
As the two of them reached Jiang Feng's residence, they were met with a bunch of food and decorations.

"Master, is this a party or something?" Mo Xiuluo asked and had a bit of a smile on his face.

"Today is a very special day, and is the day I took you both in. Of course in different years, but you also need to receive from me and your five other senior's. Considering it's only me and Bing Dong'er here, you both get to eat my delicious food that I spent a lot of effort on."

Mo Xiuluo was a bit amused and had a bit of a grin, but Bing Dong'er looked at him speechlessly.

"So your gift is to set me and him up on a date?" Bing Dong'er said, with a sigh.

Jiang Feng's expression was a bit awkward, and coughed lightly.

"Well, that's the general idea."

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, Bing Dong'er's face became cold and snorted, but she still sat down and began to eat.

Seeing her actions, Mo Xiuluo shook his head and sat down to eat as well.

Jiang Feng sat down next to Mo Xiuluo and also began to eat.

Mo Xiuluo stuffed his face with food while Jiang Feng and Bing Dong'er ate slower.

Mo Xiuluo was enjoying the taste of the food and looked up at Bing Dong'er and asked, "Say, why don't you like this whole fiancée thing?"

Jiang Feng coughed when he heard this question, and Bing Dong'er just kept on eating, ignoring the question.

feeling the awkward atmosphere, Jiang Feng got up silently and left the two alone.

Seeing Jiang Feng leave, Mo Xiuluo looked back at Bing Dong'er and opened his mouth, but he was ruthlessly cut off by her.

"Shut up and eat."

Mo Xiuluo's lips twitched and didn't say anything and ate.

After a few minutes, Bing Dong'er had already finished eating, and Mo Xiuluo still hadn't finished yet.

"Why is the food so good?"

Mo Xiuluo mumbled with his mouth full of food, but he was still a bit frustrated with his Fiancée.

Looking at his stupid appearance, Bing Dong'er snorted and said, "Pig!"

Mo Xiuluo looked up and didn't get mad, and asked, "So are you willing to talk now?"

Bing Dong'er had a gloomy expression and didn't look at Mo Xiuluo and looked at the sky instead.

"Fine." She muttered.

"What do you want to know?"

Mo Xiuluo looked at Bing Dong'er and didn't answer for a moment, but finally answered.

"This is our first date, so let's introduce ourselves."

Bing Dong'er froze.

'This guy is really taking this as a date?'

Bing Dong'er wanted to reject him, but when she looked at him, he had a sincere and pure smile on his face.

'Maybe it's not a bad idea to take him as a friend.'

Bing Dong'er calmed down and didn't reject his suggestion.


Mo Xiuluo nodded in satisfaction, and rolled his hand to let her continue speaking.

"My name is Bing dong'er. My element is ice, and I was born in the ice clan. My birthday is March 17th. I like eating snow lotus and I hate fanatics."

Bing Dong'er paused and looked at Mo Xiuluo.

"Your turn."

"My name is Mo Xiuluo. My element is fire and sword and I was born in the Mo Clan. My birthday is October 31st. I like fighting and dislike people who dislike me."

Bing Dong'er's eyelids twitched and was about to say something, but she stopped and didn't say anything.

"Since the introductions are done, can you take me around the Peak of Life?" Mo Xiuluo asked.

Bing Dong'er nodded her head and stood up from her seat and exited the room while saying, "This doesn't count as a date."

"Ah, yes yes. It's simply the beautiful senior sister taking care of her handsome younger brother."

Mo Xiuluo hurriedly agreed.

Bing Dong'er, who was ahead, stopped walking and had a weird expression on her face.

Mo Xiuluo saw Bing Dong'er's pause and had a smile on his face.

"What are you not beautiful and I'm not handsome?"

"The first part is corrected."

"Hey, what about the second part?"

"Have you ever seen a cute pig?"

"What does this have to do with pigs? Do you like pork?"

"No, but you look like a pig."

"You know, you should really try and make friends."

"I'm fine. I already have a pig."

"Can we move on? This is getting nowhere." Bing Dong'er said.

"Alright, but you're the one who brought up pigs."

"Shut up, and follow me."



The two of them were quiet, and their relationship didn't really change, but it seemed like the two had a closer bond.


At the same time, Jiang Feng was inside the room, and he was looking out the window.

"Those kids have a complicated relationship, but maybe it will be a good thing for them."

Jiang Feng sighed and turned back around and began to do his daily work.

"Sect competition is coming up in a month, then it's the Continent competition in three months. The max age for a person to sign up is 20, so take this opportunity to train the two."

Jiang Feng had a determined expression on his face.

"Maybe we can use this to bring their relationship closer."

If Bing Dong'er heard these words, I don't know what her reaction would be.

But if Mo Xiuluo heard these words, he'd probably give his new master a thumbs up.

As for Mo Xiuluo and Bing Dong'er, the two of them were touring the peak and didn't say a word except the casual explanation here and there by Bing Dong'er.

After walking around and taking in some of the scenery, Mo Xiuluo asked a question that has been lingering on his mind for a while.

"Senior Sister Bing, is there a place to fight?"

"We have a training hall." Bing Dong'er said, and changed direction and walked towards a huge building that had a large door.

When the two of them arrived at the entrance, Bing Dong'er pushed the door open to reveal an open space with a platform in the middle.

"You can come here whenever you want."

Mo Xiuluo nodded, and he looked around.

"How about a friendly duel?"

Bing Dong'er turned to look at Mo Xiuluo and had an eyebrow raised.

She was quite curious about the strength of her so-called Fiancée. Ever since she learnt that he had two elements, she wanted to fight him and try his strength. As a reborn god, she knows how rare it is to have more than one element, and it's almost required if you want to become a god.

"Sure, but do you want to make a bet?" Bing Dong'er asked.

Mo Xiuluo raised a brow and looked at Bing Dong'er with a smile. 

"Are you sure you want to bet? I won't hold back on my request."

Bing Dong'er snorted and nodded.

"Then it's settled, the loser must fulfill the winner's request." Mo Xiuluo said and jumped up onto the platform.