Chapter 10: Escape

Black hands is a mafiaso group doing illegal acts in the underworld(underground) in the entire empire such as killing,spying,torture,drugs,slavery,sextortion,gambling,kidnapping and some other illegal scum deeds.

(Trivia:Well black hands are a real mafia group)

It was a hidden branch the underworld face of the black organization Wraiths.

The Wraiths main purpose is to annihilate and bring chaos to humanity and the Black hands is a side of them that corrupts the mind of the people by spreading deadly vices such as doing drugs or lowly acts such as sextortion and etc.

Denaro Hessir.

He was a middle aged amiable and kind looking man but don't be deceived by his suave and gentlemanly appearance.

He was a heartless and his was an inhuman scum.

He was the mad dog of the mafiaso group Black hands.

He was known as the "Doberman" as he would do anything even to kill his own lover just to show his owner(leader of the Black hands) his loyalty.

He was one time task to torture and get information from her now dead ex-lover spy of the government then mercilessly killing her in the process .

She was his lover of two years.

She was an agent of the empire spying on him and on the other Black hands members close to him monitoring their movements.

The empire was preparing to conduct an special operation to annihilate their mafiaso group but she was caught as a spy making the empire authorities fail.

Denaro didn't hesitate to torture her in many despicable and inhuman ways.

He let her be raped by the low level members of the mafioso group.

He hanged her upside down then slapped,kicked and punched her.

He burned her using cigarettes and then used waterboarding a form of Asphyxiation a very painful torture that cuts the air supply of the victim.

He broke each of her fingers then removed her nails on the fingers. She could only scream painfully everytime.

Denaro completely broke her but he still didn't get any information or anything useful from her.

Losing her sanity and senses after the painful and gruesome torture she had suffered made him mad.

In a fit of his anger he acciddentally strangled her to death.


Minerva's Pov

I regressed through time.

I was send back through time by the Goddess before the start of my end.

I returned before the darkness stole my body and will.

I came back before the abyss tried to devour my soul.

How did this happen just when I thought that all hope is gone?

I was like a bird with a broken wings unable to fly and escaped in the blue sky, that painful and horrible nightmare.

When I was young I hold fast to a dream. It was a dream of a joyful and peaceful world and that I can help to achieve it but, when I turned 14 and met the cardinal I became a half dead puppet of Sphinx the leader of the Wraiths and one of the Terrors.

The real Cardinal Cayn is dead and he was replaced by a "selkie" a shape shifter and one of the eye(spy) planted in the Church by Sphinx for his grand plan to bring chaos in the world and end humanity.

( In Celtic and Norse mythology is a shape shifter that takes the from of a seal in water and a human in land)

This was the day wherein, me and some of the church knights and some of my attendants are going to the city of Dregunns and meet the cardinal and some nobles of the city but all of it was a trap.

My attendants and church knights will be killed and slaughtered like pigs.

Only I, would be left barely alive as I became a victim of the malicious skill of Sphinx. The puppet soul strings that can immobilize the human soul and steal the human body and will of the skills target for an eternity or simply until the soul was devoured and became one with the abyss .

The puppet soul strings are connected to the abyss. It was the source of the power of Sphinx in time it would turned the soul of its target into a fuel as the abyss slowly devours the victims soul that makes Sphinx grew stronger. Its main goal is to make the devoured soul become one of the abyss and Sphinx would gain the victim skill and he would gain an additional life.

When Sphinx is in a brink of dead he can sacrificed the life of one of the human body that his skill devoured to save and revive him from death. Making him almost unkillable.

I need to escape.

What should I do would they listen to me and believe me ,if I told them that this journey and meeting was a trap?


Just ,how could I explain it to them?

Oh! Maybe, I could just make an excuse to them that we need to go to the nearest city before we meet the cardinal because I want to save and heal the people in need of my healing in that city.

It could give me some time to prepare my escape on my own and hide my where abouts to the dark oraganization Wraiths and their leader Sphinx.

Preventing them from their grand plan to have a puppet that would bring the empire into ruins.

We went to the nearest city the city of Avendin and I help heal the sick with my holy healing skill.

I left a letter to them saying that I would return to the holy city Holyfield and they should not go to the city of Dregunns and meet the cardinal.

I started to packed my luggage with travel necessities such as food,water and etc.

Then I run away on my own in the forest in the middle of the night without knowing that a shadow of the mad dog of the Black hands guarding our entire journey to the city of Dregunns has detected my unusual behaviour and plan to escape.