Day – Tuesday
INT. Skyler's Bedroom - Morning
The scene opens up in Skyler's bedroom, Skyler is sleeping on his bed beside him and there is his alarm at 9:59 AM when it hits 10:00 AM it starts ringing
Skyler Arakawa: (Wake up in a very energetic way) Hello me (smiling)
He gets up in a happy mood, he moonwalks to his bathroom [sign on the door: try knocking if you enjoy having fewer fingers]
Skyler is brushing his teeth while showering he applies shampoo to his hair and starts making different hairstyles looking at the mirror
Cut to
INT. Ben's House - Morning
Ben is getting ready for the date dressing up, he is wearing white pants and a white T-shirt, he is also wearing a textured dark green shirt with white shoes
Ben takes his car keys and goes to the garage, he has 2 cars 1st a 1965 Ford Mustang, 2nd a 1953 Chevrolet Corvette, he sits on the 1953 Chevrolet Corvette and starts the car
Cut to
INT. Skyler's Bedroom - Morning
Skyler, freshly out of the shower, grabs his towel and wraps it around his waist, still enjoying as music plays from his phone, he opens his closet, searching for something to wear, still bouncing to the rhythm
Skyler Arakawa: (Smiling) Ben's probably all nervous right now, Man, a library date, huh? How do you flirt in a library?
Skyler Arakawa: (Mocking Ben) Oh Mary, do you come here often? You must read into things
He laughs at his own joke, grabbing a pair of jeans and quickly throwing them on.
Cut to
EXT. Ben's Driveway
Ben revs up the 1953 Chevrolet Corvette, adjusting his rearview mirror, taking a deep breath
Benjamin Grim Lock: (talking to himself) Alright, Ben, You've got this. It's just a date… at a library, Easy, Just be yourself
He checks his reflection in the rearview mirror again
Benjamin Grim Lock: (Nervous smile) Mary... likes books, You like books, This will be fine, totally fine
He pulls out of the driveway and drives off
Cut to
EXT. Skyler's house
Skyler rushes out of his house, half-dressed grabbing his sneakers, he starts hopping on one foot, trying to put his shoes on while still dancing to the beat in his head
Skyler Arakawa: (Mocking himself) And Skyler is... late, as usual
He finally manages to put his shoes on, throws his hands up, and heads out the door
The amusement park is 35 miles away from his house, the average speed of a human running is 6 miles per hour and it will take him about 11.67 hours to reach there but Skyler is a god and he runs at 50 km/h so it will take the Skyler around 1 hour and 8 minutes to reach the amusement park running at 50 km/h
Cut to
EXT. Amusement Park
The scene opens with Moon and Skyler walking through the entrance of the amusement park, the atmosphere is lively with colorful lights, excited chatter and the distant sounds of rides and games, Moon is smiling widely and Skyler has a playful goofy expression
Skyler Arakawa: Welcome to the land of fun, where should we start Moon?
Moon Chaeyoung: (Laughing) I'm not sure! There's so much to do but let's kick things off with the roller coaster
Skyler Arakawa: Perfect!
