The Confrontation

Day – Thursday

EXT. Angel's Dimension

We see broken stones shattered around and in it, there are 6 stone chairs lined in a circle, it turns out these chairs represent ranking there are 5 ranks within the Angel's Novice, Initiate, Guardian, Protector, and Elite but above all these ranks there is King a rank that's the most powerful rank, King is the one who controls all the Angel's in the world, well these 6 stone chairs are only made for the highest rank in Angel's that is King, if you think King means single ruler well not in this case here the King is divided into 6 angels, there are only 6 of them but 5 of them are absent today remaining only one, in the rank king it's also divided into 6 King, Prince, Ruler, Leader, Majesty and Nobel

King: Oh these other kings are always absent when will they have some discipline and attend every meeting

Jake Fishman: Greetings my lord (kneels down)

King: Welcome Jake what is your purpose here?

Jake Fishman: My purpose for being here is I have seen something mysterious

King: What kind of mysterious thing are we talking about?

Jake Fishman: The kind of mystery that could start a war

King: Mm interesting, tell me more about this mysterious thing

Jake Fishman: My lord I have found two Gods in my high school

King: Are you sure that these two people you are talking about are Gods

Jake Fishman: I am 100% sure that they are gods, I have even brought proof that they are gods (giving a small bottle that is filled with blood)

Jake got Skyler's blood when Skyler was beaten by the Bigfoot, Jake gives the blood to the king, now you may ask why he is doing that it's because the Angel, Godly, and Demonic beings have the power to feel someone's aura by touching/observing the blood of the person / being

King: (Observing the blood) Tell me Jake what is the name of this God that I'm observing right now

Jake Fishman: My lord his name is Skyler Arakawa and his friend's name is Benjamin Grim Lock

After observing the blood of Skyler the king saw 4 graphic images flashing through his eyes these 4 graphic images were of the future showcasing future events of Skyler Arakawa covered in blood in the middle of a war, this is a foreshadowing of the very not so upcoming far away war arc called Divine Deception

Jake Fishman: You are sweating my lord is everything okay

King: Yes I am (shocked)

Jake Fishman: My lord should we consider them as our enemies or allies

King: What is his name again? (curious)

Jake Fishman: Skyler Arakawa

King: Arakawa! That name does ring a bell... Ethan Arakawa, is this your son? (paused)

Jake Fishman: My lord (waved his hands)

King: (Snaps out) Oh sorry for pausing

Jake Fishman: Are they our ally or enemy

King: They are our ally

Jake Fishman: Are you sure my lord?

King: Yes I am, I can't be mistaken... Arakawa is our ally (a quick glimpse of the past)

Jake Fishman: Alright my lord if you say so

King: I know child that you are still confused about whether you should trust them or not but if you need more answers about the Arakawa then no man in the world knows about them better than your own father

Jake Fishman: My father?

King: Yes child your father grew up with Arakawa

Jake Fishman: My father never told me he grew up with a God

King: Very well, I guess you have found your answer now you are dismissed

Jake Fishman: Thank you for your time my lord now I shall leave, kesu! (opens a portal)

Jake opens a portal to leave the angel dimension teleporting directly to his home, he immediately starts questioning his father about his connection with the Arakawa's

Cut to

INT. High school classroom – Morning

The class hasn't started yet so the classroom is buzzing with chatter students are debating about gods

Student 01: I believe in my God, he created the sky and land

Student 02: No way my God is more powerful than your god

Student 03: You both are wrong my God is real and controls the whole universe

Student 04: (Angry) All of you are wrong my God is the only true God

The debate grows louder as students argue over whose God is stronger and more real

Student 05: All of you stop it, let's ask someone else (looking for someone) hey you Skyler what are your thoughts?

