Chapter 3: Death

Selene's hand shook as she held the revolver.

She had never used a gun before and it felt strange in her hand. It reminded her of her husband's secrets and lies.

He had left it with her for protection, but she never thought she'd need it like this. She tried to calm down, but her mind was filled with scary thoughts.

She was scared, but she knew she had to be brave for her son, Malakai.

Under the bed, Malakai cried quietly, seeing his mother's legs shake with fear. He wanted to comfort her, but he was too scared to speak.

Selene took a deep breath and moved towards the door, trying to be brave. She looked at the broken window, where moonlight made the glass look like sharp knives.

She swallowed hard, her mouth dry with fear, and prepared to face whatever was on the other side of the door.

Selene approached the door, hearing heavy footsteps. Her heart raced and she gripped the revolver tightly.

She took a deep breath, trying to be brave for Malakai, and slowly opened the door. The creaking sound made her wince.

Selene spun around, revolver shaking, and fired it without thinking. The loud bang echoed through the room.

Selene turned to face the darkness, her eyes searching for movement. But the room was empty, except for her own heavy breathing which soothed her.

Her hands shook as she held the revolver, and she cursed herself for making a mistake. She had alerted potential intruders to her presence and revealed she was armed.

Selene's mind raced with fear and uncertainty. She didn't know what to do next or which room to go to.

She didn't want to leave Malakai alone, but she couldn't take any chances.

Selene moved slowly, gun raised, eyes fixed on the doorway. She sidestepped to the bedroom, listening for any sound.

She whispered a silent prayer, her heart pleading for protection. She had to keep Malakai safe.

Selene opened the bedroom door and saw Malakai hiding under the bed. She rushed to him, gun still in hand, and hugged him tightly.

"Shh, m'ijo," she whispered, her voice trembling with fear. "It's okay, I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you."

Malakai cried on Selene's shoulder, his small body shaking with fear. Selene held him tight, feeling a mix of love and terror.

She knew she needed help to keep him safe. With a racing heart, Selene entered the living room, gun in hand.

She saw two men, smirking and raising their hands. Selene's skin crawled with fear as she scanned the room.

"You think a little gun like that can stop us?" one of them sneered, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

Selene's finger tightened on the trigger, but she hesitated. Then, a third man appeared, holding Malakai hostage with a gun to his head.

The bald man sneered, "Looks like we got ourselves a little family reunion." Selene's eyes widened in horror, her mind racing with fear.

She felt like collapsing, her legs trembling. Malakai's scared eyes were fixed on her, and she knew she had to act fast to save him.

The two guys in front of her sneered, their eyes gleaming with a sadistic pleasure. "Looks like we got the upper hand now, don't it?" one of them said, their voices dripping with malice.

Selene gripped the revolver tightly, her finger on the trigger. She was scared and unsure, but she knew she had to act fast to save Malakai.

The bald guy sneered at her, taking a step closer. "You're no match for us," he said, his eyes cruel.

Selene's eyes stayed on Malakai's face, her heart filled with fear and love. She had to do something, but she was trapped.

The silence was heavy, the only sounds the men's breathing and Selene's gasps. The air was thick with tension, like a slow-motion nightmare.

And then, something inside Selene snapped. She raised the revolver, her hand steady, her eyes locked on the bald guy. "Let him go," she said, her voice low and deadly. "Or I swear to God, I'll kill you."

Selene's eyes were fixed on Baldy, her gun still trained on him. She didn't notice the two attackers closing in behind her, their eyes fixed on her with a cruel intent. Malakai's eyes were wide with fear, his face pale as he watched his mother.

Baldy sneered, his eyes gleaming with malice. "You'll never save him," he taunted. "He's ours now."

Selene's finger tightened on the trigger, her mind racing with desperation. But before she could act, the two attackers struck, their fists crashing down on her head. Everything went dark.

When Selene came to, she was lying on the floor, her head throbbing with pain. Malakai was nowhere to be seen, but she could hear his faint cries.

With a surge of adrenaline, she struggled to her feet, her eyes scanning the room frantically.

That was when she saw them, the three attackers, their faces twisted with cruel smiles. And in their midst, Malakai, his eyes wide with fear, his small body trembling with terror.

Selene's heart raced with a mix of anger and despair. She knew she had to act fast, or risk losing her son forever. But what could she do, outnumbered and outmatched?

The air was heavy with tension as Baldy sneered at Selene, his gun trained on her. "You'll never see your precious son again," he taunted. "We'll sell him, and you'll be nothing but a memory."

Malakai's eyes widened in horror as Baldy's finger tightened on the trigger. "Mama!" he screamed, his voice echoing through the room.


The sound of the gunshot was deafening. Selene's body crumpled to the ground, a hole in her head. Malakai's cries turned to wails as he rushed to his mother's side.

Baldy's smile grew wider as he turned to Malakai. "I know how you feel, kid," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "I watched my own mother die. But I'll survive, and you won't."

The room seemed to slow down as Baldy raised his gun again. Malakai's eyes locked onto the weapon, his face frozen in terror.


The second gunshot was just as loud as the first. Malakai's body slumped to the ground, joining his mother in death.