Harry wondered if there was any significance with that in regards to his magical index.
"That is the size of an above average adult witch or wizard, which can range from 40,000 to 75,000. Average witches and wizards have an index of about 30,000 and usually fluctuate between around that level, but never really get any higher. The really powerful witches and wizards have a magical index rating that can go above 90,000, though such power is very rare, nearly unheard of. Most children your age only have an index ranging from 10,000 to 15,000, with the more powerful children ranging anywhere from 16,000 to 25,000 thousand."
Harry gave a noncommittal nod as he committed the numbers to memory. He assumed the above 90,000 range was where wizards like Dumbledore and Voldemort were located on the Merlin Power Scale. They were really the only ones who could possible have reserves that large.
It looked like he had a long way to go before reaching their level, but he was still very pleased to hear he was around the level of an above average adult wizard, even if he was on the lower end of the totem poll.
"I believe that is the first time you've called me by my first name."
Harry opened his mouth, then closed it. She was right. In fact, it was the first time he had called anyone older than him by their first name.
How strange.
"So it is," he would deal with whatever that meant later. There were more important things to worry about. "I was wondering, since my magical index is so high, do you think it could effect me in anyway?"
"You mean like adverse side effects?" she asked, her brow furrowing in thought.
"Not necessarily," Harry corrected, "I mean in general. You know how children at a young age have bouts of accidental magic that can affect the environment or people around them like changing their hair color or making objects float?"
"Yes." Emily looked curious. She was obviously wondering where he was going with this.
"Well, what if my magic is so strong that it has actually affected my body? You said that I am in excellent physical condition, yes?"
"I did," Emily brought the parchment back up to her face again and reread what was on it. "Aside from getting a read on your magical index, I also checked your body for any symptoms of possible magical viruses. They can affect any part of the body so Mediwizards must get a clear medical scan of all your bodies systems; the nervous system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, musculature and skeletal systems. Every possible area of your body is given a thorough scan to ensure there are no irregularities that may be caused by a magical disease or dark curses."
Harry nodded. Magical diseases were quite deadly. The Dragon Pox epidemic that had swept through the magical world in the twentieth century was proof of that. Even though there was a cure, several witches and wizards had still died before treatments could be administered.
"The only place where I can detect any kind of taint is the scar on your forehead. Unfortunately, I am unsure if my readings on your scar mean anything. No one else has ever survived the killing curse so I have no context to base my findings off of."
Harry raised an eyebrow. He was aware of the taint, but did not know anything beyond the fact that it was there. Perhaps she could tell him more.
"And what did you find out?"
"Only that there is dark magic lingering around the scar," Emily replied. "I am somewhat surprised that there is still so much dark magic around it, but it's as I said, for all I know this could be natural for someone who survived the killing curse to have. Curses like that are certainly powerful enough to leave lasting impressions."
"So there's nothing wrong with it?"
"You mean aside from the fact that it's leaking dark magic like a sieve?" she asked rhetorically. "No, nothing that I can detect at any rate. It is more than likely just the lingering taint from powerful dark magic."
Harry sighed. It looked like she knew nothing about his scar either. He wondered if there was anyone who could determine whether or not the taint in his scar was harmful?
"Is it possible that my magic is boosting my physical attributes?" asked Harry, getting to the crux of why he scheduled this appointment. "Like, say my magic affecting my muscular system. I have always been very active, and exercise a lot, so perhaps my magic has been enhancing the effects of my exercise routine, making my muscles stronger than they would be otherwise."
"That... that could be possible," Emily had a thoughtful look on her face. "Most times when a child does accidental magic it's usually a case of the child experiencing a high level of emotions, often negative emotions, and is generally a form of self-defense. Sort of like an autonomic reaction, the magic responds to their emotions without the will of the child."
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