All eyes turn to Skyler, who is just sitting at the back bench

Skyler Arakawa: I don't believe in any gods... because I haven't seen one

The class falls silent, surprised by his response, Skyler continued

Skyler Arakawa: But there's one person I do believe in, to me she's like a God she brought me into this world taught me everything I know, and loves me unconditionally, who I'm referring to is my mother

The students listen very carefully captivated by Skyler's words

Skyler Arakawa: She works hard every day to provide for me, she is always there when I need her, never asking for anything in return, if there's anyone who deserves to be called a god, it's her

A few students nod in agreement moved by Skyler's heartfelt speech the room is quiet, filled with a newfound respect for Skyler's perspective, Skyler sits down and the classroom remains silent for a moment reflecting on his words

Cut to

Jake Fishman: Father (looks around) father

Jake walks up to his father

Jake Fishman: Father what is this that I just heard?

Anthony Fishman: What exactly did you hear?

Jake Fishman: The king said you know Arakawa

Anthony Fishman: What about it?

Jake Fishman: What about it? what's your connection with Arakawa, you are a Healer/human/regular being how did you grow up with a God

Anthony Fishman: Well it's a long story

Jake Fishman: Why did you hide it from me

Anthony Fishman: There was a reason

Jake Fishman: What is it, I know that in 2019 a God fell from the sky and he divided angels into 2 groups

Anthony Fishman: That's a lie

Jake Fishman: What do you mean

Anthony Fishman: Ethan Arakawa and I grew up with each other, I don't wanna specify how we met and everything cause I'm not in the mood to explain, we all grew up with each other in a place called Asgaror, it's a place where all the gods live and consider it as their home we were a group called the 8th pillars in the Asgaror

The 8th pillar is a ranking system like angels but different...

The 1st rank group in gods are called Grandmasters consisting of 3 gods

2nd rank group are called the the 8th pillar consisting of 8 beings in it 1 demonic being, 1 healer/regular being that's me, 1 interdimensional being, and 5 godly beings

3rd rank group are called Seven Mental Gods aka (SMG) consisting of 7 gods

4th rank group are called the Reapers consisting of 5 gods

5th rank group are called The Phantom Opps consisting of 9 gods

The last 6th rank group are called The Red Crew aka the weakest rank and group of gods

Jake Fishman: But how did you end up on Earth then

Anthony Fishman: Let me finish talking

Jake Fishman: Ok

Anthony Fishman: I'm sure you know Ben is the god of wind

Jake Fishman: (In his thoughts) Then that must mean Skyler is the god of thunder

Anthony Fishman: My father and my mother loved each other, they weren't married yet they were in a living relationship for 3 years one day my mother got pregnant and she told my father, he replied to get an abortion because he had a fear of marriage, my mother declined it saying no I really wanna keep this baby so my father breaks up with my mother... when my mother was 6 months into the pregnancy a mysterious portal opens and she went in it, she didn't have any clue that this portal led to Asgaror when she went in the portal to the other side the portal closes, Skyler's grandfather Isamu Arakawa and his grandmother Sakura Arakawa helped my mother in her pregnancy even though she was a healer they proceeded to help her

Jake Fishman: Couldn't they just send her off to the angel dimension by opening a portal?

Anthony Fishman: It doesn't work like that, gods can't open a portal there because in the angel dimension, the healers and angels have cut off sensing of aura meaning demonic and godly beings can not sense their aura

Jake Fishman: Then how did the portal open from inside the dimension?

Anthony Fishman: It was an accident it's 1 in millions a type of accident

Jake Fishman: Ok continue

Anthony Fishman: Since they couldn't send my mother back they offered her to stay in Asgaror and she accepted their offer, after 3 months I was born but sadly when she gave birth to me she lost her life, fast-forward to that bastard who locked up your mother

Jake Fishman: Who is it, father?

Anthony Fishman: Not now, now is not a good time to explain everything

Jake Fishman: Why?

Anthony Fishman: Cause my coffee's getting cold so I'm gonna rap this up fast, the being who locked up your mother also wanted to kill Skyler's mother

Jake Fishman: Skyler's mother why?

