Level up, sense of Ownership

Lyerin felt like he wanted to rip his own breeding monstrous dick off. It was hot, an unbearable heat coursing through his veins, and he could feel a cold sensation at the tip as it rested on the pale white stomach of the female goat. 

She wasn't struggling—why wasn't she struggling? His mind was racing with panic thoughts, desperate to make sense of the situation, hoping he could control his body back.

"Stop, damn it. Stop moving!" he screamed internally, his thoughts a chaotic mess. "This isn't me. I'm not this monster."

Lyerin didn't know why he was doing this, but he had a suspicion. 

It was the call, that infernal call imbued with magic by the Zur'Ibexes clan. Like the magic had taken over, bending his will to its purpose. His body moved on its own, driven by a force he couldn't control.

He glanced at the female goat beneath him. Her beauty struck him again, but this time, there was a lustful edge to his perception. Her features were more defined, her eyes half-closed in a semblance of heat, her body moving slowly, almost rhythmically. 

It was as if she was in a trance, her squirming turning into a languid, almost seductive movement. This sight only fueled the fire within him, making his body heat up even more.

"No, please," Lyerin pleaded with himself. "I can't let this happen."

But his body didn't listen. His monstrous dick pointed towards the entrance of the female goat's vagina, the cold sensation from her stomach changing into a wet, inviting warmth. He was on the verge of giving up, of surrendering to the animalistic urges that controlled him. His mind was teetering on the edge of oblivion when a system message flashed before his eyes:

[ Would you like to level up sex skills with this female clan member? ]

[ Would you like to level up loving skills with this female clan member? ] 

[ Would you like to level up sensitivity with this clan member? ] 

[ Ding! ] 

[ Ding! ] 

[ Ding… ] 

"No," he thought fiercely. "This isn't right. This isn't who I am."

He closed his eyes, hoping to find the strength to resist. 

Just as he was about to give in, he heard a voice, soft and filled with desperation. 

The female goat spoke in an Earthling language, like her words a lifeline in the darkness of their hopelessness. 

"Please, I wanna go home. I'll be a good girl. Take me back to the time, the peaceful time. I don't want this. I don't want this."

The words pierced through the fog of his mind, grounding him in reality. He was on the verge of losing control, but her plea brought him back. His monstrous nose, eyes, ears, and mouth began to bleed, the strain of fighting the magic taking its toll on his body. But it didn't matter. He had to stop this.

"Hey," he whispered, his voice shaky but determined. "Are you from Earth too?"

The female goat's eyes widened in shock, and her face became painted with a mixture of fear and hope. She didn't respond, but the expression was enough. 

Summoning all his willpower, Lyerin pulled away, his body trembling with the effort.

"If you don't want to," he said through gritted teeth, "I'll just go to other females."

He expected her to be relieved, to let him go without a word. But then, she spoke again, her voice breaking.

"No, don't go."

Lyerin's mind whirled in confusion. 

What is she saying? 

The words barely registered as he felt her small feet locking around him, pulling him closer. His confusion deepened. 

Why was she holding him like this? His senses were a chaotic mess, struggling to make sense of the contradictory signals his body was sending. 

Then, he felt it—slowly, warmly, intimately. The sensation was so gradual, almost excruciatingly detailed, that it sent shivers through his entire being.

A warmth enveloped his dick, drawing him in with a tender yet firm grip. He felt his remaining control slip away, replaced by a primal urge he couldn't contain. His eyes, which had moments before been filled with confusion and desperation, now burned red with an overpowering lust.

Suddenly, a notification flashed before his eyes: 

[ Ding! 

[ You haven't chosen to level up yet, but you already took action, and now, the level up mission would be random… ] 

Lyerin watched helplessly as the screen scrolled and scrolled, the words blurring together in his heightened state. 

It finally stopped, and the message solidified: 

[ You have randomly chosen to level up your sense of ownership to the female goat! ] 

The meaning of the words hit him like a physical blow. 


What did that even mean in this context? But before he could process it, his remaining control vanished. His body moved on its own, driven by an intense, overwhelming need.

Meanwhile, Corora, beneath him, was equally confused and conflicted. 

At first, she had been terrified, not understanding what was happening. 

The initial intrusion had been painful, a stark reminder of her situation. But then, she had heard him speak—words filled with a struggle to control himself, not to force her. 

That unexpected sense of safety, in the midst of such chaos, made her body respond in ways she couldn't explain. She found herself moving, not with fear, but with an emerging desire that defied her logical mind.

Lyerin's body responded to her movements, his senses heightened to every small detail—the warmth, the subtle movements, the soft sounds she made. His mind was a battlefield, torn between the remnants of his will and the overwhelming magic that controlled him. He wanted to stop, to reclaim his autonomy, but the magic was too strong, the sensations too overpowering.

"Damn this, I'll give it all" he thought, his mind a chaotic whirlpool of conflicting emotions. "Since it's too late, I will just give it all!"

Corora, too, was battling her own confusion. "What's happening to me? Why am I responding like this?" 

The denial in her mind slowly gave way to an undeniable desire, an instinctive response to the primal connection they were forced into. 

"No, my mind don't want this but my body, I can't control it!" 

Each movement felt like an eternity, the sensations amplified by their shared confusion and the magical forces at play. 

Suddenly, Lyerin just noticed the mission update as he was taken by the pleasure, the words flashing before his eyes with a shocking finality: 

[ Ding! 

[ You have leveled up your sense of ownership to the female goat to level five, mission: thrust 100. ] 

Panic began to surge as he had no idea what's the meaning of Send of Ownership. 

It's obvious, but he wanted to deny it. 

Yet, he wasn't stopping. His movements were becoming faster and more frenzied, driven by the relentless progression of the mission.

"No, no, no," he thought frantically. "Stop! Stop! Stop!!"

But his body ignored his desperate pleas. Each thrust seemed to bring him closer to the completion of the task, the magic driving him to fulfill its sinister goal. His sense of horror grew with every passing second as he felt himself losing more and more control.

"Please, make it stop," he begged internally, his thoughts a chaotic mix of fear and desperation. "Damn it!"

His eyes, still burning with the unnatural red of his induced lust, darted to the notification screen. He watched in mounting horror as the levels continued to climb. When it reached level ten, he hoped, prayed, that it would end there, just like his mana user level, after all, it stopped there. But then the notification changed again, mocking him with its cold, unfeeling logic: "Ownership: Level 11."

Lyerin swallowed hard inside. 

"How much more?" he thought, despair coloring his internal voice. "How far will this go?"

The level climbed inexorably higher, each increment a further tightening of the magical grip on his actions. His mind screamed against the constraints, but his body continued, relentless and unstoppable. 

"Please, let it end," he thought, his internal voice now tinged with a hopeless resignation.

When the ownership reached level 36, Lyerin gave up. 

So be it!