
CHAPTER 99: Gate.


The situation on Ethan and Da Shu's side was getting worse by the minute, while the battle between Elder Léi and the enemy cultivator was reaching its climax.

Both were now suspended in mid-air, looking worse for wear. 

Their bodies were riddled with scratches, bruises, and burns, but neither showed any signs of backing down. 

Each time they unleashed their strongest attacks, they canceled each other out, leaving no one the victor.

Both had taken their fair share of damage, but the true victim of their battle wasn't either of them, it was the surrounding forest.

The once vast expanse of towering trees in the Spirit Forest had been reduced to a massive crater, hundreds of meters wide, where only moments ago, the forest had stood tall.

The only fortunate thing for those nearby was that neither party had resorted to unleashing their full destructive potential.