Chapter 29: Encircled by the Pack

Malakai's eyes widened as a large dark wolf emerged from the shadows, its presence sudden and menacing.

The wolf's aura was powerful, exerting a pressure that made Malakai's fur stand on end.

He flinched, his instincts screaming warning, but his mind worked to assess the threat.

The pressure was familiar, reminiscent of his mother's and Lilah's, but weaker, much weaker.

Malakai's conclusion was swift: this wolf was no match for his mother, but it was still a formidable opponent.

He took a cautious step back, his eyes fixed on the wolf, his nose twitching as he sniffed the air.

Malakai's keen senses detected something else - the presence of other wolves, circling them, waiting to strike.

His gaze darted around, and he spotted three more wolves, their eyes fixed on him and his family with a hungry look.

Malakai's heart raced as he assessed the situation.

The three smaller wolves were weak, their strength negligible, but one of them was different.

Its aura was strange, its power hard to quantify, but Malakai's instincts screamed that this wolf was a Low Omega, although weak still stronger than him at the moment.

The pack's encirclement was complete, their trap set. Malakai's family was surrounded, with no clear escape route.

The large dark wolf took a step closer, its eyes fixed on Malakai, its growl low and menacing.

Malakai stood firm, his back against Amari's trembling form, his eyes fixed on the snarling wolves.

Akira charged forward, her fur fluffed up in anger, and clashed with the large dark wolf.

The two beasts exchanged blows, their jaws snapping wildly as they fought for dominance.

The dark wolf was powerful, but Akira's speed and agility proved to be too much for it.

She darted and weaved, her teeth sinking into the wolf's joints and neck, causing it to yelp in pain.

But the three smaller wolves wouldn't back down, and they encircled Malakai.

The stronger of the three, the Low Omega, joined the fight, its eyes fixed on Akira with a fierce intensity.

The two wolves clashed, their fur intermingling as they fought for supremacy.

Malakai watched, his heart racing with excitement and fear, as his mother handled the two wolves with ease.

But the remaining two wolves saw their chance and attacked, their jaws wide open as they sought to take Malakai down.

He stood firm, his eyes fixed on them, his fur bristling with excitement.

He had fought many beasts before, and he was confident in his abilities.

With a swift motion, he dodged the first wolf's attack, his teeth sinking into its ear as it passed by.

The wolf yelped in pain, its companion hesitating for a moment before attacking again.

Malakai was ready, his jaws closing around the wolf's neck as he shook it violently.

The wolf's body went limp, its eyes glazing over as Malakai released it.

He stood panting, his chest heaving with excitement, as he surveyed the battlefield.

Akira was still fighting the dark wolf and the Low Omega, her fur stained with blood, it was not her blood.

Malakai's heart beat with excitement, as he watched his mother fight for their lives.

Amari cowered behind him, her eyes fixed on the carnage with a mixture of fear and awe.

Malakai's protectiveness showed, his instincts screaming at him to keep her safe.

He stood firm, his eyes fixed on the remaining wolves, his jaws set in a fierce snarl.

Malakai's eyes locked onto the wolf, its gaze fixed on Amari with an unsettling hunger.

He growled, a low, menacing sound, daring the wolf to make a move.

The wolf, emboldened by its pack's presence, pounced. Malakai met it mid-air, their bodies colliding in a flurry of fur and teeth.

Malakai's leg was caught in the wolf's jaws, a searing pain shooting through his limb.

With a fierce snarl, he bit down on the wolf's neck, his teeth sinking deep into its flesh.

The wolf yelped, releasing Malakai's leg as it stumbled back.

Malakai didn't hesitate, his eyes fixed on the wolf as it charged again.

But this time, something was off. The wolf's body was stiff, its movements slow, its nose turning a faint shade of blue.

Malakai's Frostbite ability had kicked in, his bite infecting the wolf with a creeping cold that would slowly freeze its vital organs.

He didn't spare the wolf a glance, knowing it was only a matter of time before it succumbed to the frozen grip of death.

Instead, he turned his attention to the ongoing battle between Akira, the leader and the Low-Omega wolf.

With a swift leap, he launched himself at the Low Omega wolf, his teeth sinking into its hindquarters.

The wolf yelped in pain, its eyes flashing with anger as it spun around to face Malakai.

But to Malakai's surprise, his Frostbite ability didn't seem to be working.

The wolf didn't stiffen, didn't slow, didn't show any signs of the creeping cold that should have been spreading through its body.

The Low-Omega wolf was too strong, its body resistant to Malakai's weak Frostbite.

A growl rumbled in its throat as it charged at Malakai, its eyes blazing with a fierce intensity.

Malakai knew he was in trouble, his heart pounding in his chest as he braced himself for impact.

Just as the wolf was about to pounce, Akira's jaws closed around its tail, her teeth sinking deep into its flesh.

The wolf yelped in pain, its body twisting in mid-air as it tried to shake off Akira's grip.

Malakai saw his chance and pounced, his teeth sinking into the wolf's exposed neck.

He didn't let go, his jaws locked in place as he felt the wolf's life force ebbing away.

Amari, sensing an opportunity to show her might, ran forward and sank her teeth into the wolf's neck, her small jaws struggling to penetrate the thick fur.

But she refused to give up, her teeth grinding against the wolf's skin as she managed to find a weak spot.

The wolf's body began to stiffen, its fur standing on end as Malakai's Frostbite ability took hold.

Akira watched in awe as her children worked together to take down the wolf, their jaws locked in place as they drained the life from its body.

The wolf's eyes turned glassy, its body limp and lifeless.

Malakai and Amari let go, their chests heaving with exhaustion as they stared at the wolf's frozen corpse.

Akira approached them, her eyes shining with pride and relief.

But her gaze was quickly drawn to the leader wolf, which had been watching the scene unfold with growing unease.

As Akira turned to face it, the wolf's ears folded back in fear, and it turned tail and ran, disappearing into the darkness of the Arctic dungeon Prison.

As the fight finally came to an end, with their heavy breath accompanying each other.

No one said a word, their chests heaving with exhaustion as they surveyed the carnage around them.

Amari was the first to break the silence, her small voice filled with concern as she ran to her mother's side. "Mama, your fur is all bloody, are you hurt?" she asked, her eyes scanning Akira's body for any signs of injury.

Akira's response was calm and collected, her tone cold and detached. "It's not my blood," she said simply, her tongue darting out to lick her daughter's face.

Malakai heard the response and felt a shiver run down his spine.