Chapter 113: Ambush Gone Wrong?

"Don't Move or the Next One Doesn't Miss"

Malakai's ears perked up, his sensitive hearing picking up the deep, rumbling voice. He turned his head, his eyes scanning the surrounding area.

Three figures emerged from the darkness, their humanoid forms becoming clearer as they stepped into the faint light.

As Malakai's night vision kicked in, he noticed the subtle details of the figures. Two of them had scales, glistening in the faint starlight like polished gemstones. Lizardmen, he thought, his mind racing with the implications.

The third figure, however, caught his attention. It had fur, a thick coat that seemed to ripple in the gentle breeze. Malakai's instincts screamed at him, telling him that this was a wolf.

No, not just a wolf, but something similar. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he could sense it, a primal recognition that went beyond mere appearance.