Anthony Fishman: Because she had a being sealed inside of her

Jake Fishman: What kind of being are you talking about about father

Anthony Fishman: The celestial being

Jake Fishman: What (sweating) cel... cel... celestial being

Anthony Fishman: Yes

Jake Fishman: The one who created us, the one who can snap his finger and destroy a million universes

Anthony Fishman: Yes but this is a different type of celestial being as per my intel there is a cosmic entity who created the celestial being

The celestial being is pure evil, he wanted to be more powerful than the comic entity so he asked the cosmic entity for a child of himself and the cosmic entity gave the celestial being a small celestial child

The celestial being observed comic entities fighting style and everything, little did the cosmic entity know the celestial being was up to something, suddenly the celestial being used a sealing spell on the cosmic entity and sealed the cosmic entity inside his own son, that the cosmic entity created himself

The celestial being created 10 more versions of himself but the child of the celestial being escaped from him and came to Asgaror and asked for help, the gods agreed

All the gods decided to seal the child of the celestial inside Skyler's grandmother and the child celestial agreed on being sealed but the celestial got to know about this that his child betrayed him and ran away, so the celestial being sent demonic beings to capture his son

That's where the war begins in which Skyler's grandmother dies but Skyler's father and his grandfather managed to kill 50% of the demonic beings, which is a total number of 72 million...

The demonic beings retreated without the son of celestial and the son of celestial or you can call it the child of celestial was next sealed inside Skyler's mother

Jake Fishman: Wait why didn't the celestial being come by itself and capture his son

Anthony Fishman: That's because he couldn't enter our universe

Jake Fishman: Why not

Anthony Fishman: Long long long into millions of years ago 5 beings were living together

(There are 1 more extra beings that live in another dimension I am going to reveal more about them as the story goes on but for now, let's put that aside)

So yeah 5 beings were living together helping each other with their power, and they were listening to the celestial being like a slave but one day god, angel, healer, interdimensional and demonic beings wanted more power so they cut the celestial son's left hand's pinky finger without the celestial knowing, yes this was a good successful mission but they all were greedy for more power, healers and Angels team up, gods and interdimensional beings team up leaving demonic beings alone

The war started between these 5

The angels and healers quit fighting first and then the demonic beings quit, now wait a minute how can demonic beings quit if they are supposed to be stronger than gods and Angels and other beings, well in that time the celestial being gave every being equal power so everyone were equal at that time, after the angels and healers quit the demonic beings didn't want to quit, they kept on going but they only quit because they got a message from the celestial being himself saying join my side I will share my powers with you, the demonic beings replied do we get it forever permanently? and the celestial being said yes you will and also I will spare your life... the demonic beings agreed to this, now why did the celestial say this when he could just destroy the universe and take his son's finger because firstly he wasn't aware that they cut his son's finger secondly he did think of destroying the universe and taking his son's finger

You people are probably thinking hey if he could destroy a million universes with a snap of his finger why couldn't he react faster when these 5 beings cut his son's finger well the answer is simple yes the celestial being is super damn strong, for him the universe looks like a phone example I am a human who is looking at my phone in my room but just imagine I am not looking at one phone I am looking at billions or infinite numbers of phones how can I concentrate on one phone when I have a billion phones in my room

One thing the celestial being had no idea was that his son's finger was missing he only noticed that when he felt his son's aura, the celestial being was like my son is on the far right I can clearly see him but how can I feel his aura and that's when he noticed that his son's finger is missing and then he searches every universe till he finds where the aura is coming from and that usually takes 5 seconds for him

After he finds the universe it was too late for him because when the godly beings won the war, they took the finger and combined the godly being with the celestial son's finger and created a fusion hybrid called Valkyrios and the first words of Valkyrios was the celestial will destroy your universe, as soon as the God's heard that they told him to make a seal on the entire universe and the seal States that any type of celestial being cannot enter nor destroy this particular universe, so that's why the celestial being approached the demonic beings asking for their help, cause he know he can make these demons to get his job done

Jake Fishman: Oh now I understand why the celestial being couldn't come in and get Skyler's grandmother by himself

Anthony Fishman: After that, our universe was safe by the hands of Valkyrios and... (an alarm rings saying it's time to teach)

Anthony Fishman also known as Jake's father is a high school teacher at Nexes High School, now he has to go to teach 7th grade students some English

Note: This is a completely different High school, not the same as Skyler's and Ben's, they both go to Evergreen Hill's High School, Jake's father wears a jacket

Jake Fishman: Wait answer my question

Anthony Fishman: Get inside the car I'll drop you at your school and explain everything on the way

Jake Fishman: Ok (goes outside the house and gets in the car)

The father and son get in the car their personal driver is sitting inside

Personal Driver: Good morning sir

Anthony Fishman: Good morning driver

Jake Fishman: Father now tell me

Anthony Fishman: Mm

Jake Fishman: Mm?!