They head towards the roller coaster getting in line
EXT. Roller Coaster – Morning
The two of them are at the roller coaster, the camera shows them buckling in and then cuts to their faces as the ride starts
Skyler Arakawa: (Excited) Hold on tight Moon! This is going to be wild
Moon Chaeyoung: (Laughing) I'm ready! Bring it on
As the roller coaster takes off, the scene is filled with screams and laughter, Skyler throws his hands in the air, while Moon's hair flies in every direction
Cut to
INT. Library Entrance - Morning
The scene opens with Mary and Ben walking into a big quiet library, the towering shelves are filled with books of every genre
Benjamin Grim Lock: (Softly) You ready to dive into a world of stories
Mary Raven: (Nervously smiling) Yeah I think so, it's just... so big in here I didn't expect it to be this overwhelming
Benjamin Grim Lock: (Gently) We'll take it one asile at a time, besides, I'm right here with you
Mary nods, her expression relaxed as they walk deeper into the library together
Cut to
EXT. Food Stand - Late Morning
After the roller coaster, they walk over to a food stand, Skyler has a giant pretzel and Moon is munching on cotton candy
Skyler Arakawa: (With his mouth full) You've got to try this pretzel, it's almost as big as my head
Moon Chaeyoung: (Surprised) Damn I didn't know they were that big
They both laugh as Moon takes a bite of the pretzel, Skyler then gives her some cotton candy and they share a lighthearted moment feeding each other and joking around
Cut to
INT. Library (puzzle area) - Late Morning
The scene transitions to a corner of the library, where a table is set up with a puzzle, Mary and Ben sit down both studying the pieces laid out before them
Benjamin Grim Lock: (Cheerfully) How about we start with the edges? it's always easier when you know the boundaries
Mary Raven: (Focused) That makes sense... here's a corner piece
They begin working together, slowly assembling the puzzle as the image starts to take shape, Mary's worryness fades and she starts to enjoy the activity
Mary Raven: (Smiling) This is actually really relaxing I didn't think I'd enjoy this much
Benjamin Grim Lock: It's like putting together a story piece by piece and the best part is we're doing it together
They continue working, as they reach for the same piece, each time exchanging a shy smile
Cut to
EXT. Carnival Games – Early Afternoon
They arrive at the carnival games area, Skyler tries to toss the ring while Moon watches cheering him on
Moon Chaeyoung: Come on you've got this! just channel your inner... whatever it is you need to win!
Skyler Arakawa: I'm summoning all my goofy powers for this one
Skyler tosses the ring, missing the first few but finally lands one in his last try, he jumps up in victory and Moon claps excitedly
Skyler Arakawa: (Proudly) And this prize is (he picks up a small stuffed animal) for you, my Pookie
Moon Chaeyoung: (Smiling) Thank you, kind sir! I shall treasure this adorable bear forever
Cut to
INT. Library (reading nook) – Early Afternoon
After completing the puzzle, they move to a nearby reading nook, Ben pulls a novel off the shelf and they sit side by side on a sofa
Benjamin Grim Lock: (Reading) In the world where everything seemed uncertain, they found comfort in each other's presence...
Mary listens to Ben, her eyes following the words on the page, she looks at Ben noticing the way he's immersed in the story
Mary Raven: You have a nice reading voice Ben, it makes the story come alive
Benjamin Grim Lock: (Smiling) Thanks I'm glad you like it, would you like to read a bit?
Mary Raven: (Blushing) I'm not very good at reading out loud
Benjamin Grim Lock: (Encouragingly) You don't have to be perfect, it's just us here
Mary hesitates, then takes the book and starts reading, her voice quiet, Ben listens nodding in encouragement, making her feel more comfortable
Cut to
INT. Photo Booth – Afternoon
They spot a photo booth and rush inside, the camera focuses on the booth as flashes go off, capturing their silly poses, Skyler with his tongue out, Moon with her hands making bunny ears behind her head, and both of them laughing uncontrollably, they step out of the booth, holding the strip of photos and laughing as they look at the results
Moon Chaeyoung: (Laughing) These are perfect! I think this one with you looking like a total goofball is my favorite
Skyler Arakawa: That's my natural state
Cut to
INT. Library (cafe) – Afternoon
Later they head to the library's cafe, they sit at a small table with cups of hot coffee
Benjamin Grim Lock: (Taking a sip) This is nice, isn't it? I could get used to spending afternoons like this
Mary Raven: (Smiling) It is, I've never really done something like this before, it's just relaxing with someone
Benjamin Grim Lock: I'm glad you're here with me, it's like the books brought us together
They share a quiet moment both sipping their coffee, as they talk about the novel they read and their favorite parts, their hands slowly inch towards each other on the table
Eventually, Ben's hand touches Mary's hand, they both freeze for a moment, shyly looking at each other but neither pulls away, instead they hold each other's hand more tightly, both smiling as they continue their conversation
Cut to
EXT. Ferris Wheel – Evening
Moon and Skyler are seated in a Ferris wheel carriage the ride begins, slowly lifting them above the amusement park, Moon leans over the edge her eyes wide open, as she takes in the view, Skyler playfully rocks the carriage slightly
Moon Chaeyoung: (Giggling) Stop that! you're going to make us tip over!
