A Deal

While strolling through the bustling streets of the commercial zone, Raziel tried to recall an important location where he could obtain money and a crucial artifact.

At the same time, he couldn't help but admire the beauty of the place, which he had only glimpsed briefly in the game.

It reminded him of a shopping district from his past life, but with the charm of medieval architecture adding a unique aesthetic.

As Raziel wandered through the area, his gaze settled on an imposing marble building.

The distinct purple-and-white coin symbol above the entrance confirmed that he had finally arrived at his destination. Without wasting any time, he stepped inside, with Clarice silently following close behind.

They were quickly greeted by an attractive, mature woman dressed in a professional, classical white dress, similar to a Chinese qipao.

She approached them with a warm smile and said, "Welcome to the Merchant Guild of Gravantia. How can I assist you today?"

"I would like to speak with Jasir. Is he available at the moment?" Raziel asked, his tone polite yet composed.

The woman frowned upon hearing the name and gave Raziel a cautious look.

"Who are you?" she asked, her voice tinged with suspicion.

Only a select few were aware of the name Jasir, as he was a prominent figure.

His true identity as the owner of the empire's most prosperous merchant guild was known only to his loyal employees, influential figures, and family members.

Judging by the woman's reaction, it was clear she was a trusted underling, one of the few who knew about her employer's true identity.

"My name is Raziel Harvestead," he stated plainly, his tone steady as he watched the woman's reaction carefully.

Upon hearing Raziel's name, the woman's eyes widened. She quickly straightened up and, bowing slightly, said, "I apologize for my lack of etiquette, young master."

"No problem, ma'am. I understand it's your job to be cautious of others," Raziel replied graciously.

"Thank you, young master, for your understanding. How can I assist you?" she said, bowing her head respectfully.

"I just came to see my uncle," Raziel said, handing her a golden card adorned with intricate black patterns to confirm his identity.

The woman's demeanor softened further as she nodded, instantly recognizing the exclusive VIP card. She then gestured for him to follow her closely.

Raziel nodded and signaled for Clarice to follow him. Her silence lingered as they walked deeper into the guild.

As they walked through the place, Raziel couldn't help but admire its grandeur and beauty.

Golden chandeliers hung from the ceilings, casting a warm, inviting glow, while the walls were adorned with paintings that radiated luxury.

Every corner seemed meticulously crafted, from the intricate moldings to the gleaming marble floors, all of it speaking to the wealth and sophistication that defined the Merchant Guild of Gravantia.

Even the people inside wore extravagant clothes, made from fine fabrics and detailed with intricate designs, showing their wealth and status.

After passing through several corridors and crossing into employees-only areas, the woman came to a halt in front of a simple big painting.

It depicted an elegant boy with blonde hair and brown eyes, dressed in a military outfit, striking a salute pose.

'Isn't this boy in the painting me?' Raziel thought to himself, vaguely recalling the day his uncle had brought him to a famous artist to paint a portrait.

Below the painting, he noticed a small black, round stone embedded in the frame, its center marked by a tiny round hole.

The woman then calmly removed her round golden necklace and inserted it into the hole.

Suddenly, the wall began to tremble slightly, distorting like a mirage. The painting vanished, revealing a dark entrance to a narrow gray stone corridor, just wide enough for two people to walk side by side.

"Please, young master, follow this way," the woman instructed, bowing her head as she gestured toward the dark entrance.

Raziel's eyes twitched as he observed the secret passage, thinking how cliché this all was. However, he decided to enter the dark corridor.

He quickly glanced at Clarice and noticed that she seemed unfazed by the secret passage, which made him inwardly praise her courage.

In truth, she was afraid, but she skillfully concealed it.

As Raziel and Clarice stepped into the dark corridor, torches on the walls lit up one by one, casting flickering light.

It didn't take long for them to reach the end of the passage, where a large gray stone door, carved with a three-horned dragon, came into view.

If Raziel hadn't known this was his family's symbol, he might have mistaken it for the entrance to a bizarre cult hall.

When he approached the door, the dragon's eyes flared with an intense red glow, and a deep, hoarse voice demanded, "Identify yourself and give me a good reason not to cast you out."

Clarice, watching from the side, felt a chill run down her spine.

"Oh, Uncle, it's me," Raziel said, his voice calm but assertive.

"This voice... Raziel?" the deep voice asked, a hint of surprise in its tone.

"In person," he joked with a faint smirk.

The moment Raziel confirmed his identity, the stone door slowly creaked open, revealing a completely dark room with no visible lights inside.

Raziel signaled for Clarice to follow him, and though a little reluctant, she complied. As they both stepped inside the room, their vision suddenly blurred.

Seconds later, they found themselves in a grand, well-lit room adorned with exquisite decor.

The walls were lined with fine tapestries and polished wooden shelves filled with golden rare artifacts, their beauty illuminated by the soft glow of golden chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

Before them stood a finely crafted light brown wooden desk. Behind it sat a man in quiet contemplation, flipping through what appeared to be a catalog of treasures from an auction house.

The man had a mix of dark brown and blonde hair, with brown eyes and round black glasses. He was dressed in a fine brown suit.