Anthony Fishman: Mm

Jake Fishman: What the fuck!

Anthony Fishman: Mind your language

Jake Fishman: Sorry Father but please continue don't leave me on a Cliffhanger

Anthony Fishman: Driver please continue the story

Personal Driver: What story sir

Anthony Fishman: The story I have told you many years ago

Personal Driver: You have told me a lot of stories sir which one do you want me to tell Jake

Anthony Fishman: Tell him how I and Arakawa fell from Asgaror

Personal Driver: Alright sir, Jake listen up after the celestials son was sealed inside Skyler's mother, Emily and Ethan got married by that time your father was already married to your mother Jake, your father and Ethan had another friend that is none other than Ben's father Brook Grim Lock

Anthony Fishman: Alright driver I'll continue from here

Personal Driver: Ok sir

Anthony Fishman: We 3 used to hang out everywhere but one day... we 3 were sent to do a mission and the others were minding their own business but that was the day someone in our group showed their true colors, he wanted to get the celestial powers but Ben's mother got to know this and she confronted him so he killed Ben's mother and teleported to where Skyler's mother is, Ben's father got to know who killed his wife, Skyler's mother and your mother were walking down the garden suddenly that being stabbed your mother and Skyler's mother in the eye with a sword, there was someone who placed an illusion on your mother so she couldn't help Emily at that time, before that being was about the kill Skyler's mother Skyler's father protects her and a big fight happens between them but in the end, Ben's father sacrifices his life and sends us all into Earth but sadly I couldn't bring your mother because of that being, we all landed without any protection

Personal Driver: Your father is a healer means he is immortal and he regenerated but Emily and Ethan are gods so they couldn't regenerate and they all landed on the Angel dimension the angels were shocked seeing a God

Jake Fishman: Oh my god! Father, I didn't know you went through all this

Anthony Fishman: Yes (puts his hand on Jake's shoulder) and you might think just because I am immortal and could regenerate I don't feel any pain but I was dying from inside... that I couldn't save your mother, Skyler's father gets up he is very very badly injured, he got up and the first thing he said was "save my wife" that's all he said... the angels replied you are more injured than your wife Skyler's father said "I don't care about my life just save her life I beg you" and Emily used up all her energy, after that fight, she had only little bit of her energy left and so she used all her energy and powers to protect you and Ben

Jake Fishman: What?

Anthony Fishman: Yes I was in shock, stiff as a stone because I couldn't save your mother, Skyler's father was shocked that his best friend sacrificed his life to save him, only Emily was conscious at that time so she used all her powers that she had left shielding both of you

Jake Fishman: Oh my god

Anthony Fishman: Also I have one more thing to say... Moon wasn't born on Earth she came from a demonic dimension straight to Earth I don't know how but someone used a shielding spell just like a god and sent her to Earth

Jake Fishman: What! (thinking)

Personal Driver: (Interrupting) Yep here comes your school Jake

Jake Fishman: Ok (shocked) (opens the door and leaves the car)

Anthony Fishman: Jake this stays between us!

Jake Fishman: (Turns around) What do you mean this stays between us don't you want me to tell Skyler and Ben that they are this and this happened in the past

Anthony Fishman: No, you won't say anything to them this stays with you and me

Jake Fishman: Then when will they get to know all of this?

Anthony Fishman: When the time comes

Jake Fishman: What time?

