Chapter 26: Alliance of convenience

Malakai was transported outside the tome, and he appeared right in front of his mother and sister, who seemed to have laid next to each other, basking in the warmth of the sun.

But the moment Malakai appeared, Akira's instincts kicked in, and she jumped into a defensive stance, positioning herself over Amari to protect her from what she perceived as a potential threat.

Her fur stood on end, her ears perked up, and her eyes narrowed, ready to pounce if necessary.

Amari, sensing her mother's tension, stirred from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open.

She saw Malakai and her mother's defensive posture, and her tail began to wag excitedly, trying to mediate the situation.

When Akira saw that it was indeed Malakai, her guard dropped, and her expression transformed from fierce to relieved.

She ran towards him, her tail wagging furiously, and rubbed herself against him, showering him with affection. "What happened, Malakai? Are you okay? Did you succeed?" she asked, her voice laced with concern, her eyes scanning him for any signs of injury.

Malakai comforted her, his voice calm and reassuring. "I succeeded, Mother. I got the treasure." He smiled, trying to alleviate her worries.

Akira's ears perked up, and she sniffed him, trying to detect any changes. Amari joined in, sniffing and licking her brother, welcoming him back home.

Akira's tail wagged, and she nuzzled Malakai, her eyes shining with pride. "You did it, son. You made us proud." Amari yelped in excitement, her tail wagging in sync with her mother's.

Akira's eyes sparkled with hope as she gazed at Malakai, her voice filled with anticipation. "So, do you know how to get out of this land?"

She had been trapped for so long, and the thought of finally escaping was almost too much to bear.

Malakai was about to respond, his mouth opening to speak, when suddenly his body froze.

His red eyes glowed with an intense light, and his vision blurred.

He saw a crack appearing on a transparent barrier, like a faint line drawn across the sky.

He tried to peer beyond the crack, and for a moment, he saw a glimpse of green trees and grass, swaying gently in the breeze.

The vision vanished as quickly as it appeared, leaving Malakai disoriented.

But as he shook off the daze, he realized that something was different.

He could smell a unique scent, one that he had never encountered before.

It was faint, but unmistakable, and he knew without a doubt that it was the scent of freedom.

"I know where the exit is," Malakai exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement. He looked at his mother and sister, his tail wagging furiously. "I can lead us there!"

Akira's face lit up with joy, her ears perking up in excitement. "Malakai, you can lead us there?" She couldn't believe it, after all this time, they finally had a way out.

Amari yelped in excitement, her tail wagging in sync with Malakai's. She couldn't wait to explore the new land, to run and play and hunt with her family.

Malakai grinned, his heart racing with anticipation.

"Follow me," Malakai said, his voice filled with confidence. "This will be a long journey, so we might need to go on hunts along the way." He began walking, his paws padding against the ground, his family following closely behind.

They walked for hours, the landscape changing from rocky terrain to lush snowy forests, the trees growing taller and closer together.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the landscape, they found a clearing, a small stream running through the center.

They settled down, their paws tired, their bodies weary.

And as they drifted off to sleep, their dreams were filled with visions of the new land.



In the frozen landscape, a massive bear sat majestically, its fur a thick coat of white to blend in with the snow.

It pulled a large fish from the lake, biting into it with a satisfying crunch.

The sound of chewing and slurping filled the air as the bear savored its meal.

Suddenly, a sleek lynx appeared behind it, its eyes fixed on the bear. The bear spoke in a deep, rumbling voice, "Speak!"

But the lynx didn't flinch or respond to the command.

Instead, it walked towards the bear with a fluid grace, its tail twitching slightly. The bear's eyes narrowed, its ears perked up in alertness.

The lynx stopped a few feet away and spoke in a smooth, velvety voice, "Your little wolf friends have left."

The bear's expression changed from calm to surprised, its eyes widening slightly.

It dropped the fish, its gaze fixed intently on the lynx. "What do you mean left?" Its voice was cold, a hint of warning underlying the tone.

The lynx continued, "Well, their scent has disappeared. I even entered their den, but nothing happened. As you know, that should have been my death, but there was no threat. It seemed they finally left."

The bear's face darkened, its eyes flashing with annoyance. It didn't like being told that the wolves had fled their territory, but it didn't dwell on it. Instead, it focused on the bigger picture.

The lynx continued, "So now we can go into the tome to get you your treasure, and you will lead us to the exit. After that, we're on separate ways."

The lynx turned to walk towards the bear, but it paused. " Also, Valkor, I hope you don't forget we are partners."

Valkor stood up, his massive body towering over the lynx. He spoke in a deep voice, "Don't try to be manipulative with me, cat. I've dealt with foxes worse than you. Don't act like you told me about the tome out of goodwill. If it wasn't for the Monsters that guards this land's exit, you would have been long gone."

The lynx snorted, its tail twitching in annoyance. "Oh, come on, Valkor. Don't act like you're the only one who's been wronged here. I've been stuck in this frozen prison for just as long as you have. And I'm the one who found out about the tome and the treasure inside."

Valkor's eyes narrowed, his voice growing colder. "And what exactly do you want in return for this...generosity?"

The lynx's eyes gleamed with a sly light. "Just a way out. That's all I ask. And like i said before, you can have the treasure, the glory, whatever you want. Just get me out of here."

Valkor's gaze lingered on the lynx, his expression unreadable. "And why should I trust you? You're a sly cat, always looking for an angle. What's to stop you from betraying me once we're out of here?"

The lynx's smile grew wider, its voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, I'm shaking in my paws. You're so intimidating, Valkor. But let me tell you, I'm not the only one who's been stuck in this frozen hellhole for who knows how long. But I'm sure as hell I'm not the one who's desperate to get out."

Valkor's eyes flashed with anger, but he remained silent, his gaze fixed on the lynx.

Valkor's eyes narrowed, his mind working through the possibilities.

He knew that the lynx was playing a dangerous game, but he was willing to play along.

For now, their interests aligned, and Valkor would use the lynx to get what he wanted.

The partnership was fragile, and Valkor knew that it could turn sour at any moment.

With a deep growl, Valkor began to move towards the tome, his massive paws leaving deep prints in the snow.

The lynx reappeared, its eyes fixed on Valkor as it padded alongside him.

The lynx spoke, its voice cold. "Valkor, remember our agreement. You get the treasure, and I get out of here. Don't try to double-cross me."

Valkor's response was a low rumble, his eyes fixed on the lynx. "I'll keep my end of the bargain, cat. But don't think for a moment that I'll let you out of my sight. You're too slippery for that."

The lynx's tail twitched, its eyes gleaming with a sly light. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Valkor. Let's go get what we came for."