Chapter 84

"Very well," she conceded. "But make it quick. This sun has finally started burning through our sunscreen and I do not wish to feel it's effects on my skin."

Selene smiled at them.

"Of course."

Letting go of my arm, she turned to me and took two steps back. With her back turned to the two women they could not see her face, but I could.

She was smiling. Not that haughty smirk or the predatory smile, but the one I had seen in the theater and after I had given her my blood to drink.

My heartbeat quickened.

"My first gift is this."

Reaching around her neck, I saw her pull out a necklace that she must have been hiding underneath her clothes. I had occasionally got glimpses of what looked like a chain hidden beneath her shirt, but this was the first time I had it confirmed.

The two women behind Selene gasped as the girl pulled out a platinum necklace with a blood red gem shaped like an oval on it. The gem was encased in a gold band that surrounded it, and the light from the sun sent refracting beams along it's surface. Even though I was not a jeweler by any means of the word, I could tell that this was not made through natural processes.

"Lady Selene, you can't be serious." The stern woman spoke up once again. The hillbilly seemed to have gone catatonic.

Selene turned her head.

"I am dead serious."

The woman looked ready to start lecturing.

"If your father hears about this he ―"

"Will do nothing!" Selene whirled around, facing the two women with a hiss. I had just managed to catch a glimpse of the shifting emotions on her face. The way her eyes narrowed dangerously and the snarl on her lips. She was angry. "He cannot decide who I can give my bloodstone to! That is my right and mine alone! And neither you, nor my father, nor the gods be damned originator can tell me who I can and can't give it to!"

The two woman looked incredibly startled by this sudden display of anger. I was startled by this display of anger. In the time I have known her, I had seen Selene act in many different capacities with many different emotions. I've seen her playful, I've seen her surprised, I've seen her shocked, happy, grateful, endearing, shy, embarrassed and many other emotions. But in all the time I had known her, about a month and a week, I had never seen her angry.

My body began to respond.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh please god no. Don't tell me this is what's been happening to me. I'm to young, it's too soon. I'm not ready!

Heedless to my rising horror, the business woman continued to plead her case.

"Lady Selene, see reason. Your bloodstone isn't something you should give to just anyone. There are only twenty seven of those in the entire world."

"You don't have to tell me that!" Selene hissed, still angry. I paled when my pants began to feel very tight at her tone. Dear sweet god, this couldn't be happening! "I know everything there is to know about bloodstones! Do not forget that I am the one who created it!"

She turned to look at me and smiled. I felt like my body might suddenly spontaneously combust from overheating.

This was not good. Really not good.

"And Harry isn't just anyone," Selene turned to glare at the two again. "You two could never truly understand what he's done for me. If there is someone worthy of receiving this, it's him."

"My lady Selene..." the stern one tried to argue again, but Selene was having none of it.

"If you continue to argue with me, Therese, I will challenge you to trial by combat over this." The woman's entire body went stiff as a board at the same time the hillbilly's eyes widened almost comically. I was just glad to finally know who was who. It gave me a chance to focus on something other than the way my body was reacting in a way it shouldn't yet.

When neither women spoke up, and Therese began looking uncomfortable, Selene nodded, satisfied.

"Do not forget, dear sisters, that I am stronger than you both."

I don't know what surprised me more. Selene's words about her being stronger, or that she called them her sisters. Weren't they supposed to be servants? Or was this a part of vampire culture I was as of yet unaware of?

She turned back to me. Thankfully, by this point in time I had managed to at least hide my reaction to her by shifting my pants.

"Here," Selene took the chain and placed it around my head, letting it settle with the bloodstone against my chest. She placed a hand on my chest, right next to where the stone was now nestled. I could feel the warmth of her skin through the fabric of my clothes. "So long as you have this on you, we will most definitely meet again."




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