Chapter 36: Relentless II : Severing Heads

Malakai didn't need to be directly told to know that if he wanted to defeat the blue creatures now, he'd have to sever their heads.

Akira knew it as well, but they both sensed that it would be much harder this time around.

The creatures seemed stronger, as if they had evolved or adapted to their previous attacks.

Suddenly, Malakai heard a familiar sound, a "DING" that resonated through the air.

He knew what it was - a quest notification. A pale screen appeared in front of him, displaying the details of the quest.





Malakai glanced at the quest details, his eyes scanning the text quickly.

He didn't know what a storage space was, but he didn't care either. Their lives were on the line, and they couldn't afford to waste time.

He noted the name "Frost Walkers" and the similarity to his breed name, but he didn't linger on the thought.

This time, it wasn't Malakai who charged first at the enemy. Instead, Akira took the lead, her powerful legs propelling her forward with grace and agility.

Malakai followed close behind, his eyes fixed on the Frost Walkers as they began to move, their bodies twitching and jerking as they regained their footing.

The battle was intense, the sound of claws and teeth clashing echoing through the misty landscape.

Akira, with her newfound knowledge, went straight for the Frost Walker's head, her jaws wide open.

But to her surprise, the creature didn't go down without a fight. It swiped at her with its long arms, its icy claws gleaming in the dim light.

Akira dodged the attack with ease, her agility and quick reflexes allowing her to avoid the blow.

She countered with a powerful bite, her teeth sinking deep into the Frost Walker's neck. But it didn't sever the head, the creature's skin was too tough.

Malakai joined the fray, his eyes fixed on a different Frost Walker.

He pounced, his claws outstretched, but the creature was ready for him.

It caught him mid-air, its icy grip closing around his waist.

Malakai yelped in pain as the Frost Walker slammed him into the ground, the wind knocked out of him.

As he struggled to free himself, Malakai couldn't help but think of the quest notification he had received earlier.

He knew he had to kill and devour all the Frost Walkers to complete the quest, but it seemed like a daunting task at the moment.

Akira saw her son's situation and quickly came to his aid.

She attacked the Frost Walker, her jaws closing around its head.

This time, she managed to sever it, the creature's body crumpling to the ground.

But as she turned to help Malakai, she saw that he was already free.

The two wolves fought on, their movements swift and deadly.

But the Frost Walkers were just abnormal, their icy bodies seemingly immune to pain.

Akira's strength was beginning to wane, her breathing heavy, her movements slowing.

Malakai, despite his injuries, kept fighting and didn'tstop to lick his wound.

In a moment of desperation, Akira used her powerful legs to kick a Frost Walker into Malakai's path.

He took advantage of the opportunity, his jaws closing around the creature's head.

This time, he managed to sever it, the Frost Walker's body collapsing to the ground.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the last Frost Walker fell, its head severed by Akira's powerful jaws.

They watched as the Frost Walkers' heads turned into blue glitter sand, a sign of their victory.

But they knew they couldn't rest yet, not when the mastermind behind this attack was still out there.

The strange Frost Walker leader, the one that had been hiding in the mist, laughed again, its voice sending chills down their spines.

"I commend your teamwork, your resolve is amazing, you are surely a wonderful family," it said with a load of sarcasm. "It seems that battle took a lot from you."

As it spoke, the Frost Walker took a step closer, its movements eerily stable despite its droopy body.

The mist around it began to clear, revealing its appearance in all its gruesome glory.

Malakai had thought the other Frost Walkers were hideous, but this one was worse.

Its skin was a deeper shade of blue, almost black, and it seemed to be rotting away.

The stench emanating from it was overwhelming, making their eyes water.

The Frost Walker's size was imposing, its claws looking like they could tear them apart with ease.

Malakai's heart raced as the creature spoke again with even more sarcasm.

"I know what you're thinking, ohh this hideous monster, it smells," it said, its voice rising in pitch. "Don't worry, once I'm done with you, I'll visit the shops to get perfume."

Malakai didn't know what perfume was, but from the way the Frost Walker was speaking, it seemed to be something that made you smell good.

But he didn't have time to think about that, not when the creature was taking another step closer.

The Frost Walker's eyes seemed to be gleaming with excitement, its voice taking on a monstrous tone. "Why are you not speaking, I'm even speaking your beast tongue, are you that scared that you can't talk? Huh, you three are boring."

Akira growled, her fur standing on end as she bared her teeth. "You're going to die," she snarled, her voice low and menacing.

The Frost Walker laughed again, its voice echoing through the misty landscape. "Oh, I love it when they're feisty," it said, its claws flexing in excitement. "It makes the hunt so much more fun."

With a very unthoughtful decision Malakai charged forward.


Its claws slapped Malakai with a loud crack, sending him flying through the air.

He hit his body on a tree with a thud, the impact knocking the wind out of him.

Akira looked with worry as she saw her son crumple to the ground, his body limp.

But she couldn't rush to his side, not yet.

Amari was still behind her, vulnerable and unable to defend herself.

Akira's eyes darted back and forth.

The Frost Walker's voice was like a knife, cutting through the air with an irritated tone. "Is that your kid?" it sneered, not waiting for an answer. "Probably your kid, look, your kid is annoying, but you're probably more annoying, so I guess I should kill you two, then take that one behind you as a pet and make it less annoying."

With a growl, the Frost Walker launched itself at her, its claws outstretched.

Akira didn't hesitate, her body reacting on instinct. She pounced, meeting the Frost Walker in mid-air.

The two bodies clashed, their fur and flesh colliding in a shower of snow and ice.

Akira's jaws snapped shut, her teeth sinking deep into the Frost Walker's shoulder. But it didn't flinch, its body too numb to feel pain.

The Frost Walker's claws raked across Akira's back, tearing through her fur and skin.

She yelped in pain, her body arching away from the blow.