His handsome face gave the appearance of a refined middle-aged man, while also exuding a cunning yet charming aura.

This person was Jasir Harvestead, a very influential and dangerous man.

Dangerous, as long as you messed with his family.

Jasir placed the catalog on his desk, took a good look at Raziel's face, and spoke in a dignified voice, "Ah, it is indeed you, my dear nephew. It's rare for you to appear here."

"Hello, Second Uncle Jasir," Raziel replied with a respectful bow.

"S-second u-uncle!?" Jasir exclaimed, his face showing shock as he repeated Raziel's words.

A little startled by his reaction, Raziel realized a second later his mistake, but it was too late.

"My position as first uncle has been taken again! I can't believe it... Bwaaa!" Jasir feigned a cry, clutching his chest dramatically as he put on an over-the-top scene.

Seeing a middle-aged man in his forties putting on such a childish display created an incredibly embarrassing and awkward sight.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry! Now please stop it; this is embarrassing. I promise I'll call you First Uncle again," Raziel urged, desperately trying to put an end to his uncle's embarrassing act.

Upon hearing that, Jasir's face lit up with a smile as he asked, "Really?"

"Really, really. Now stop with that 'First Uncle,'" Raziel insisted firmly.

Jasir stopped his antics and, with a smile, shifted back to his usual serious demeanor. He then asked Raziel, "So, why have you come here? You rarely make an appearance in this place."

Even though Raziel was reluctant to say the reason, he admitted to being short on money, which made Jasir give him a knowing look.

He didn't mind giving money to his favorite nephew, but since Raziel's father had recently been angry with the boy's performance, Jasir was only allowed to give him a maximum of two hundred Liridio per week.

"I understand. So how much do you need? As long as it—"

"I'll need five thousand Liridio coins!" Raziel said without shame.

Jasir's eyes narrowed tightly after hearing that, thinking maybe he had heard wrong.

"Did you just say five thousand? Are you trying to buy a house or something? That's a very large amount of money," Jasir said, adjusting his round glasses.

Just as Raziel thought, such an amount was indeed large, even for wealthy people. If he didn't give a good reason, no matter how much his uncle pampered him, it wouldn't be enough.

However, something came to his mind, giving him a good way to convince his uncle to lend him the money.

"I know it's too much, but don't worry, Uncle. It won't be for free."

Upon hearing that, Jasir made a curious expression, trying to guess what Raziel intended to offer. If he proposed to repay it back, it wouldn't work.

"Not free? So you intend to pay it back? Even so, I'm afraid I can't give you that much. After all, your father has prohibited me from giving you more than two hundred Liridios per week," Jasir said in a helpless tone, clearly disliking having to say no to his nephew.

As Raziel was the only heir of the main family and the son of his cousin, whom he considered a brother, Jasir had always thought of him like his own son.

His own status and fortune were only possible thanks to the perfectly mutual cooperation between Raziel's father and himself, built on dark methods such as blackmail, extortion, and assassinations.

In this world, even Jasir, being an incredibly powerful High-Class A summoner capable of exploring Medium-Level monster zones alone, achieving his current position in the capital city would have been improbable without Raziel's father's help.

So, he had an unshakable loyalty to his family, making it hard to go against the word of the family patriarch.

"No, Uncle, I'm not going to pay it back. Actually, I will make a deal with you. Do you remember the day you asked me to think about your proposal?"

"Oh... You mean that talk we had last month? Are you perhaps seeking to accept my offer for that amount of money?" Jasir said, already understanding where his nephew was headed.

"Bingo!" Raziel retorted, confirming Jasir's guess.

Guessing something like that was very easy for Jasir. Not only that, but he already knew that if they made it appear like a transaction, his father wouldn't have too much of a problem.

After all, this was a "fair" deal.

"This... This is incredible! My nephew is already exploiting the loopholes, just like a pure Harvestead should!" Jasir said, making a fake teary face and sounding very proud.

Then he added, "Wait for me, I'll be back in a minute."

When Jasir was about to go pick the money from the treasure room, Raziel asked him to bring along a tiny rainbow-colored stone he had given to him days ago, when Sylfi had refused take it as a gift.

Raziel felt a little bad about taking it back because he knew Jasir liked collecting strange stones. However, it was a crucial part of the plan to save Clarice's mother.

Jasir didn't seem to care that much. The stone had no monetary value, and it was only kept because it was a gift from his nephew.

The man then walked toward a door near some hidden shelves and entered the unknown room.

As Raziel waited for his uncle, he remembered that Clarice was with him and took a glance at her.

She appeared to be, as usual, expressionless and silent.

However, Clarice was genuinely surprised by the scene she witnessed. After working with Raziel for three months, she knew exactly who this person was.

It never occurred to her that someone so important and feared like Jasir would act like this toward Raziel. She even felt a chilling gaze from him directed at herself.

Clarice was not dumb and understood the message. This was a clear sign for her to never mention what she had seen.

While Clarice's mind was occupied with the worry of keeping her mouth shut, Raziel sighed, thinking about what he ended up offering.

'In exchange for the money, I'll have to go on a date with his daughter, but... she's my cousin!'