Skyler Arakawa: Don't worry, if we fall, I'll catch you, well, we might both hit the ground but it's the thought that counts right?
Moon Chaeyoung: (Laughing) You're crazy, but that's why I like you, look at the view! it's beautiful up here
Skyler Arakawa: Yeah, it is (pauses looking at Moon) but I think the company makes it even better
Moon blushes and they both share a smile as the ferris wheel continues it's slow peaceful rotation, the view is breathtaking with the entire park spread out below and the sky turning golden with the setting sun
Moon Chaeyoung: It's so beautiful up here, I don't think I've ever seen anything like this
Skyler looks at her, noticing how her face is lit up with the evening light, for a moment he just watches her, appreciating how happy she seems
Skyler Arakawa: Yeah it really is
There's a pause, a comfortable silence between them, Moon turns to look at Skyler, catching him staring at her, she raises an eyebrow
Moon Chaeyoung: (Teasing) What are you looking at?
Skyler Arakawa: (Smiling) Just you
Moon Chaeyoung: Why?
Skyler Arakawa: Cause you're the Apple of my eye
They hold each other's hands, the world around them seems to fade away, and the carriage sways gently in the breeze, bringing them a little closer together, without really thinking Skyler leans in closing the distance between them, Moon doesn't pull away
Their lips meet in a soft kiss, and they pull back after a while, both of them are smiling, a little shy but happy
Moon Chaeyoung: I didn't see that coming
Skyler Arakawa: (Blushing) Neither did I but I'm glad it happened
They sit closer now, the world outside the carriage seeming even more alive than before
Cut to
EXT. Library Entrance – Evening
As the day winds down, they find themselves back at the entrance of the library, they stand together neither wanting to say goodbye just yet
Benjamin Grim Lock: Today was a really special, Mary I had a great time
Mary Raven: (Smiling) Me too, Ben, I didn't think I would feel so comfortable but you made it easy
Benjamin Grim Lock: I'm glad, maybe we can do this again sometime?
Mary Raven: (Blushing) I'd like that!
Mary watches Ben walking ahead of her
Mary Raven: (In her thought) Spending the day surrounded by stories and sharing our own felt like we were writing the first chapter of something special, there's something beautiful about getting lost in books together, it's like discovering new worlds and finding each other within them, especially when you're holding hands with someone who makes your heart race in more ways than one
She calls Ben and he turns back, she leans forward and gives him a kiss on his cheeks, and runs towards the car embarrassed, Ben is left in shock standing there
Cut to
EXT. Amusement Park – Night
As the evening darkens Moon and Skyler find a spot on the grass to watch the fireworks
Moon Chaeyoung: This day has been amazing Skyler, I didn't realize how much I needed this
Skyler Arakawa: I'm glad to hear that, there's something about amusement parks that just brings out the best in people, don't you think?
Moon Chaeyoung: (Smiling) Yeah it really does, every laugh and thrill today felt like a little adventure and I can't remember the last time I felt so free and happy
They both watch the fireworks in silence for a moment, taking in the beauty of the moment
Moon Chaeyoung: (In her thought) I don't want this day to end Skyler, being with you makes everything more colorful and alive, thank you for coming into my life and making me feel emotions again
Skyler looks over at Moon, who's still looking up at the sky, and smiles
Cut to
INT. Ben's Car – Evening
Mary Raven: (Looking at Ben) Ben
Benjamin Grim Lock: Mm-mm
Mary Raven: You said you have a 1965 Ford Mustang right
Benjamin Grim Lock: Yes
Mary Raven: Can I see it
Benjamin Grim Lock: No it's pretty late
Mary Raven: Oh come on it's just 7 o clock, we have a lot of time
As Ben is driving, a storm starts, Ben drives fast trying to reach his house fast but it was too rainy to see anything, Ben was near his house but Skyler's house was just a block away, so he parked his car in their drive yard... they both go inside Skyler's house hoping to see someone but nobody was there
Benjamin Grim Lock: Hey Mary, there is a guest room upstairs on the left side, you can sleep there
Mary Raven: What about you?
