Entering the Dungeon

Lyerin and Corora stood at the entrance of the transporter hub, a sprawling structure teeming with people of all kinds.

The air buzzed with magical energy, and transporters moved briskly, guiding adventurers to their destinations. Lyerin tightened his grip on the coin, feeling its weight and significance. He approached the nearest transporter, he was a stern-looking man with a sharp gaze.

"State your destination," the transporter said, barely glancing up from his records.

Lyerin held up the coin, letting it catch the light. "Obscure Two."

The transporter raised an eyebrow, finally looking up. His eyes flicked over Lyerin, assessing him. "Obscure Two, huh? That's a second-cycle dungeon. You're a peak first-cycle Mana user, and she," he nodded toward Corora, "is not even a Mana user. Are you sure?"

Lyerin felt the skepticism but didn't waver. "Yes, I'm sure."