Beginning of the Practical test

CHAPTER 164: Beginning of the Practical Phase.


The competition proceeded as usual, and today was finally the third day of the tournament.

The second phase of the theoretical test had ended yesterday, with the final scores now posted, just like the first time.

And, to no one's surprise, the top spot was once again taken by Nuyu, the masked boy.

Though people found his nickname amusing, they preferred to refer to him as the masked boy.

Even though he wasn't the only one wearing a mask in the tournament, he stood out the most, so they gave him this nickname, which Ethan naturally didn't approve of.

But apparently, it wasn't up to him to decide.

If Bai Yu had been here at this moment, she would have already burst out laughing.

She had her doubts about his nickname, but she would have agreed with the rest of the audience about his new title.

If given the chance, she probably would have been the one to give him this name.