Cosplay, Comedy, and Chaos

Day – Wednesday

INT. Skyler's room – Midnight 3 AM

Skyler's doing push-up headphones on his hears connected to his mobile Bluetooth

Mobile: What if we have that kind of attitude, huh nobody believes in you, you've lost again and again and again the lights are turned off

A random ass shot of what's happening outside at 3:00 AM

Mobile: But you're still looking at your dream reviewing it every day and saying to yourself it's not over until I win

Cut to

Skyler looking at his phone: 3 AM thoughts that will freak you out 

Mobile: If we pop a bubble wrap made in China the air that comes out is from China

The voice in your head can scream louder whisper and speak in a normal voice but it's always at the same volume

Are oranges named orange because they're orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange?

Why do we get in a car but get on a bus?

I wish my life would have background music so that I would realize quickly if something bad is about to happen

I am Batman

I wanna be more than your friendly neighborhood spider man daddy

As the 3 AM thoughts echo in his head, Skyler suddenly turns off his phone, puts it upside down and opens his laptop types a website name the logo colors of that site is black and orange (camera zooms on Skyler's face smiling)

Cut to

INT. Skyler's living room – 6 AM Morning

Skyler is drinking coffee and reading a book (Naruto reference)

INT. Skyler's bedroom – Morning

Emily goes to Skyler's bedroom because the door is open and she sees something

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (Confused) Skyler, what's with all this tissue paper?

Skyler runs from the living room to his bedroom quickly

Skyler Arakawa: (Panicking) Mom! It's not what it looks like, I swear!

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (With a smirk) Oh really? Then what's with all the tissue paper?

Skyler Arakawa: (Quickly improvising) Oh, mom! You caught me in the act! See, I'm a… um… a story writer! Yeah, that's it! I write stories on tissue paper!

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (Skeptical) on tissue paper?

Skyler Arakawa: (Nodding quickly) Exactly! And, um, if I don't like the story I'm writing, I roll up the tissue paper and throw it around its, uh my creative process!

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (Trying to hide a smile) Well, that's… certainly a unique approach to storytelling and it looks like you've got quite the masterpiece here

Skyler Arakawa: (relieved) Yeah, it's my thing. So, um don't mind me, just… creating some literary masterpieces here!

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (Trying not to laugh) All alright, Skyler. Just make sure to clean up when you're done with your… uh, creative process

Skyler Arakawa: (Embarrassed) Mom, please don't tell anyone about this!

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (Chucking) Your secret's safe with me, Skyler. But next time, maybe use your laptop for something a bit… PG – rated

Mom walks downstairs and then Ethan comes in, Skyler is picking up the tissue paper, and Ethan looks at him 

Ethan Arakawa: (Interested) You fapping?

Skyler looks at Ethan with awkwardness 

Skyler Arakawa: Dad, it's not what it looks like (scared)

Ethan Arakawa: (Chilled) Oh, please! Show that dad it's not what it looks like (mimicking) attitude to someone else I am your father, even I used to do this shit when I was your age

Skyler Arakawa: (Confused) When you were my age? What happened now?

Ethan Arakawa: What happened? (with a smirk) back then I was all alone so I did what you're doing, but now I bang your mom

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Oh my god Ethan pound me harder Daddy (Skyler's imagination)

Skyler is about to close the door due to embarrassment but Ethan stops the door

Ethan Arakawa: OK wait, is the video good?

Skyler Arakawa: (Confused) It is good but I don't think it's your type

Ethan Arakawa: Oh, really what do you know about my type (opens the door)

Skyler Arakawa: When I was 12 years old you were watching overflow anime

Ethan Arakawa: Wait what? Me no way I don't even watch anime

Skyler Arakawa: Oh, you got me there for a second but overflow is not an anime my mistake

Ethan Arakawa: See I told you, you've got it all wrong

Skyler Arakawa: It's not an anime I agree but Overflow is a hantai!!!

The camera zooms to Ethan's face him being shocked

Ethan Arakawa: Alright, I am guilty!

Skyler Arakawa: Yes, I know it!

Ethan Arakawa: But wait a minute how did you know I was watching overflow like exactly overflow and that too when you were only 12 years old?

Skyler Arakawa: Ah… um… I

The camera zooms on Skyler's and Ethan's face

Ethan Arakawa: Anyway…

Skyler releases his long breath relaxed

Ethan Arakawa: About the video?

