Min, The Devil's Spawn (2)

"What the heck?!" Tommy woke up, choking as he sat up. The ray of light streaming through the window almost blinded his shocked, widened eyes. "Damn, it's morning already? I dreamed about that intimate scene all night?!" 

He was disappointed. He hadn't eaten, hadn't taken a bath, and he still had to go to school, yet he had spent the whole night lost in his dream. 

If he hadn't seen those piercing eyes in his dream, who knows? He might still be trapped in that dream world till dusk the next day! Speaking of eyes... 

"Devil's spawn," he muttered with disgust, his tongue laced with venom. He pushed himself upward, throwing off the piece of wiper from his chest.

Tommy rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the lingering haze of his dream. 

He couldn't believe he had spent the entire night lost in that vivid, intense dream. And with Billy, of all people! 

He was trying not to think about his childhood crush for days which he couldn't stop thinking about, and now... now he was given something else to think about- the devil's spawn! He couldn't just get those piercing eyes out of his head now.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, his muscles feeling stiff from a night of tossing and turning. He stumbled towards the bathroom, desperate for a cold shower to clear his head.

As he stood under the refreshing water, he couldn't help but think about the dream. 

It had felt so real, so intense. He could still feel Billy's warm breath on his skin, his gentle touch sending shivers down his spine.

Tommy shook his head, trying to clear the thoughts away. He had more important things to worry about, like getting to school on time. 

But as he turned off the water and reached for a towel, he couldn't help but wonder... what if?

Tommy arrived at shan'titon high late at past eight. Surprisingly, it was so quiet.

The empty hallways echoed with the sound of his footsteps, a stark contrast to the usual bustle of students rushing to their lockers and classrooms. 

Tommy's curiosity piqued, he wondered if he had missed an announcement or if something was amiss. Still, he went on, walking in.

The students of Shan'titon High had all gathered in the central courtyard, their faces filled with excitement and anticipation. 

Tommy's eyes scanned the crowd, spotting Benjamin near the front row, his eyes fixed intently on the stage.

A large banner hung above the stage, reading "Battle of Words" in bold letters. Tommy's curiosity piqued, he pushed his way through the crowd to get closer.

On stage, two students stood facing each other, their voices rising in a heated debate. 

Tommy's eyes met Benjamin's, and he felt weird. He quickly looked away.

A teacher stepped forward, holding a microphone. "And now, Elsie's the winner! Next up, Benjamin....!" 

Tommy's heart skipped a beat as he heard that name. He felt a sudden rush of adrenaline as he watched the notorious "Devil's Spawn", move forward and take a seat opposite another female student. 

Tommy took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. 'So, that's his name!'

He didn't know why, but he was suddenly feeling anxious. Perhaps it was the intimidating reputation that preceded Benjamin, or maybe it was… was the dream yesternight…errrr, who knows?

Well, he's lost interest. He didn't want to watch the contest anymore. Tommy turned his back on the battle of wits and walked away, muttering to himself like a crazy person. 

"Library, here I come! Maybe I'll find some action... or catch a good nap, who knows. Haha, who am I foolin'? I'll probably doze off reading them dusty old books!" He shook his head, chuckling, and pushed open the library door. 

As he walked in, he tripped on the welcome mat and stumbled, catching himself on a nearby shelf. "Oof! Smooth moves, Tommy, real smooth." He laughed, shaking his head, and made his way to the fiction section. 

"Man, please don't let me dream about Benjamin again… I mean, Benji... no, hold up, Min! Yeah, that's it! Min! That's a slick nickname for the devil's spawn, dig?" He rolled his eyes, smiling, and pulled out a book at random. 

As he opened it, he let out an exaggerated sigh and collapsed onto the desk, using the book as a pillow. "Zzz... No dreams about Min, please, man.…"

Tommy's stomach growled loudly, interrupting his attempted nap. He sat up, rubbing his belly, and said, "Alright, alright, I dig it! Food, you say? Food, I'm on my way!" 

He put the book back on the shelf and stood up, stretching his arms and yawning. "Maybe I'll find something edible in the cafeteria, you know?" 

He chuckled and headed out of the library, his stomach leading the way.

As he walked to the cafeteria, the aroma of pizza and fries filled his nostrils, making his stomach growl even louder. "Yeah, yeah, I'm comin'! No need to get impatient, stomach!"

As he pushed open the cafeteria door, darkness overwhelmed him and he suddenly fainted. 

When he came around, he found himself in a strange, dimly lit room. The walls were gray and bare, and the only light came from a faint glow in the corner. 

Tommy's head was pounding, and his mind was foggy. He tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over him, forcing him to lie back down.

As he struggled to regain his bearings, he heard footsteps echoing in the distance. They grew louder, and soon, a figure loomed over him. 

It was Benjamin, dressed in a white lab coat, his eyes gleaming with a cold intensity. "So, you're finally awake. You sleep like a log," he said, his voice dripping with disdain.

Tommy's heart raced as he tried to process what was happening. "W-where am I at?" he stammered.

Benjamin sneered. "You're in the school clinic. And don't worry, I'm the only one who saw you fall in front of the cafeteria."

"W-what do you mean, man?" he asked, coughing awkwardly.

"Be in my dorm room in five minutes. Just you." Benjamin's low tone commanded, turning his back to Tommy.

"Huh? Where's that at? Hold up, the school's got a dorm?"

Benjamin's expression darkened, his voice dropping to a menacing whisper. "New kid, don't make me yak too much. My dorm's 314. You got five minutes. Be there." 

He turned and walked away, leaving Tommy with a sense of growing unease.

Why did the devil's spawn want him in his dorm room? 

"Would he...would he try to kiss me, man? Ugh, blrrr… quit overthinking it, Tommy!" He shook his head, trying to clear the disturbing images. 

But, what would happen if he didn't show up? He didn't even want to consider that possibility. He had no choice here but to comply. 

Or perhaps, he did but wanted to still go? Nah, it's just us overthinking it.. Right?