Confirmation of Identity

Lyerin's mind wandered back to the past as he watched the medieval soldiers before him. He had once been sold to another clan as a slave.

When he finally broke free and survived countless tribulations, he became a wandering warrior in the ruined world. His freedom allowed him the time and opportunity to study the Borgias family, the family his father had come from.

The Borgias were deeply connected to this kingdom.

It was said that their ancestors had helped the founder of the kingdom, solidifying their bloodline's place in this world.

This connection could not be severed.

Lyerin knew that his claim to be from the Borgias family would be met with immediate respect up front, yet deep inside they have this suspicion.

That's why earlier, they acted sincerely and respectfully - to confirm whether he was a spy or not.

If Lyerin acted as if he were already something else in their kingdom and he did not ask if they should confirm who he was, he would be found out as someone else and not truly from the Borigian family.

His thoughts were confirmed when the leader of the group, who had been effusive in his respect moments before, cleared his throat and adopted a more casual tone this time. "Welcome, sir," the leader said. "I will now ask you a series of questions if you are really a part of our tribe…"

Lyerin nodded, his mind sharp and ready. He had anticipated this moment and had studied the Borgias family extensively. He knew their history, their customs, and their secrets.

The leader began his questioning. "What is the motto of the Borgias family?"

Lyerin responded without hesitation, "Through shadows we move, through loyalty we serve."

The leader nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer, but continued. "Who was the founder of the Borgias family?"

"Gregory Borgias," Lyerin replied. "He was the one who forged the first alliance with the kingdom's founder."

The leader's eyes narrowed slightly. "And what weapon did Gregory Borgias favor?"

"A double-edged dagger with a serpent hilt," Lyerin answered. "It's still displayed in the family's main hall as a symbol of their heritage."

The leader glanced at his companions, who remained silent but alert. "What is the significance of the shadow core?"

Lyerin took a deep breath, knowing this was a crucial question. "The shadow core is a unique ability within the Borgias bloodline. It allows members to harness the power of shadows, making them unparalleled assassins and spies."

The leader seemed to relax a bit, but he wasn't done yet. "Describe the initiation ceremony for new members of the Borgias family."

Lyerin's mind flashed back to the texts he had studied. "The initiation ceremony takes place in the Hall of Shadows. The initiate must prove their loyalty by navigating a labyrinth filled with traps and illusions. At the center, they must swear an oath of loyalty to the family and the crown."

The leader gave a slight nod, but then asked, "What is the significance of the serpent in the Borgias family crest?"

"The serpent represents cunning, adaptability, and the ability to strike swiftly and lethally," Lyerin replied. "It is a reminder to all members of their duty to protect the kingdom from the shadows."

The leader's posture softened a bit more. "Who is the current head of the Borgias family?"

"Lady Seraphina Borgias," Lyerin answered. "She has led the family for the past decade, known for her strategic mind and unwavering loyalty to the crown."

The leader finally seemed convinced, but he had one last question. "What is the Borgias family's most closely guarded secret?"

Lyerin knew this was the final test. "The Borgias family's most closely guarded secret is the location of the Shadow Vault, where they store the most dangerous and powerful artifacts they have collected over the centuries."

The leader's expression shifted from suspicion to respect. He extended his hand. "Welcome, Lyerin Middlehorn. You have proven yourself to be a true member of the Borgias family."

Lyerin shook his hand, a sense of relief washing over him. He had passed the test, and now these men were his to command.

The leader turned to address his men. "Men, we have a true Borgias among us. Treat him with the respect and loyalty he deserves. I welcome you in this world, sir!"

Lyerin watched as the men nodded in agreement, their expressions now filled with respect and trust. He had played his cards well, and now he was in a position of power.

The memory of his past life's struggles and the bitterness of being treated as a slave fueled his resolve.

This time, he would make sure things were different.

This time, he would be the one in control.

Meanwhile, the leader looked at Lyerin for a very long time, and then he nodded as if was acknowledging Lyerin already as part of their own.

That is the power of confirmation, and that is the power of information of his past life.

Lyerin looked around, taking in the medieval surroundings.

Suddenly, the leader took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Listen up, everyone," the leader began, with his voice low and seemed urgent. "We're in a very dangerous situation. We've discovered a magical tribe nearby, they already discovered us and we didn't have a choice but to blend in with them. If we don't, we'll be killed."

Lyerin nodded, absorbing the information.

The leader continued, "Remember, the kingdom has sent us here to determine the potential of this tribe. We need to assess whether they can be used to strengthen our warriors or not. They could serve as a practice tribe or a stepping stone for our warriors to train in life-or-death situations. Alternatively, if they pose a threat, the kingdom needs to know if they should be eliminated."

Lyerin kept his expression neutral, processing the gravity of their mission.

The leader took a deep breath. "To blend in, we have a transformation scroll. This scroll will temporarily change our appearance, allowing us to pass as members of their tribe. But it has a limited time effect. We need to be extremely careful and make the most of the time we have."

Lyerin glanced around at the determined faces of his fellow men. They were all seasoned warriors, but this mission would test them in ways they had never experienced before.

"We need to observe them from a distance," the leader instructed. "Watch their routines, their interactions, and their rituals. Once we have a good understanding, we'll slowly integrate ourselves into their daily lives. We must avoid drawing any unnecessary attention. If we're discovered, they'll kill us. After all, their strength far exceeds ours."