Skyler Arakawa: Like I said it's not your type!

Ethan Arakawa: Describe

Skyler Arakawa: What!

Ethan Arakawa: The video, describe it, I'll tell you if it is my type or not

Skyler Arakawa: Okay, get ready!

The camera zooms on Ethan's face intently

Skyler Arakawa: (Taking a deep breath) 13 pounds of big juicy melons, a perfect hourglass figure, thick thighs, dark hair, and brown eyes. cosplaying as female Goku, bouncing on a big, long... anaconda, and doing a...

(The camera zooms on Ethan's face pulling his eyes brave up)

Ethan Arakawa: Doing a???

Skyler Arakawa: Reverse cowgirl!

Ethan's hands are on his chin

Ethan Arakawa: Too specific? Totally my type (with a smirk) share the video link

Skyler Arakawa: Ah… on what

Ethan Arakawa: On telegram (supportive)

Skyler Arakawa: (Confused) On telegram? (realizing) oh you smart dog, the only reason you said to share it in the telegram was because mom doesn't check telegram

Ethan Arakawa: How do you know mom doesn't check telegram?

Skyler Arakawa: Ah…

Ethan Arakawa: Exactly see ya!

Skyler Arakawa: Wait I have a question why do you need the video when you have mom

Ethan Arakawa: You see Skyler when your mom is not around a man like me becomes desperate and videos like this help a desperate man like me a lot

Skyler Arakawa: Couldn't you wait until she comes back

Ethan Arakawa: I could but waiting is not in my personality

Skyler Arakawa: What does it have to do with personality?

Ethan Arakawa: Anyway, if you find any other videos with big things share them in telegram

Ethan takes off his hand from Skyler's shoulder and starts walking down, saying I love big things, Skyler is standing there still confused, Skyler's phone rings bleach anime reference urahara bankai kannon biraki benehime aratame. Skyler picks up his phone and sees its Ben's calling

Skyler Arakawa: Yo brother what's up

Benjamin Grim Lock: A lots up

Skyler Arakawa: What happened?

Benjamin Grim Lock: Do you remember the Bigfoot incident?

Skyler Arakawa: Well yeah how can I forget that

Benjamin Grim Lock: So, I may have found a hint on where it lives

Skyler Arakawa: Where?

Benjamin Grim Lock: On comic con!

Skyler Arakawa: Are you drunk?

Benjamin Grim Lock: No no no I am serious and I am going to investigate it

Skyler Arakawa: All alone wait I'll join too

Benjamin Grim Lock: All right I will be there in 5 minutes

Ben comes in with his car and Skyler gets in the car

Skyler Arakawa: So how did you get a hint where the bigfoot is living

Benjamin Grim Lock: Oh, it's simple I just followed it everywhere and set up a camera

Skyler Arakawa: That's clever

Skyler reached back of the seat to get water but he touched a book so Skyler grabbed the book and pulled it, when he saw it Skyler was shocked the book said Playboy Golden Edition

Skyler Arakawa: What's this book doing here you horny dog

Benjamin Grim Lock: Um ah it's for educational purposes

Skyler Arakawa: Dammit this chapter has just been horny and fan service all the way it's like the creator was horny and thinking about giving fan service while writing this episode

They both reach comic con

INT. Comic Con – Morning

Skyler Arakawa: Yo Ben! Where's the nearest washroom I gotta pee now

Benjamin Grim Lock: Just go straight and take a left it is right there

Skyler Arakawa: Thanks, man

Benjamin Grim Lock: No worries, just don't miss the target

(Skyler runs to the washroom inside, he hears two familiar voices)

Skyler Arakawa: (Unzipping his pants) Wait, this voice… it's, no way I am just imagining things but wait a minute I am in Comic Con a place where all fans cosplay their favorite fictional characters, and even voice actors come here so maybe it could be him.

