Day 4

**DAY 4**

"So that's what you guys do on a Sunday?" Benjamin asked, his face contorted in utter disbelief, his tone dripping with disdain.

Tommy nodded enthusiastically. "Just Sunday mornings, sugah! We get all gussied up and ready for church, then head on back home to whip up some good ol' neighborhood stew."

His eyes sparkled like fireflies on a summer night as he spoke of his life back in Kentucky.

"And ain't it funny, even with Momma's stew simmerin' on the stove, we never seemed to get our fill. Me and my street brothers would go from house to house, startin' from our own, tastin' everyone's stew... Lord have mercy, them was good times!"

Benjamin watched Tommy spin his tale with an expression of sheer wonder, but his face quickly twisted in disgust. "Eating from the whole neighborhood's pot? Ewww, that's just plain unsanitary!"