(R-18+) A Deal Of Head Honcho & Host (2)

"Atta boy!" Benjamin murmured, his voice low and husky with satisfaction.

He adjusted his hold, ensuring Tommy's back was pressed firmly against his chest, feeling the warmth of the damp fabric between them.

The scent of fresh showering and desire engulfed his senses. It was a small triumph, but a victory nonetheless.

He had been waiting for this moment ever since he met that honey eyed guy, and finally, Tommy was in his grasp. Sadly, the guy wasn't here to see Benjamin's little victory.

Benjamin's plans for Tommy were far-reaching, but for now, he savored this moment, enjoying the feeling of control and dominance. He could feel Tommy's heart racing, his pulse pounding in his neck, and his breathing quickening and he swore he liked it!

Tommy, on the other hand, was lost in a swirl of emotions. Shame, confusion, happiness - everything was a blur. He didn't know what he was feeling or how he should feel.