Anthony Fishman: The time Skyler's mother has left to live

Jake Fishman: I don't understand father

Anthony Fishman: Skyler's father must tell both of them what they are and their history before she dies

Jake Fishman: Father who dies

Anthony Fishman: Skyler's mother will die at the hands of a god in 1 week... if Skyler's father doesn't tell him and Ben what they are then I will tell them myself, till then don't say a word to both of them, bye (closes the car door)

Jake is scared, confused, and thinking a lot

INI. High school classroom — Morning

Ben comes inside the classroom

Skyler Arakawa: Hey Ben!

Benjamin Grim lock: What's up brother

Skyler Arakawa: Nothing, why are you late?

Benjamin Grim lock: Oh I just woke up late

Ben takes a seat and Jake enters the class

Skyler Arakawa: Jake why are you late, let me guess your teleportation powers stopped working right?

Jake Fishman: Nothing like that will ever happen, my father just dropped me off today

Skyler Arakawa: Mm

Jake Fishman: (In his thoughts) Skyler, Ben, and Moon I'm sorry I know the truth but can't say anything because Father told me not to say anything

The classroom buzzes with chatter Skyler and Jake are talking with each other meanwhile Mary who is sitting in front of Ben, writing something Ben notices and leans forward

Benjamin Grim lock: Hey Mary, what are you writing?

Mary Raven: I'm writing a poem

Benjamin Grim lock: Can I hear it?

Mary Raven: Sure (reading the poem)

In the quiet, in the cheer, a friend stands always near.

Through the highs and through the lows, our bond forever grows.

No need for words, no need for show, just a look, and we both know.

Benjamin Grim lock: That's beautiful Mary you've got a real talent for poetry

Mary Raven: Thanks Ben I appreciate it

A time skip of the clock as the bell rings signaling the end of class, meanwhile Skyler is laughing for some reason 

Benjamin Grim lock: (Turns back) Skyler why are you laughing?

Skyler Arakawa: I'm just laughing cause of how strong I have become, if that bigfoot hadn't used the berserk mode, I would have won considering I'm a better fighter than you

Benjamin Grim lock: Woh woh woh what the hell do you mean you are a better fighter than me sure I agree that you're a better swordsman than me but when it comes to hand-to-hand combat I will beat you... maximum effort

Skyler Arakawa: Alright buddy stop dreaming

Benjamin Grim lock: I'm not dreaming I'm just speaking fax

Skyler Arakawa: Oh sure!

Jake Fishman: (Leans forward their desk) What are you guys arguing about?

Benjamin Grim lock: We are just talking about who is a better fighter in hand-to-hand combat

Skyler Arakawa: Come on guys the answer is obviously me

Benjamin Grim lock: How the hell are you a better fighter than me?

Jake Fishman: Remember who defeated Bigfoot

Skyler Arakawa: So what I damaged him more

Jake Fishman: You didn't... he went berserk mode and beat your ass

Skyler Arakawa: But before he went berserk mode who was beating his ass "Me"

Jake Fishman: Not true but I was the one who defeated him when he used berserk mode I fought with him for 20 minutes so I gave him more damage and I didn't even use my berserk mode so I defeated him in my base form

Skyler Arakawa: Nah I don't accept this

Jake Fishman: How about we settle it once and for all? there's a fight club tonight we go there and see who's really got the skills

Ben raises his eyebrows a mix of surprise

Benjamin Grim lock: Wait, you mean an actual fight club?

Jake Fishman: (Nods) Exactly we can test our moves in a real setting just a friendly competition, but of course don't hold back because we are not fighting normal humans we are fighting angels

Benjamin Grim lock: Well I don't know about this one... you guys go I'm not in the mood to fight (looking at Mary)

Jake and Skyler look at each other giving side eyes

Jake Fishman: Why Ben? Do you have any other plans that are more important than our plan

Benjamin Grim lock: No, I have no other plans for now

Skyler Arakawa: You sure brother cause it looks like you are about to make one right now

Benjamin Grim lock: No I'm not

Skyler Arakawa: Come on it could be fun

Benjamin Grim lock: Alright I'm in, stop asking me questions

Jake Fishman: (Claps his hands together) Awesome meet me at the old warehouse on 5th Street at 8:00 p.m. and remember no holding back

