vol.1 the final chapter of the volune

   The guard said "Andrew you got a visitor"

I sat down and used the phone to  say "Hey, long time huh?" Andrew said "why of all people are you here?"

"Are you not happy to see me?"

"I am.  But after all I did to you why vist me?"

"Well I don't know cause I just wanted to I guess?"

"Did my mother have something to do with it? Well don't answer that.  I already know the answer but I'm just happy to see you."

"Me too."

    I don't why but I kinda felt happy to see him for no reason at all. I kept visting him for a few weeks and few weeks became days and days become nothing. In other words I was so busy doing my own stuff and forgot to vist him. After what happened I started becoming best friends with John and become close with his friends. After a while I figured out that I was agender.

But then time went by and and by time I mean I was no longer in freshman and in my junior year. And that's when I saw him. Andrew. I met him at bookshop and you know what happens next which leads us to here. Andrew with a gun to my head and an arm around my neck.

Andrew says "IF ANYBODY MOVES, YOU WILL DIE!" A female teacher came and tried to calm down the situation by saying "I know your angry but please let's just talk this out and we can-" and then he shots her. I'm yelling "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Andrew yells back "DO YOU WANT TO BE NEXT?!" I stayed slient. And then he says "THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT!"

Nino moves and gets shot. My friends tried to help him but got yelled by Andrew "HELP HIM AND YOU DIE!" As this is going on I realized John disappeared. Andrew Realized John disappeared and said "where the fuck is John? I want everyone to find John or everyone dies! If you don't find John you die!" So everybody is trying to find John and Andrew is going around and asking them if anyone has seen him and if they hadn't he would shoot them. By doing this he ended shoting at lest 15 people all together.

Eventually John came out and Andrew says "What he'll were you doing hiding from me?!" John says "calling the cops" just then the cops come in and say "police drop you wepon!" Andrew does what the cops say and is put under arrest. Families came and hugged their children while some morn for them. As for me I decided to break up with Andrew again before they drove him away. My family came and hugged me.

I had to tell them the truth about what happened. They were mad but just glad I was okay. I was also grounded and not allowed to see friends for awhile. As for Nino he got put on live support but died a few days later. I felt bad because it felt like it was my fault.

Everyone was saddened about his death. Especially Maximus. Maximus was Ninos boyfriend. It must be really hard letting someone you love go. Especially when you are in a relationship with them.

I apologized to everyone about what happened. To my friends, family, to other families that lost their children. But everyone kept saying it wasn't my fault but somehow it still feels like it is. I dated someone who killed a beloved friend. And now I feel like I'm a bad person for giving Andrew a second chance.

I cried from what happened and I became distant. It came to the point I had to go to therapy. Their was just no other way to cope but go their when I was mentally struggling. I was eventually put on depression medication to help with my depression. The medication had helped a lot and I eventually went through my truma that helped me realize that I deserve better.

Andrew got sentence to life in prison. My family eventually got another house. John and eventually started dating. And as for my friends, we still talk and not a day goes by where we don't him. As my life we'll you'll have to see in volume 2.