And the other person is peeing as well as Skyler

Skyler Arakawa: Hey there, sir by chance are you the man behind Kyoraku Shunsui voice actor from Bleach

Kyoraku Shunsui: Yes, I am the voice actor of Kyoraku Shunsui from Bleach

Skyler Arakawa: Sir can you say bankai one time please

Kyoraku Shunsui: Right now (looking down and up)

Skyler Arakawa: Yes sir

Kyoraku Shunsui: Ah… I am in the middle of something

Skyler Arakawa: Sir please sir, I beg you this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see you say bankai face to face (making cute faces and eyes)

Kyoraku Shunsui: Alright sure I understand get ready

Skyler Arakawa: Oh… shit I never fucking ever imagined in my life that I would see a guy who has one of the coldest bankai in the bleach universe say bankai in front of me

Kyoraku Shunsui: Bankai: katen kyokotsu karamatsu sinju

Skyler is overwhelmed with happiness, feeling goosebumps and vibrations going through his body

Skyler Arakawa: Oh my god thank you so much sir

Kyoraku Shunsui: You are welcome!

Kyoraku Shunsui va is washing his hands and Skyler is about to leave but

Skyler Arakawa: Sir, I heard another familiar voice? Is there another bleach voice actor here

Kyoraku Shunsui: No, there is no one from bleach in this washroom but there is someone who has a better voice than me

Skyler Arakawa: Who is it?

Kyoraku Shunsui: Prince Vegeta

Skyler Arakawa: What! (His hairstyle becomes like Vegeta) where is he?

Kyoraku Shunsui: Right there!

Skyler knocks on the washroom doors

Vegeta: Who is it? What do you want?

Skyler Arakawa: Hi sir my name is Skyler Arakawa I am your big fan

Vegeta: Can't you see what I'm doing you fool… only a failure abandons his principle and pride. Now leave me alone

Skyler Arakawa: OK sir and I'm sorry for disturbing you

Skyler is sad and about to leave

Kyoraku Shunsui: (Puts his hands on Skyler) Hey kid it's ok

As Skyler is walking out, he sees two of the best antagonists Sosuke Aizen and Madara Uchiha walking into the washroom

Madara Uchiha: Aizen, your kido spells are quite impressive they remind me of our ninjutsu

Sosuke Aizen: Indeed, Madara your Sharingan is fascinating as well its similar to my Kyoka suigetsu in terms of illusion creation

Madara Uchiha: True but once the victim sees your blade when its released nobody can break out of your illusion until you want them to or until they touch your sword, my genjutsu works the same but the cache is anyone can break out of my genjutsu by shifting their chakra flow in their body or they can stop the flow of chakra in their body, which cancels the effects of genjutsu even before falling to its trap

Sosuke Aizen: You do have a point there Madara but I am interested in one of your powers

Madara Uchiha: What?

Sosuke Aizen: If I would have had one of your powers, I would like to have your Mangekyō sharingan because it has Amaterasu

Skyler Arakawa: (Excited) lord Aizen!!!

Sosuke Aizen: Yes and who are you?

Kyoraku Shunsui: Oh, he's a fan

Madara Uchiha: What do you want to do kid?

Skyler Arakawa: I wanna hear both of your famous dialogs

Madara Uchiha: Alright wake up to reality nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world

Skyler Arakawa: Now that is called a masterpiece

Sosuke Aizen: It's my turn now kid get ready

Skyler Arakawa: Okay

Sosuke Aizen: Yokoso watashi no soul society

Skyler is getting the goosebumps back again

Skyler Arakawa: I'm pregnant?

Madara Uchiha: What?

Skyler Arakawa: Nothing

Skyler runs of the washroom

Sosuke Aizen: That kid is weird

Madara Uchiha: Indeed

Cut to

Ben is just waiting for Skyler to come back from the washroom and someone comes behind Ben and taps his shoulder

Roronoa Zoro: Hey kid do you know where the exit is?

Benjamin Grim Lock: Yeah, go straight and make a right you'll find the exit there

Roronoa Zoro: Thank you so much kid I have been lost for the past 3 hours

Benjamin Grim Lock: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that

Roronoa Zoro: It's okay kid (starts walking) I don't know why it happens to me, now did the kid say go right or go left (thinking) mm – mm I think he said go left

Skyler finally comes back to ben

Benjamin Grim Lock: Why were you taking so long?

Skyler Arakawa: It's a long story

Benjamin Grim Lock: I don't have time for that, I found the Bigfoot

Skyler Arakawa: Where is it?

