Chapter 1

91 years ago, the world changed forever. People started changing, turning into rage-filled creatures straight out of nowhere! The rest of the human beings went underground to live and enjoy their lives. The poor were on top, the middle class in the middle, and the rich at the bottom. It's funny that just after one month of retreating underground, human beings started segregating between the rich and the poor.

The rich got bored and started something that would change the way mankind sees entertainment... Streaming! Streaming was the life of people. It's simple: streamers go out, kill zombies or take artifacts and food for the underground. The more dangerous the situation, the more subscribers and money they get from the government. They risk their lives for money and glory.

I'm Ace Riven, also known as the Zombie Slayer. I'm 25 years old, strong, and strong headed. I'm what you'd call a popular streamer, and I do it too. I always win, and I doubt it will change anytime soon.

I was running from zombies, using my mini machine gun and running with all my strength. I slid under a car, and the zombies passed by. I checked for any remains, carrying my camera. People on the stream were liking and subscribing. "Thank you, I'm so happy you're subscribing!" I whispered to the camera.

The infected started running towards me, and I ran. The zombies got closer, and I got closer to the underground door. The zombies got so close that they started touching the tip of my clothes. Someone typed, "How will Ace get out of this now?" I responded, "That's the thing, I always make it out!"

I removed a grenade and threw it at the zombies, exploding it. I immediately jumped inside the underground as it closed. People shouted and praised me: "Zombie Slayer! Zombie Slayer!"

Later that day, I was sitting on my bed, thinking about how I survived another day. Someone knocked on my door, and I went to answer it. It was Haley, a fellow streamer and childhood friend. She had orange hair and was wearing a black suit with a tie.

"So, they say you survived another day?" she said, chuckling. "Your luck won't last forever, you know."

"I know," I replied, "but that's how life is. I'm just waiting for the day when my luck runs out then I can finally be free from this hellhole."

Haley sighed, "We are just characters who have plot armor and then die when the plot gets tired of us" I stared at the screen, and she slapped me on the small of my back. "Ouch!" I faked.

Haley said, "So, we are going on a stream tomorrow. Both of us, and many others." I said, "Wow."

"It's to retrieve an important artifact", she said. "It's meant to be worth a lot of money".

"Okay then, I'll be there" l said.

She said, "Cool, I'll be seeing you." She stood up and said, "Goodbye, and let's pray we survive tomorrow."

The next morning, my alarm clock rang. I was almost running late for the streaming event with Haley and the others. I rushed and started prepping. I brushed my teeth and was peeing at the same time. I showered as quickly as I could.

We got to the place where all the streamers were gathered, waiting and prepping their gear for streaming and shooting.

Nolan, a tall, red-haired man, went to Haley and said, "Haley, where is the guy you said was supposed to be here?"

"He should be here somewhere." She responded.

A man laughed and said, "...or maybe he's quit because he's scared."

The man's name is Forge. He's 29 years old and has black hair. I came running to them, and Forge looked surprised as he fell backwards to the ground. "Woah it's you - the legendary Zombie Slayer!"

Haley said, "I told you he was important." Forge apologized repetitively.

Nolan chuckled and said, "Calm down, Forge."

I went to Forge and said, "Hey man, calm down. We are all equals here, after the same thing." I gave him my hand, and he took it and stood up.

Haley said, "How's it going?"

I responded, "I'm good."

Nolan came and said, "Hey, I'm Nolan." He stretched out his hand, and I gave him mine. We shook hands, and he said, "It's an honor to meet the Zombie Slayer."

Before I could respond, the underground opened, and the streamers gathered.

Nolan exhaled and cocked his gun and said, "Let's do this!"