X 1.2

It took Vi the whole day driving with Frank to return home. She really missed Dee and tried to call her several times to advise her that they'll be home at midnight.

After Frank parked the Mercedes in front of the villa, Vi experienced a cold breeze swooshing in front of her as if trying to tell her something happened. The coldness touched her skin and made her feel goose bumps. She tried to tick the button for Dee to open the door but Frank saw the glass door broken out back, so he moved fast and put out his gun. He whistled to catch Vi's attention and when they entered the living room. Vi found Dee lying on the floor with face bruised and lips covered with cuts. She also had bloody arms and legs. She was raped and Dee was crying trying not to be hysterical but she was nervous as hell. Frank called Dr. Jones, his friend detective at the FBI to cover the incident.

When Dee's bruises were medicated, Vi tried to ask her the features of the man who raped her. Vi didn't think twice and thought of X, the man she battled in court and got imprisoned for grand theft auto, sexual harassment and attempted murder. X was sentenced for life time imprisonment but she forgave him for what he did and been good so only served his sentence for seven years. When Dee got out of the hospital with therapy and psychologist helping her to cope with the rape case, Vi was angry and wanted to kill X. Frank made her realize that she can't put the law into her hands but he has a great idea how they can beat him at his own game.

 X took Dee's virginity by raping her and this made Vi furious to have her revenge. Frank had a plan and decided to help Vivian and advised the police where they could arrest X for what he did to Dee and her home. New York police was on a 24/7hunt for the fugitive and when they found where he is, Lieutenant Miles told Vivian but warned her not to come with them while they plan a surprise arrest of the man. Both Frank and Vi decided to go ahead to give X a lesson he won't ever forget as long as he lives and left the detective's unit behind. Lt. Miles warned Vi not to meddle with police concerns but she couldn't just let this slide, not ever, since it's about Dee and her dignity. Vi asked Frank to cover for her. When she found X, she was calm and smiling while walking towards X who is currently eating his meal at his wooden table alone in an abandoned building at South Bronx. 

Long time, no see X!, Vi said holding her 24 caliber. X stopped and recognized the voice, then laughed. I did your girl good huh! She was screaming for help when I screwed her. It was so good that it was enough to break your gay heart! So, where are your smiles now, dike??? I thought lesbians are the gayest people in the world??? Heheheheheh!, X added laughing like the evil man that he is, still eating his heated pork and beans. When he was about to dip his bread on the plate, Vi used her gun and hit the plate splashing the food on X's face. He was about to pull his gun from the side but Frank, the footballer that he is held X down and punched the guy's head while wrapping a duck tape around the culprit's arms crossed at his back.

Now, it's my turn to give you pleasure, pain and all that you did to Dee, but skipping the best part, it will not be so pretty as when you did my girl, you filthy monster. After this you will rot in prison and in hell with your butt smashed, Vi added smiling nastily while she gave X a strong slap on the head that he felt grabbing Vi but he couldn't move since he was taped on his chair. Frank also taped his mouth so that he won't be able to scream for help. As a matter of fact, I love to s*ck your d*ck and give it a rub, until your dead. I'm sure you'll love it, but with what you did you don't deserve such pleasure but pain.

Okay Frank, who do you have for Mr. SeX-y here? Aha!, Madame Wilhemina, the biggest, the gayest and the proudest, trans gender Queer Queen of Cock. She is so popular in one of the clubs at South Bronx. Have fun, ladies!, Vi said while Madame W. took off X's pants down and licked his butt hole. Then, as Vi and Frank went out of the old building, they heard loud shouts and cry, even if X's mouth was covered with tape he couldn't take what was happening with him now. Frank said to Vi, oh, he's still a virgin there!, that's too bad! Vi laughed and her eyes were covered in anger and her face became serious after wards. Now, she needs to come home to Dee and find a way to heal her heart, mind and body from this mess she caused her since X wanted revenge against her in the first place.

Vi asked Frank to give her a minute and sobbed inside her car. She couldn't accept what just happened and didn't know how to approach Dee after all that transpired in their lives. She blamed herself for not being with Dee when all this happened and couldn't forgive herself with her girlfriend's misfortune. She thought that maybe her parents were right, that she is cursed and she has bad luck on her side. While wallowing in sadness and regrets. Frank knocked at her car window and gave her a sign language to role it down. Don't blame yourself Vi! You aren't God to know everything that will happen to people most especially to those close to you. You don't have the power to know what others would try to do or take from you. What I want you to see is that you are a good person and if bad people hurt or took something away from you, you shouldn't change and be bad like them.