Ben opens a tablet from the back of his shirt and shows a video to Skyler where a mysterious man goes inside a washroom that's in the basement but the same man goes to the same washroom every day without getting out of it

Benjamin Grim Lock: I have been to the washroom and checked it out but the washroom was same as the every other, there was nothing suspicious about it

Skyler Arakawa: That is wired

Benjamin Grim Lock: Yeah, it is, and look here at the video the man has fur under his arm and neck so I think he is the Bigfoot

Skyler Arakawa: Ben, that's just absurd how can you jump to the conclusion that he's bigfoot just because he has fur

Benjamin Grim Lock: Yes, if bigfoot were real, it would likely be described as a large humanoid creature often depicted as covered in dark brown hair or fur standing upright on two legs with a power built…

Skyler Arakawa: Yeah! Yeah! I don't need a fucking history lesson dude!

Benjamin Grim Lock: OK but think about it Skyler, his man goes into the basement bathroom every single day and never comes out of it, that's suspicious and sketchy

Skyler Arakawa: Sketchy yes but bigfoot? I ain't buying it if anything he's more like Yeti

Benjamin Grim Lock: A yeti? Are you shitting me? Yetis live in snowy – ass mountains, not in some dark basement!

Skyler Arakawa: Hey, mythical creatures give zero fucks about geography! They'll room wherever the hell they want

Benjamin Grim Lock: Fine, fuck it let's put our arguments aside and go investigate it find out if it's a yeti, a bigfoot, or just some dude with a hairy ass body

Skyler Arakawa: Alright let's do it

INT. Basement comic con – morning

They both start walking to the basement the place is filled with mist

Skyler Arakawa: So, this is it?

Benjamin Grim Lock: This is the washroom

They get inside the washroom

Benjamin Grim Lock: Well like I said looks normal

Skyler Arakawa: Wait wait wait why are there 3 levers in here

Benjamin Grim Lock: It's a painting/design

Skyler Arakawa: No no, I have seen a lot of detective movies there gotta be a Butten here some were

Skyler searches for butter and he finds it under the sink

Skyler Arakawa: Yep, here it is

A mysterious portal opens under the floor Skyler and Ben panic and start to fly on the air

Skyler Arakawa: Woh, I have a bad feeling about this

Benjamin Grim Lock: Only one way to find out, let's do it

They approach the portal feeling a strange energy coming from it

Benjamin Grim Lock: It's like it's pulling us in… should we go through?

Skyler Arakawa: Are you crazy? What if we end up in another dimension or something?

Benjamin Grim Lock: But think about it we'd be like real–life superheroes exploring the unknown!

Skyler Arakawa: Fine, but if we end up fighting aliens or battling evil wizards it's on you

Benjamin Grim Lock: What?

Skyler Arakawa: Yeah, I am throwing you first

Benjamin Grim Lock: Ah, why?

Skyler Arakawa: Why? Because I don't wanna die Einstein I've never kissed a girl or even hugged one

Benjamin Grim Lock: So didn't I, (festered) ok, you know what let's just hop in this fucking portal

With a nervous laugh, Skyler and Ben jump through the portal disappearing into the unknown

Skyler Arakawa: Wohhhhh!!!!!

They both are screaming while moving to another place its like they are going through infinite rainbow colors

EXT. forest – later

The portal opens up in an unknown location in a forest, the sun shines brightly through the forest trees and the beauty of nature surrounds them with towering trees and greenery grass, the sun flows over them in a golden glow Skyler and Ben come out of it and a man is sitting on a rock

Steve Smith: Hi their stalkers

Skyler Arakawa: And who are you supposed to be?

Steve Smith: Me? I'm the bigfoot that you two dickheads are spying on (Steve starts to transform slowly into Bigfoot)

Skyler Arakawa: Oh my god we're gonna die we gonna die we gonna die we gonna die we gonna die we gonna die

Benjamin Grim Lock: Relax brother

Skyler Arakawa: Relax my ass, it's all your fault brother it's all your fault you stupid son of a bitch!

Steve fully transforms into Bigfoot

Steve Smith: Is this what you both wanted to see

Benjamin Grim Lock: Yeah, and also, we have our reason

Steve Smith: I don't need lies, I need the truth (teleports behind Ben and Skyler) now tell me why were you two Baboons spying on me?

As Steve is standing behind Ben and Skyler the camera moves down to Skyler

Skyler Arakawa: Ah… fuck!

The End Of Chapter 05...

Quote: It's not over until I win. Every setback is just a setup for a comeback.