Jake, Skyler, and Ben grab their bags headed towards the door the anticipation of the night's event already building between them, as Skyler is walking out moon calls him

Moon Chaeyoung: Hey Skyler (the sun shining bright behind her)

Skyler Arakawa: Heyyy Moonnn (melting quickly)

Moon Chaeyoung: I heard you 3 were talking about something and making a plan

Skyler Arakawa: Yeah we are going to fight club tonight at 8:00 p.m. to show who has the best hand-to-hand combat skills

Moon Chaeyoung: That's wonderful would you mind if, if I join

Skyler Arakawa: No why would I mind, who has the audacity to say no to a princess like you

Moon Chaeyoung: Thank you bye (smiles)

Skyler Arakawa: (His heart beats fast) Motherfucker calm down (hands on his chest) She said bye not I love you (leaves the classroom)

INT. Underground Fight Club – Night

The crowd is buzzing with excitement after the last fight a man steps out of the ring still enjoying the victory suddenly the atmosphere shifts as a tall, imposing figure, Jake enters the ring his presence commands attention and the crowd quiets down, Jake grabs the microphone his voice is a going through the arena

INT. Underground Fight Club Ring – Night

Jake Fishman: Think you people have seen everything? how about one man taking on four at once?

A murmur spreads through the crowd Skyler and Ben are standing together near the ring exchanging curious glances

Benjamin Grim lock: Yep he's an idiot

Skyler Arakawa: 4 people at once, who does he think he is Batman?

Four angels step into the ring surrounding Jake

The bell rings and the fight begins

Move 1 — 2

Jake launchers forward with blinding speed delivering a shift jab to the first opponent's throat, followed by a brutal knee to the stomach the opponent cramples to the ground gasping for air

Move 3 — 4

Without missing a beat Jake catches a punch from the second opponent he twists the arm forcing the man to his knees and delivers a crushing elbow to the back of the head the man falls unconscious

Move 5 — 6

The third opponent charges but Jake gracefully hooks his leg around the attacker's ankle and sweeps him off his feet as the man falls Jake stomps down hard on his chest knocking the wind out of him

Skyler and Ben watch, their eyes wide in disbelief

Move 7 — 8

The 4th opponent attempts a high kick but Jake catches the leg in mid air and spins throwing the man into the ropes the recoil sends him stumbling back and

Jake greets him with the powerful right cross that sends him to the mat

Move 9 — 10

The first opponent having regained some composure, tries to get up Jack delivers a various round house kick to the head sending him crashing back down

Move 11 — 12

The second opponent crawls towards the ropes but Jake grabs him by the collar lifting him up effortlessly he headbutts the man, and the opponent collapses and conscious

Move 13 — 14

The third opponent doesn't have the energy to fight but is determined, he swings widely Jake dodges grabs the man's wrist, and flips him over slamming him into the mat he follows up with a crushing knee to the face

Move 15 — 16

The 4th opponent barely conscious tries to stand Jake calmly walks over grabs the man's head and delivers a brutal knee to the jaw the opponent falls back knocked out cold

The bell rings signaling the end of the fight Jake stands in the center of the ring surrounded by defeated opponents the crowd is in a mix of shock

Skyler and Ben are stunned by the display of combat mastery they just witnessed

Skyler Arakawa: Did you see that he took them all down like it was nothing

Benjamin Grim lock: (Ben nods still processing the scene) That was... insane I've never seen anyone fight like that

Jake smirks acknowledging the crowd's reaction with a slight nod he steps out of the ring

INT. Underground Fight Club Ring – Night

Now the next fight... Skyler a fighter with a beautiful physic and come demeanor bounces lightly on his feet

Man 2 is equally muscular but with more aggressive eyes

The bell rings signaling the start of the fight

Skyler and Man 2 circle each other sizing each other up

Man 2 lunges forward with a powerful right hook aimed at Skyler's jaw

Skyler ducks just in time feeling the rush of air as the punch narrowly misses, he counters with a swift jab to man 2's rib the impact producing a dull thud

Man 2 grunts and steps back clutching his side for a brief moment before advancing again he throws a quick one two combo but Skyler expertly dodges both punches his arms moving with lighting speed

