Day – Monday
INT. Inner Realm
Skyler is floating up in the darkness, there are chains broken into pieces shattered around
There is a mysterious being sitting on a chair and looking at Skyler
Cut to
INT. Hospital Room – Night
It's a cold quiet night in the hospital room where Skyler is lying on the bed, badly injured from the last battle
Ben and Mary are there to keep him company, the moon shines through the window, Mary has placed a blanket over Skyler making sure he is warm
Ben is setting up a pillow and a blanket on the sofa for Mary to sleep on
Mary Raven: (Concerned) Ben, you should take some rest, (she puts her hands on Ben's shoulder) you need it more than I do
Benjamin Grim Lock: No you rest! I'll be fine
Mary Raven: No! you are not fine… it's been 3 days since Skyler has been in a coma and also it's been 3 days since you slept
She finally manages to convince Ben to sleep, its super cold outside and inside the hospital, since there is only one blanket… Ben gives the blanket to Mary saying that "he'll sleep without them"
Mary Raven: Alright but I have a better idea
Ben is lying on the sofa, Mary walks over to him slowly the blanket in her arms, she climbs on the sofa beside him, she cuddles up to him, and places her head resting on his chest
Mary Raven: (Whispering) This way we both stay warm
Benjamin Grim Lock: (Smiling wrapping his arms around her) Perfect
The camera zooms out as they fall asleep together
Cut to
INT. Hospital Room – Morning
Day – Tuesday
Its early morning and the sun light fills the whole room, Skyler is in his bed, he opens his eyes looking at the ceiling
Moon enters the room quietly, she looks at him, her eyes full of concern and sadness
Moon Chaeyoung: Hey Skyler how are you? (she has a bouquet of flowers)
Skyler Arakawa: I'm fine, talk silently they both are sleeping
Moon Chaeyoung: (She looks at Mary and Ben sleeping) Ok (looks at Skyler) can I help you with anything? I feel so sad that this all happened because of me
Skyler Arakawa: (Reaching out his hand) Could you… just cuddle me tightly? That's all I need right now
Moon smiles and walks over to the bed and places the bouquet on a table, she carefully opens the blanket and slides under it positioning herself in a spooning position, Skyler wraps his arms around her body, holding her close
Skyler Arakawa: This is perfect thank you
Flash Back
2 Days Ago
INT. Angel Dimension – Luminary Syndicate
Luminary Syndicate is a place that operates like a government for only angels, there are 6 angels who decide whether you are guilty or not
If you are wondering who these 6 angels are then read Chapter 8 again
Anyway these 6 angels monitor super powered activitys and report potential threats to each other
This is going to be a random thing to say but the planet Earth has divided into 2 parts
1st part is where all the characters are right now AKA Nexus city
2nd part is called Conqueror city, in there they are a group of angels called the Illuminati, they rule everything and they are evil (I'll explain more about them in the 2nd arc)
Ok back to where we were, so yeah the 6 angels AKA the kings have ordered everyone who were responsible for Noah's death to attend the Luminary Syndicate
Bigfoot is there because of Noah's case and also because he killed someone innocent on Monday
Moon, Jake, Anthony, Ethan and Emily are in there explaining their part of the story, that's why they all are not in the hospital with Skyler
Eventually, bigfoot AKA Steve gets 3 to 5 years in prison due to him killing an innocent angel on Monday
The End Of Flash Back
After 2 days of staying in the angel dimension, Jake tells the kings that he will tell them all the truth and to leave everyone else related to this case and the kings seem to agree
Anthony goes to his home, Moon runs towards the hospital to see her boyfriend Skyler, and behind her Emily and Ethan are slowly catching up
While Moon is walking in the hospital searching for Skyler, Anthony calls her
Moon Chaeyoung: Hello dad
Anthony Fishman: Yeah Moon I forgot to ask you something?
Moon Chaeyoung: What is it dad?
Anthony Fishman: Did Ethan and Emily tell Skyler what he truly is?
Moon Chaeyoung: No dad… they still haven't told Skyler
Anthony Fishman: Ok, when Skyler recovers tell him that I want to meet him
Moon Chaeyoung: Alright dad I'll bring him home when he recovers
Anthony Fishman: Good
She hangs up the call, the camera zooms on Anthony
Anthony Fishman: Looks like I have to tell him on my own
By the time Emily and Ethan enter the hospital room Moon and Skyler are sleeping and cuddling each other
Emily Inochi Tarinai: (Enters first and looks at Skyler, Ben, Mary, and Moon) Aww
Ethan Arakawa: (Looks at Emily) What happened?
