You're The Plumber?! (3)

As they entered the apartment, Benjamin couldn't help but make snide remarks about the place.

He wrinkled his nose and commented, "Goodness, kid, your place is a real hole in the wall! I'd be careful not to touch anything, don't wanna get zapped by any bad vibes."

Tommy clenched his fists, feeling a mix of anger and embarrassment.

"Ain't no palace, but it's my pad, man," he replied curtly, trying to ignore Benjamin's condescending tone.

Benjamin continued to walk around, making exaggerated gestures of distaste. "I don't know how you can vibe with this scene. I'd go stark raving mad in this dump!"

Tommy gritted his teeth, trying to maintain his composure.

"Look, man, if you're just here to shit about my pad, you can bounce, Benjamin," he said firmly, gesturing towards the door.

Benjamin chuckled mockingly. "Chill out, kitten. I'm just messing with you. You know, trying to keep things light," he said with a smirk, clearly enjoying Tommy's discomfort.

Tommy crossed his arms, eyeing Benjamin suspiciously.

"Well, if ya ain't here to fix nothin', man then you're takin' up space," he retorted, his patience wearing thin.

Benjamin's smirk widened. He didn't know why but the words 'Fierce kitten' just popped in his head, looking at furious Tommy.

"Oh, you can bet your boots I'm here to fix something," he replied cryptically, his tone suggestive.

Tommy frowned, unsure of what Benjamin meant but this has drifted his mind somewhere else.

Tommy felt a blush creeping up his cheeks as he remembered what had happened in the music class at school.

Benjamin's teasing remark about fixing something now seemed loaded with innuendo. His heart raced. Was Benjamin being suggestive on purpose, or was he genuinely referring to the plumbing?

Trying to maintain composure, Tommy replied hesitantly, "Uh... yeah, ride on. You're here to fix something, ain't ya?"

Benjamin smirked knowingly, enjoying Tommy's discomfort. "Oh, definitely. I'm here to fix something up, all right," he said with a suggestive wink.

Tommy's blush deepened even harder, feeling a mix of embarrassment and intrigue. He wasn't sure how to respond to Benjamin's teasing remarks, especially in such a tense…. situation.

A time with Benjamin around is always a tense situation.

Few minutes later, Tommy watched as Benjamin pretended to inspect the sink, trying to maintain his composure despite his doubts.

"Go on then, do your thang," he urged, his voice tinged with skepticism.

Benjamin nodded, pretending to examine the pipes closely. "Right, let's get down to brass tacks and see what's what," he muttered, reaching into his toolbox and pulling out a wrench.

Tommy leaned against the kitchen counter, arms folded, observing Benjamin's actions with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

"You seem mighty of yourself for a pipe fixer, man," he remarked dryly, a hint of challenge in his tone.

Benjamin flashed him a quick grin before returning his focus to the sink.

"Well, I've been in the game long enough to know the score," he replied vaguely, adjusting the wrench as if he knew what he was doing.

Tommy raised an eyebrow, unconvinced but intrigued by Benjamin's persistence. "Game, huh? So, what's the scoop on the sink then?"

Benjamin paused for a moment, thinking on his feet.

"This whole setup's got a few loose ends, if you ask me," he said finally, pointing to a random spot under the sink. "No sweat. I'll get that tightened up for you in no time."

Tommy watched skeptically as Benjamin worked, pretending to tighten bolts and adjust parts that didn't seem to need fixing.

Despite his doubts, Tommy couldn't deny that Benjamin's confident demeanor was somewhat impressive.

After a few moments, Benjamin straightened up and said, "Let me take off my shirt first. It's getting in the way of my mojo."

Tommy hesitated. "I can score you another shirt of mine to wear, man" he offered.

Benjamin looked at him and sneered. "Ewww... No, thanks," he replied, shrugging off his shirt and tossing it aside.

Now shirtless, Benjamin tightened his pant's belt and then, in an unexpected move, strapped it up to his shoulder.

Tommy couldn't help but gulp, the sight and the strangeness of the situation unnerving him.

Benjamin's eyes gleamed with a strange intensity, and Tommy felt a chill run down his spine as they made eye contact.

Benjamin then asked in a low, almost hypnotic tone, "You wanna get hands-on?" His eyes bore into Tommy's, a hint of mockery playing in their depths.

Tommy's gaze had inadvertently shifted to Benjamin's bare, sturdy chest. He swallowed nervously, feeling a heaviness in his head as he nodded rapidly, almost mechanically, as if compelled to respond.

Benjamin chuckled softly, a sound that sent a shiver down Tommy's spine. "Go for it," he urged, his voice still carrying that strange allure.

Tommy hesitated for a moment, then tentatively reached out a hand towards Benjamin's chest, fingers hovering just above the skin.

His touch was hesitant, unsure of what might come next.

Benjamin leaned slightly into the touch, his expression unreadable.

Tommy could feel the warmth of his skin, the firmness of his muscles beneath his fingertips. It was an oddly intimate moment, one that Tommy wasn't sure how to interpret.

Suddenly, Benjamin pulled away, breaking the tension. "Just making sure you're on the same wavelength," he said with a smirk, pulling his shirt back fully into place.

Tommy blinked, feeling a mix of confusion and relief flood through him. "Uh, right," he stammered, unsure of what had just transpired.

Benjamin winked playfully and then his expression changed to an utterly normal, serious one. "There you have it, all fixed," he declared with a satisfied nod, even though he had barely done anything.

Tommy eyed the sink, not entirely convinced. "Really? That's it, man?"

Ouch! Why did I say that? Tommy mentally slapped himself. He didn't want Benjamin to stay did he? Well…. Err… whatever!

Benjamin shrugged nonchalantly. "Yep, good as new. Won't give you any grief from now. Need a hand with anything else?"

Tommy sighed inwardly, shaking his head. And just like that they were going to pretend nothing happened just now?!

"Well, thanks a lot, man… I suppose," he said reluctantly, reaching for his wallet to pay for the "service."

Benjamin waved him off with a grin. "Don't worry about it, just return the favor with something else next time around."

Tommy hesitated, still unsure of Benjamin's true intentions but decided not to press further. "Hold up, lemme check the sink," he said, gesturing towards the door.

Benjamin's hand shot out, grabbing Tommy from behind just before he could take another step. Tommy froze, feeling Benjamin's grip tighten on his arm.

Benjamin still held his grip on Tommy's arm, his voice low and insistent. "I said don't worry about it, kid. Just let it ride."

Tommy twisted in Benjamin's hold, trying to free himself. "Set me free, Benjamin! What are you hiding up your sleeve?"

Benjamin's expression hardened, his jaw clenched. "I'm not hiding anything. No games. Just take my word for it, kid."

Tommy stopped struggling, studying Benjamin's face for a moment. He could see the emotions in Benjamin's eyes, a mix of playfulness and something else he couldn't quite place.

"Aight," Tommy finally relented, pulling his arm free. "But I've got my eyes on ya, brother."

Just then, a small bottle fell out of Benjamin's pocket.