Skyler sees an opening and delivers a sharp front kick to man 2's midsection sending him staggering backward, the crowd cheers

Regaining his balance man 2 charges forward with the punch before tackling

Skyler to the ground grappling each other trying to gain the upper hand

Man 2 manages to pin Skyler briefly raining down a series of brutal punches

Skyler blocks as many punches as he can his arms observing the impact he shifts his hips and manages to reverse the position now straddling man 2

With a roar Skyler unleashes brutal punches each strike more powerful than the last man 2's head snaps back and forth, blood spraying from his nose and mouth

Skyler gives a low kick then spins into a devastating round house kick that connects with man 2's the force of the blow sends man 2 crashing to the mat dazed

Seizing the moment Skyler leaps into the air and brings his elbow down in a vicious style into Man 2's chest the crowd goes wild as Man 2's body is filled with more blood

Barely conscious man struggles to stand his feet only to be met with a powerful uppercut that lifts him off the ground he crashes into the mat and unmoving

The referee rushes in, waving his arms to signal the end of the fight the bell rings again and

Skyler stands victorious raising his bleeding fist to the crowd

As Skyler is walking out of the ring he hears a familiar voice

Moon Chaeyoung: Hi Skyler (waving her hand)

Skyler Arakawa: Hey moon (smiling)

Moon Chaeyoung: Hey (comes closer)

Skyler Arakawa: You came, did you watch me fight?

Moon Chaeyoung: Yes, you looked so cool while fighting

Skyler Arakawa: Really I looked cool while fighting?

Moon Chaeyoung: Yep

As Skyler and Moon are talking with each other, on the other side Ben is getting ready for his match to start, as Ben is walking towards the ring lost in thoughts he doesn't notice a woman who is equally distracted approaching from the opposite direction, the woman turns out to be Mary

They collide

The impact is gentle but enough to send Mary stumbling into Ben, her head comes to rest against his muscular chest her arms instinctively wrapping around his torso in a brief accidental hug

They both pause surprised as the intimacy of the moment hangs between them

Ben gently pushes her, his large hands on her shoulder

Benjamin Grim lock: (Softly) Mary? what are you doing here?

Mary looks up slightly embarrassed but smiling

Mary Raven: Moon brought me here, just thought I'd check it out, are you a fighter? do you know how to fight?

Benjamin Grim lock: (Ben chuckles, a confident grin spreading across his face) Yeah you could say that

Suddenly, the bell rings signaling the next round of fighters

Ben glances back toward the ring and then back at Mary

Mary Raven: Good luck can't wait to see your fighting skills

Benjamin Grim lock: Just wait and watch

Ben turns back walking towards the ring his muscles are shining

INT. Underground Fight Club Ring – Night

The crowd's excitement builds up as they wanna know what this new guy does in the ring, Ben's opponent Man 3 a hulk looking type with a menacing glare steps forward

The bell rings and the fight begins

Man 3 charges forward with a wild haymaker, aiming for Ben's head

Ben ducks smoothly his moments fluid and controlled he counters with a rapid series of jabs to man 3's midsection each punch landing with precision

Mary watches from the side lines her eyes wide open with fascination

Man 3 swings a heavy back head at Ben

Ben blocks the blow with his forearm and steps in close driving his knee into man 3's ribs with a sickening thud

Man 3 quickly recovers and throws a lot of punches

Ben dodges and lands up a powerful uppercut sending man 3 flying

Determined to impress Mary, Ben decides to end the fight with a display of sheer strength and skill

Man 3 gets up and thinks if I land an uppercut on him I will be able to knock him down but that's the issue when they get close Ben gives all his energy into this one punch to man 3's jaw and the point connects, the force of that punch makes man 3 crashing to the mat unconscious

The bell rings signaling Ben's victory he stands tall breathing heavily his eyes scanning the crowd until he finds Mary

She smiles and gives him a thumbs-up clearly impressed

Ben nods a satisfied grin spreading across his face he raises his arms as the crowd screams his name

The End Of Chapter 08...