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Nothing, they all are just cuddling each other
They don't enter the room cause they and wanted to give the 2 couples some privacy
Ethan and Emily are sitting outside the room, the door is open
Emily Inochi Tarinai: (Looking at Skyler and Ben) Ethan…
Ethan Arakawa: (Looks at Emily) Yeah
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Promise me you are not gonna cry when I die
Ethan Arakawa: Emily we talked about this… you're not going to die
Emily Inochi Tarinai: (She puts her hand on his mouth) Shh just listen to me (her face is filled with sadness)
Ethan Arakawa: (Sadness is his eyes) No matter what happens I will protect you
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Can you? You are not in your prime anymore Ethan, and you know the rules of god… if a god stops training for more than 5 years then he/she's speed, flexibility, and strength will decrease
Ethan doesn't respond
Emily Inochi Tarinai: I have this strange feeling that I am going to die this week
Ethan Arakawa: Wait what?
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Yeah… I want you to promise me something (looking at Skyler) if I die… I want you to be the villain for Skyler
Ethan Arakawa: Emily… I can't do that to my own son
Emily Inochi Tarinai: (Tears in her eyes) Please (holding Ethan's hand) what do you think is going to happen when I die, they will take my dead body and they will get to know that I do not have the celestial being's son and cosmic entity sealed inside me anymore
There are tears in Ethan's eyes
Emily Inochi Tarinai: They will come back and kill Skyler… only you, me, and Anthony know that the celestial being's son and the cosmic entity was sealed inside Skyler when he was born… but the question is what's Skyler gonna do when the gods come back when I die? He's not strong enough, not as strong as them… Ethan look at me, Ethan, look at me, I want you to be the villain for our son, if I die make him strong
They both hug each other, the camera zooms towards Ethan
Ethan Arakawa: (In his thoughts) Tomorrow I'm going to tell Skyler and Ben what they truly are! And I promise you Emily… no man, no woman, no being can touch you while I'm alive…
Cut to
INT. Asgaror – Control Center of Heaven and Hell
We see a bunch of woman and men are wearing all black dress
Woman: Sir I see an unknown spaceship on the radar circling through universe 36
Kageyama Enma: Try contacting them
The woman sends a contact signal to the unknown spaceship and they get a response
Woman: Sir we are getting a response
Kageyama Enma: Put it on
A call contacts through both the ship
Lucifer: Hello, who am I talking to?
Kageyama Enma: You are talking to Kageyama Enma also known as the god of heaven and hell
Lucifer: (Laughing) Hey child how you been?
Kageyama Enma: No shit... Lucifer is that you?
Lucifer: Yeah
Kageyama Enma: How you been asshole?
Lucifer: Good what about you?
Kageyama Enma: Living a boring life as usual
Lucifer: When will you quit your laziness
Kageyama Enma: Probably never and by the way whose spaceship are you on also why are you circling around universe 36?
Lucifer: I am in Nakamura's spaceship and I'm traveling every universe until find the chosen one
Kageyama Enma: Is Nakamura with you there and why are you searching for the chosen one?
Lucifer: Yes I am with Nakamura but he is sleeping also we are searching for the chosen one because Grandmaster Isamu Arakawa Sensei told us to
Kageyama Enma: Grandmaster told you?
Lucifer: Yeah
Kageyama Enma: Why would he say that, what's the reason
Lucifer: I don't know he kept on saying something about the upcoming war in the future
Kageyama Enma: What?
Lucifer: Forget about that and tell me... is she alive
Kageyama Enma: You mean Emily
Lucifer: Yeah
Kageyama Enma: For now she is but after 4 days the gods are going to planet earth… I'm not sure how many powerful gods they are sending
Lucifer: I see… alright Kageyama be safe
Kageyama Enma: You too Lucifer
The call signal ends
Kageyama Enma: Hey everyone! I want you all to open a portal to planet earth as soon as possible without any god noticing it
Man: Are you sure sir? you are going to be executed if any god gets to know about this
Kageyama Enma: I know it's illegal but I'll take my chances to save my sister Emily...
The End Of Chapter 20…