The Bet

Feeling her fans move back into her left hand, Bing Dong'er approached Mo Xiuluo, looking very serious.

"You're really strong. I didn't expect you to make me bring out my avatar."

"Avatar?" Mo Xiuluo asked.

"Your sword energy is a form of your killing intent. This is the normal path for demonic cultivators." 

Saying that, she gave Mo Xiuluo a little look and continued.

"That's only its initial stage. Once you fully master your spiritual power and have a deep understanding of the art of sword you're taking; you can also have an avatar."

Hearing this, Mo Xiuluo looked thoughtful and thought of one important thing.

"Sword/Killing intent is only one of my elements. Doesn't that mean I have multiple avatars?"

Bing Dong'er shook her head.

"No, but you can merge them together to make a stronger avatar, but that's way too far away for you now."

Bing Dong'er answered, and then walked over to the wounded Mo Xiuluo and put her right hand on his chest.

Mo Xiuluo could feel a cold chill running through his body and slowly healing the wound.

Mo Xiuluo stood still while the wound was being healed.

He had a weird expression on his face and looked a bit awkward as he shifted his leg to cover up an area…

After a few minutes, the wound was almost gone.

The scar was still there, but it would disappear in a few days.

Mo Xiuluo looked down at the scar and was a bit disappointed.

Bing Dong'er didn't care about the scar and looked at Mo Xiuluo with her ice blue eyes.

"The bet, I won." She said, and looked at him seriously.

Mo Xiuluo's expression froze and looked up at her with a weird smile.

"You won, and I lost, so what's your request?"

Bing Dong'er paused and seemed to think about something and finally asked a question.

"How much do you know about the sect competition coming up?"

Mo Xiuluo was startled at her question. He thought she was going to ask him to stop bothering her or break up the engagement between the two of them. As for the sect competition, he knew nothing about it.

"No. Why, what's wrong?"

Bing Dong'er sighed hearing him.

"The competition is in three formats. 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3. I want you to be my duos partner."

Hearing her words, Mo Xiuluo's eyes widened in shock. He didn't think his fiancée wanted him to join her in the 2v2.

"Why me? Why not ask the Senior Sister or someone you know better."

Bing Dong'er sighed.

"I want someone strong, and even though we've only met today, you are strong. Also, the age of the competition is only 20 and under. The seniors are all older than 20 years old."

Mo Xiuluo nodded and took a good look at Bing Dong'er and agreed. This kind of punishment can also be seen as a reward for Mo Xiuluo as he gets to spend more time with his fiancée.

"Alright, then it's settled. We'll go into the sect competition as a duo pair."

Bing Dong'er didn't reply and just stared at Mo Xiuluo and nodded her head.

"Good. I need to go do something, so if you want, go and meet the other disciples. It's best to have some people on your side."

Bing Dong'er finished what she needed to say, and left Mo Xiuluo standing there, looking at her figure disappear.

Mo Xiuluo turned and looked around the training ground, and after a few minutes, left and headed towards the living quarters.

'Li Wei should be back right?' He thought, as he looked for his Senior Brother.

He walked past a couple of doors and laid his eyes on one that had an oak sign hanging down that said Li Wei.

The outside area of his quarters was very messy, but it had that feeling that it belonged.

Mo Xiuluo knocked on the door and waited patiently for his senior brother to open the door.

A minute later, the door opened and a person that was a little shorter than Mo Xiuluo appeared.

"Mo Xiuluo? Seems that you've settled in nicely."

Li Wei smiled, and invited him in.

The inside of his house was a bit more tidy, and there was a smell of incense and some sort of perfume.

Li Wei pointed towards a seat, and sat down opposite to him.

"So, did you meet your fiancée?"

Li Wei asked, and had a bit of a grin on his face.

"I did." Mo Xiuluo responded.

"We had a date, and we're also going to do the 2v2 battle together during the sect competition."

Hearing Mo Xiuluo's words, he coughed up some of the tea in his mouth and looked at him in horror.

"You actually got Junior Sister Bing to team up with you? Three years ago many tried but failed."

Mo Xiuluo passed him a napkin and looked at him curiously.

"Three years ago? Does that mean this happens every three years?"

Li Wei nodded.

"It does. Every three years, the sect holds a competition to show the disciples' progress, and also for the disciples to see how much stronger they have gotten since the last competition. The current one is in one month. Master should mention something about this sooner or later."

Li Wei explained, and Mo Xiuluo seemed a bit lost in thought.

"Do you think I should try and enter the 1v1 and the 3v3 as well?"

"Maybe." Li Wei said, and took another sip of tea.

"If I were you, I'd focus more on the duo's fight. Duos is more focused than ones and threes."


"Because of dual cultivation."

Now it was Mo Xiuluo's turn to cough up his tea and stare at Li Wei in horror.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. Dual cultivation doesn't just have to be about the breeding of two people. If you can mix your Spiritual Power and Qi into one with your partner, you can get a lot of benefits from it."

Hearing this, Mo Xiuluo became a bit thoughtful. He has no idea about dual cultivation, but he could tell that this could be beneficial.

Mo Xiuluo didn't reply, and Li Wei continued speaking.

"As for the benefits… I think you and Junior Sister should find out yourselves."

Mo Xiuluo sighed, and nodded his head.

"Thanks for the tip."

Li Wei grinned and replied, "It's the least I can do for my junior brother."

"Oh, I forgot to mention, two other seniors from our peak will come back and watch Bing Dong'er fight as well to meet you in person, so be prepared."

Li Wei said, and then began to talk about the sect and its disciples.