Day 2

**DAY 2**

"Hey, you're back?" Tommy asked, his voice soft and gentle.

Benjamin had been absent from school and hadn't been seen until now, walking through the door. Last night's argument still lingered, but Tommy didn't care if Benjamin believed him or not. He just didn't want to be lonely again.

Benjamin's sharp gaze met Tommy's innocent-looking eyes. "You're still awake?" he asked, his voice dry. He didn't know what else to say, and he didn't want to give Tommy the silent treatment anymore.

Benjamin released his grip on the door knob and wrapped his hand around the bag he held.

"No, it's not even bedtime yet," Tommy replied, speaking softly, as if his throat was sore.

Benjamin nodded. "Here," he said, offering Tommy the smaller bag. "Burger."

Then he moved inside, dropping the larger bag on the couch. He unwrapped it, revealing a small round wooden clock. "Finally, we can tell the time whenever we want."