naturally sitting in your body.

As Mo Xiuluo opened his eyes, he was surrounded by a faint red energy that had a faint burning sense to it.

At that moment, the elders appeared and Mo Xiuluo's cultivation stopped, and he opened his eyes and looked at the elders.

"Hey you slightly handsome kid. Say, why do you, a Foundation Establishment monk, have pure elemental Qi? And not one, but two?"

Mo Xiuluo, hearing her words, was slightly amused, but was a bit shocked.

"Elder, I don't really know how to answer that." Mo Xiuluo said, a bit confused, but he actually had a general understanding why, and that would be the Ashura Great Demon Sword.

"It's the same as Bing Dong'er." Jiang Feng said, looking at Mo Xiuluo.

Hearing Bing Dong'er name appearing in the man's mouth, Mo Xiuluo automatically assumed that he was Master Jiang Feng.

"Are you Master Jiang Feng?" Mo Xiuluo asked, confirming his thoughts.

"Correct, and you're Mo Xiuluo right? Bing Dong'er's Fiancée?"

Mo Xiuluo's eyebrow raised, and nodded his head.

Seeing Mo Xiuluo nod his head, Jiang Feng had a warming smile on his face and walked straight in front of Mo Xiuluo, who could smell a faint scent of flowers from his body.

"Would you like to join the Peak of Life? Bing Dong'er is also worshiped under me." Jiang Feng said, looking into Mo Xiuluo's eyes.

Everyone else in the room looked at Mo Xiuluo with envy in their eyes. Being a core disciple of a peak is a status that all the other's here can only dream of.

"Yes." Mo Xiuluo nodded, his mind already made up a while ago.

"Good. Follow me, I'll lead you to the Peak of Life." Jiang Feng said, gesturing to him to follow.

"Wait for me there, Senior Brother Li. I'll go to the Peak of Life to check on my Fiancée."

Mo Xiuluo cupped his hands and left the place with Jiang Feng.

Leaving the room with Jiang Feng, Mo Xiuluo couldn't help but look back at the room and back at him.

"Master, why don't you recruit other talented people?"

Jiang Feng shook his head, and had a warm smile.

"I have a limit on how many people I can teach personally, and you're my sixth disciple. You have two elder sisters, counting your fiancée, and three elder brothers, one being Li Wei."

"You'll meet your other brothers and sisters later. For now, let's get to the Peak of Life."

Mo Xiuluo listened and didn't ask anymore questions and followed Jiang Feng to an open area.

Jiang Feng looked up at the sky and stretched out his hands. It looked like he was about to summon something.

A few seconds later, a small cloud appeared and was floating in the air.

"Hop on." Jiang Feng said, getting on the cloud.

"Where did the cloud come from?" Mo Xiuluo asked, and got on the cloud and tried to touch to no avail.

"My way of cultivation is life. This is called the cloud of life, and I can create things out of pre-existing things. I can create a tree out of a leaf, and a bird out of a feather. I can even make a small cloud from a misty day."

Jiang Feng answered Mo Xiuluo and the cloud slowly flew up in the sky and was heading towards a huge mountain that was on the island east to the sect.

"Is the Peak of Life located on the mountain?" Mo Xiuluo asked, and Jiang Feng nodded.


Jiang Feng's response was short and simple, but Mo Xiuluo was a bit interested.

"Master, are there any rules for the Peak of Life?"

"Yes. The only thing I ask of you is to respect life."

"There is a lot more, but that's the most important one."Jiang Feng said.

The mountain was a few hundred meters high and had a white pagoda in the middle.

The mountain had a calm and peaceful feeling.

Mo Xiuluo could also see a garden and a lake at the base of the mountain.

The cloud of life landed near the entrance of the mountain and Mo Xiuluo and Jiang Feng hopped off.

"What's your opinion on demonic cultivators, master?" Mo Xiuluo said, stepping onto the fresh grass.

Jiang Feng's expression paused for a moment, and the grass seemed to sway towards him as if they were calling out to him.

"One's path doesn't dictate a person's essence, but it can create the base canvas."

Mo Xiuluo looked up at the sky and let out a soft sigh, and his expression darkened.

'This is one hell of a path I'm taking.' 

"Though, currently I almost view them as the same as the holy path." Jiang Feng added on to his sentence, making Mo Xiuluo's heart confused.

"Isn't the holy path the ultimate path of righteousness? The path that the heavens approve of, the path that all the people praise, and the path that brings balance and peace. Is it not the most righteous path that a human can take? So why do you view them as the same as a demonic cultivator, the ultimate path of evil?"

Jiang Feng shook his head.

"There is no such thing as a right path. There is only a path you take. Some may call it righteous, some may call it evil, and some may even call it stupid, but that's the only path there is. Why do you think the neutral path exists? Because of the people who don't want to pick a side."

Mo Xiuluo thought about those words.

In the world of cultivation, there are many paths that you can choose, but everyone wants to be the strongest.

If a person chooses a righteous path, then they will get a lot of benefits and can even use Holy Artifacts and grow their strength with them. You can also consume the power in the artifacts and won't have any of the side effects that demon cultivators have while devouring spirit cores.

But, the righteous path also has drawbacks, like the fact that you can only use weapons made from holy materials.

This is an obvious downside, but a good weapon can change the outcome of a fight, and if the weapon you use breaks, then that can mean death for a cultivator.

They also sacrifice materials to their so-called god for more power or some sort of miracle to happen.

But that's not the only thing, they mainly flock in groups and have deep trust in each other, and would willingly die for the greater cause.

The demonic path has a lot more drawbacks than the righteous path, and their only advantage is that they can devour anything.

The demonic path is a forbidden path. A path that most people do not take because of the risk, the side effects, and the fact that the world will despise you if they find out.

Demonic cultivators use the lives of others and take the essence inside of it.

There are many different types of demonic cultivators, and Mo Xiuluo plans on becoming a demonic cultivator who stands on no morals when it comes to enemies or beasts.

The path that Mo Xiuluo chose will cause a lot of people to hate him, and in the world of cultivation, you have to be strong or else you die.

Mo Xiuluo doesn't care for anyone, and doesn't see a problem with killing and using humans as materials for his cultivation.

He doesn't see the point of saving people.

In this world, life is worthless.

But, what about the neutral path?

The neutral path is a path that doesn't pick a side and just lives their life normally and would rather cultivate themselves but not have any side effects of cultivating.

The neutral path is a boring and mediocre path that will only get stronger because of hard work.

Jiang Feng looked at Mo Xiuluo who was lost in thought and tapped his shoulders lightly.

"No need to dwell on the morals of the world. Instead, let me take you to your room and introduce you to the person you've been looking for."

Jiang Feng smiled, and the grass rustled.