Chapter 99: First Floor I

As the flames lit up the room, Malakai and his companions stood in a defensive formation, their eyes scanning the space for any signs of movement. The air was thick with tension, and Malakai could sense the presence of other beings in the room.

He could feel their energy, their power levels, and he knew that they were in the Omega stage, a level of strength that was weaker than his own, but stronger than that of his companions, except for his mother, Akira, who was at the peak of the Omega stage.

The silence that followed was eerie, punctuated only by the crackling of the flames and the soft hum of energy emanating from the stone carvings on the walls. The group stood frozen, waiting for something to happen, their senses on high alert.

And then, without warning, the silence was shattered by a loud, sharp sound. BANG! It was a noise that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, a noise that made Malakai's ears ring and his heart skip a beat.