Echoes of Betrayal

Eve paced nervously in her room, phone pressed to her ear as she spoke to Anna. "I don't know what to do, Anna. The results will be out in a week, and I'm terrified of what they'll say."

Anna's voice, soothing and steady, came through the phone. "Eve, I understand your fears, but I have no doubt you'll find the truth. My mom remembers your mom being pregnant with you. You're their daughter, Eve. Blood or not, you belong."

Tears welled up in Eve's eyes as memories flooded back. "I miss them, Anna," she choked out. "Losing them when I was just fourteen... it's still so painful."

"I know," Anna whispered. "But you're strong, Eve. You will get through this!"

Eve wiped her tears, grateful for Anna's unwavering support. "Thank you, Anna. I needed to hear that."

As the week passed, Eve's anxiety grew. She kept herself busy with work, trying to distract herself from the impending results. Finally, the day arrived. Eve stood outside Victoria's study, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and dread.

Victoria greeted her with a composed smile as Eve entered the room. "The results are here, Eve," she said softly, handing over the envelope.

Eve's hands shook slightly as she opened it and read the words on the paper. "Not biologically related" she read aloud, her voice barely a whisper.

Victoria placed a hand on Eve's shoulder. "Eve, my dear, I love you as if you were my own. But you know our family's traditions. I couldn't go against them."

Eve's mind raced as she tried to process the revelation. "But Aunt Victoria, how... why..." Her words faltered as tears welled up again.

Victoria sighed heavily, her own eyes betraying a hint of sorrow. "Your parents loved you dearly, Eve. They couldn't have children of their own and adopted you when you were a baby. They wanted you to have the best life possible."

Eve sank into a chair, feeling a whirlwind of emotions. "I... I don't understand. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Victoria sat opposite her, her expression pained. "I wanted to protect you, Eve. I thought it was best to let you believe you were one of us."

Eve stared at her aunt, feeling a sense of betrayal mingled with disbelief. "I need time," she finally managed to say, her voice trembling.

Victoria nodded sadly. "Take all the time you need, Eve. I'll be here for you."

As Eve left Victoria's study, she felt as though her entire world had shifted. The truth she had longed for had brought more questions than answers. She wandered aimlessly through the halls of the estate, her thoughts in turmoil.

Alexander Knight stood at the expansive windows of his penthouse office, looking out over the city skyline that stretched before him. His thoughts wandered, as they often did, to the burdens and expectations that came with being the heir to the Knight family legacy.

The Knights were a formidable force in the business world, with interests spanning from finance to real estate. Alexander's father, Robert Knight, had built the family fortune through sheer determination and shrewd business acumen. Now, as the only child and heir apparent, Alexander was expected to uphold and expand upon that legacy.

He ran a hand through his dark hair, a hint of frustration evident in his features. The pressure from his parents to settle down and produce an heir weighed heavily on him. They had been arranging dates and introductions with eligible women for months, each one more unbearable than the last.

As he turned away from the window, his phone buzzed with a message. It was his mother, Olivia Knight, reminding him of the upcoming charity gala that evening. "Another opportunity to network," he muttered to himself, feeling resigned to the inevitable social obligations.

That evening, dressed in a tailored suit that spoke of elegance and power, Alexander arrived at the gala hosted by the Knights. The venue buzzed with conversation and the clinking of glasses as guests mingled under the soft glow of chandeliers.

His mother, elegant in a flowing gown that complemented her grace and sophistication, approached him with a warm smile. "Alexander, darling, I'm so glad you could make it," she greeted him, her eyes scanning the room. "There's someone I'd like you to meet."

And the night went exactly as Alex had expected it. His mother was introducing him to all the eligible ladies and they would fawn and giggle over him. He was bored and tired.

"Mother, Father, I would be going home now, I have to get rested for work tomorrow"

And with that Alex headed out barely giving his parents a chance to respond.

Claire knocked softly on Eve's bedroom door, the delicate sound barely penetrating Eve's cocoon of despair. With a sigh, Claire let herself in, finding Eve curled up on her bed, cocooned in blankets and shadows. Eve barely acknowledged her presence, her gaze distant and pained.

"Eve," Claire began gently, stepping closer, "you've been shutting yourself in here for days. It's really hurting me to see you like this."

Eve turned slightly towards Claire, her expression a mix of sorrow and resentment. "What does it matter anymore, Claire? Everything has been taken away from me."

Claire hesitated, her voice wavering as she reached out, "Let's go for a walk, Eve. Get some fresh air. It might help clear your mind."

Eve brushed off Claire's suggestion with a bitter laugh, "You think a walk will fix this? You don't understand anything, Claire."

Before Claire could respond, a maid entered the room, interrupting their tense exchange. "Miss Claire, your mother requests your presence for the meeting with the investors," she announced respectfully.

Eve's eyes flashed with anger, the betrayal still raw. "That was supposed to be my meeting," she muttered bitterly.

Claire's face fell, tears brimming in her eyes as she struggled to find the right words. "I'm sorry, Eve," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the weight of their shared disappointment.

Eve turned away, unable to bear Claire's presence any longer. "Just go, Claire," she said hoarsely, her voice thick with emotion.

Claire nodded silently, her heart heavy as she left Eve alone in the dimly lit room. Eve sank deeper into her solitude, the weight of her loss crushing her spirit. She curled up on the bed, tears streaming down her cheeks as she finally allowed herself to grieve.

Hours passed in silence as Eve wrestled with her thoughts and emotions. The room grew darker, shadows stretching across the walls like ghosts of her shattered dreams. Exhausted and drained, Eve eventually succumbed to sleep, tears staining her cheeks and heart heavy with unanswered questions.