"Excellent!" Harry said, matching her excitement. "In that case, I'll send along all my notes on what I have discovered so far and all the theories and hypothesis' I've come up with. It will take a little while to get them in order, but they should be sent to you before it's time for me to go to Hogwarts. Read them over, write some revisions and let me know what you think. If possible, I would like to have this book published in two years."
"Two years?" Emily frowned. "That's awfully ambitious, Harry. This is some serious theoretical work we're getting into. Not to mention we're entering undiscovered territory here. I think this will take a lot more than just two years. Maybe even around a decade."
Harry's lips turned downward. He had been hoping to get this book out before graduating. It would have looked good on his resume.
"I guess we'll just have to see how well we can do," he responded diplomatically. "We won't rush this. I want our work to be accurate, but I do hope it will not take as long as a decade."
"Of course," Emily smiled. "You're an ambitious young man. We'll see what can be done to speed this along without rushing our research." She looked over at the clock on the wall. "Speaking of rushing, it looks like it's time for you to go. I'm already running fifteen minutes late to my next appointment."
"Alright," Harry stood up. "I'll see you later. It was a pleasure speaking with you, as always."
"Bye, Harry. Nice talking to you to."
Emily saw Harry out the door, and the young Potter heir began making his way out of Saint Mungo's Hospital.
As he left and walked into a secluded alley where he would apparate back home, only one thought was on his mind, and it was not about the book he would be writing with Emily Smith.
Puberty. He couldn't believe it. He was going through puberty. To be more specific, he was already in the middle phase of puberty when male's started having erotic dreams that according to the medical books he had read were known as wet dreams and often woke up with an erection known as morning wood.
Harry had always known it would eventually happen. Most males start going through puberty around the ages of eleven or twelve. He had actually started a bit earlier than most, ten, but the only difference was that he had begun releasingGonadotropin-releasing hormone, or GnRH, earlier than normal. The last thing he had expected was to start waking up with a pitch tent in boxers and a mess in his sheets!
That particular phase should not have started until he was at least thirteen!
What's worse was that the reason he was beginning so early was because of his magic! His own magic!
Harry had always been very pleased with how his physical form was shaped. He was taller than almost all of the other boys his age, his facial structure was just a little more mature and possessing of less baby fat. Most people often mistook him for someone a year or two older than he really was. And he liked that.
Even better was how good of shape he was in. While Harry would not consider himself vein by any means of the word, he had always been pleased at how well formed his muscles were. There were boys who were already reaching the end of their teenage years that did not have a body as well formed as his was. While his muscles were not like those of a body builder, they were well built enough that people could actually see the beginning forms of muscle definition on them. He even had a six pack that was starting to take shape.
Now though... now he was beginning to regret how his magic had been helping build his body. It was clear to him that in order to help his muscle growth along, his magic had been releasing various chemicals into his body, including testosterone, the principle sex hormone that not only helped build muscle mass, but also increased a male's sex drive. As much as Harry had enjoyed the benefits of having a body that was fit and looked older than his physical age, he was not sure he was ready to experience all of the issues that came with such a chemical being produced within him in mass quantities.
Namely, he was not ready to experience the issue known as girls.
As Harry Potter apparated back to his relatives house, leaving the alley with a near silent displacement of air, only one thought crossed his mind.
He was so screwed.
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