
I ran towards Dee who is now six months pregnant with twins and I am touching her tummy when my baby girl Desire Marie kicked, then, Vico Mario swerved which made Dee's tummy looked like a large letter V. My babies are resting on both of Dee's sides that my wife breathed harsh for a second. So I helped her be able to sit on the rubber chair I brought for her if she's tired and would want to rest from walking. Baby D and V, please, stay calm, listen to daddy, hush little babies don't you.. ahhh….hmm…, I stopped forgetting the lyrics of the song.

Then, Dee laughed and while clinging to my arms she placed her butt on the chair and sat like a big watermelon. My girl is so cute I want to….ahh she's pregnant, Vi. But it is said in a research that I can make love to my wife or do her, it can help make her delivery easier, better. Hmm…let's try it then….

Babe, let's do it here at the beach, see how beautiful the scenery is, we're in front of the pretty sun set. I am with my sexy wife and feisty children, I whispered in Dee's ear which she couldn't help but grin from then, punched me hard on the shoulder. I smiled like a clown, saying a prayer of gratitude, "what a life! What a great, gay, f.cking life! Thank you Godddddddd!!!!!

See you at the christening!!!!,Vi thought, while looking at someone at the back, at me (N/A) or maybe to an invisible screen. It's not a movie but maybe it can be one someday, sooner or later.


Excerpt from my true to life short book Life is Precious by MVManalo (available at booknet.com and on ebook at draft2drigital.com with ebookUBL: https://books2read.com/u/4jgonj )

Before the incident I wasn't feeling okay. I was angry of something and when starting up my motorbike I was not at peace. I usually pray before I leave the house but I didn't do that that day. I usually say goodbye to my daughter every time but I didn't do that that time. And I usually feel calm when I drive but I wasn't that time and I was not focused which I always am when I drive for more than ten years that I am riding a motorbike. But that day, I wasn't at all in my perfect self and that was the problem.

I hit the pavement and then I felt a painful blow on my mouth that my tooth broke. Then I felt that my two other teeth were pushed back closely to my palate that I couldn't help but cry and groan in pain. I was assisted by a woman that I later found out the name, Eva, and took me at the side of the street I fell flat onto.

She gave me a towel to stop the bleeding of my gums and her husband gave me a chunk of ice to help numb my mouth. My mouth is like on fire and it was continuously bleeding. Eva called my dad on my cellphone number which Shanti is always using for her art and games. When Papa reached me and saw what I looked like he couldn't believe what happened to me. My legs, arms and mouth are bleeding and they were not a good sight to see. The couple who helped me stayed until I was moved to a 161 mobile to bring me tot eh nearest hospital and did some first aid cleaning my wounds and bruises, putting medications on them and sanitizing them.

When I was admitted to the ER, my sister in law stayed with me since my dad is a senior citizen and couldn't stay even if he wanted to due to pandemic protocols. I waited for many hours to be able to get a room, but was given anti-tetanus shots, pain relievers and anti-biotics for my wounds. It was tiring and I was very fed up with all that has happened but still grateful that I survived the accident.

At the hospital, I wasn't able to eat because of my teeth that goes in the way when I bit the food. My surgery was already planned to happen for the next day so I can eat properly. But my Calvary didn't stop there. I need to be I surgery half-awake since my surgeon will be using local anesthesia and I would witness everything which made me nervous as hell. Before my surgery I asked my community, family and friends to pray for me and give me strength, courage to brave it all. For what I really feared in my life is heights and the dentist.

I was on a hospital robe wearing nothing but my courage on the surgical table. The surgery took 30 minutes but when I felt the needle stuck on my gums and palate I immediately felt the numbness. Then, Dr. IB started the surgery by pulling off two of my misplaced teeth. Then, hear my bone teeth being drilled or cut and my gums or upper part of my mouth being corrected. After the tooth extraction, my gums were sewed and the surgeon put a suture which I felt the needle go through my palate then in and out of it, several times. I kept on swallowing excess fluids and learned to breathe solely on my nostrils which were numb as well so I thought I couldn't breathe where in fact I could I just felt like it since I couldn't feel a thing on my mouth because of the anesthetics.

It was a frightening experience but when it was over and I was already given pain relievers so I wouldn't feel the pain after the surgery, I felt relieved that I would be able to eat. I was so hungry since I could only drink and eat liquids due to the incident. I ate but since I am not used to losing my three front tooth I get chokes a lot. But in due time I learned how to control my mouth and ate nicely though still on soft diet until my gums are healed in six weeks and be able to place some temporary teeth then, till my bones are healed within three to six months for permanent dentures or fixed bridges. Until then, I took and lived one day at a time and calmly healed every day until today.

My motorbike was cracked in the middle.