WebNovelTHE GIFT82.86%


Dad do you think MR Johnson can help us with this or even if he knows any good real estate agents that would be good to

DAD :- I think he will be able to introduce us to a agent ok well I'll leave that in your capable hands

Cousin Michael why don't we go tomorrow and take to the chief about the land because once you get the land and fence it round we will get the animals and the seeds for you to plant I was thinking we could even look for some exotic tea trees and plant it so most of the things for the diner /bakery will come from you my dad can make the furniture for all the stores of he'll have to hire some people so we will be helping a lot of people from the village but I'm going to say this I don't want any of those wicked evil people around us their negativity will only bring us down look we only move away from them for a little while and look how happy, relax, restful, we are let's stay away for those people ok

Everyone :- yes things are much better now , it's true , we even started looking younger ha ha ha

Ok now us children you heard yourself the money every term is very expensive and we have to pass a test I'm hoping we can skip grades so you guys could be in the tenth grade and I in the 12th so we have to study really hard but I'm going to tell you this if you can make it to the tenth grade I'll give you a really nice present and you know my present will be something you will love so try harder I'll give you some books in a while and all of us will start studying ok

Rover :- QAYYAH I have a way to make it easier for everyone I can make and array in the around the house it will increase your chances and there are elixirs here to improve memory so whatever you read you won't forget ok do the arrary it will help my family so and a protection one to how long will it take only five hours because all the things I need are here ok good

Ok guys let's go to your rooms I'll bring the books for you guys soon some advice start with your weakest subject first then do your best subjects last .