Chapter 93: The Cryptic Encounter

Malakai and Nyrran sat in the dimly lit room, the sudden burst of magical fire casting a warm glow on their faces.

The flames danced across the walls, illuminating the space with a soft, golden light. Malakai's white fur reflected the red hues of the fire, while Nyrran's golden fur seemed to glow with an inner radiance.

Nyrran leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on Malakai as he spoke. "Let's share names, Mali. It's easier than thinking of each other as just 'the wolf' or 'the panther'." He smiled, his whiskers twitching with amusement.

Malakai narrowed his eyes, unsure if he should trust this stranger. But something about Nyrran's demeanor put him at ease, so he replied, "I'm Mali."

Nyrran nodded, his ears perking up with interest. "Unique name, Mali. I'm Nyrran, a golden panther. And you are...?"

Malakai hesitated for a moment before responding, "I'm a Frostwrath wolf."