Benjamin Grim Lock: I'll sleep on Skyler's bed
Mary wants to say something but hesitates to say
Mary Raven: Ben
Benjamin Grim Lock: Yes
Mary Raven: I can't sleep in the guest room
Benjamin Grim Lock: Why?
Mary Raven: Cause I don't have my teddy
Benjamin Grim Lock: I don't understand?
Mary Raven: (Embarrassed) Ahh... how do I say this to you, mm, I want to sleep with you
Benjamin Grim Lock: Wait what (his face turns red)
Mary Raven: I can't sleep without hugging something
Benjamin Grim Lock: Mm
Mary Raven: So can I cuddle you please (cat eyes)
Benjamin Grim Lock: (Pauses for a moment) Yes but this should stay just between us
Mary Raven: I promise I won't even tell Moon
Benjamin Grim Lock: (Shy) Good
After a couple of minutes Ben and Mary get on the bed, and they cuddle each other, there's no sexual thing going on between them unlike the other 2
Cut to
After the amusement park Moon asks Skyler to walk her home and Skyler agrees, her house is 13km away from the amusement park, they both get ice cream in the midway, after a couple of long walking Moon reaches her house
EXT. Moon's House – driveway night
Moon Chaeyoung: Skyler, this has been a wonderful day, thank you... pookie
Moon leans in and kisses Skyler one more time, he is super happy, as she walks he dances but when she turns back he acts like nothing happened
When Moon reaches her door she turns back in anger
Moon Chaeyoung: Hey!
Skyler Arakawa: Yeah
Moon Chaeyoung: Don't you love me?
Skyler Arakawa: Yes I do
Moon Chaeyoung: Then why didn't you walk with me to my door
Skyler jogs towards Moon, he grabs her waist and takes her back to the driveway
Moon Chaeyoung: No stop it (laughing)
Skyler Arakawa: (He puts her down) My lady (holds her left hand with his right hand)
As Skyler is walking away Moon calls him
Moon Chaeyoung: Skyler! do you really have to go?
Skyler Arakawa: Yes
Moon Chaeyoung: FYI my dad isn't home
Skyler Arakawa: And?
Moon Chaeyoung: And (shyness) you know
Skyler Arakawa: What... (teasing)
Moon Chaeyoung: We can watch Netflix together
Skyler Arakawa: Are you inviting me to your house just to watch Netflix together?
Moon Chaeyoung: Mm-mm, and you know... we could do that thing (shy)
Skyler Arakawa: What thing? (teasing)
Moon Chaeyoung: Come inside the house and I'll show you (smirking)
Skyler Arakawa: Alright (happy)
And what happened next (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)(≖⩊≖) well you know (⸝⸝> ᴗ•⸝⸝)
The End Of Chapter 15...
Poem: At the carnival's lights, hand in hand we roam,
Laughing and shouting, our joy all our own.
Each game, each ride, pulls us close and apart,
Yet here I stand, with you, in the fairground of my heart.
Poem2: Ferris wheels spin, but time holds still,
A silent night, and hearts to fill.
Beneath the fireworks, with laughter bright,
You are the spark that lights my night.
Poem3: Waking to warmth, under blankets cover,
You're more than a friend, almost a lover.
Hearts open slowly, shy but bold,
In this shared morning, new tales unfold.
Poem4: Rings fly through the air with cheer,
Skyler's laughter is music to hear.
A prize won, a bear for Moon,
Their joy dances to a playful tune.
Poem5: In the library's quiet nook,
Mary and Ben share every look.
With puzzle pieces, they find their way,
Building stories, day by day.
Hi there this is the author again - I am writing so many poems in this chapter because this is my fav chapter (˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)