Chapter 136: Quest..

The chains that bound Malakai suddenly released themselves, and he felt a rush of freedom as he dropped down to the ground.

But as he looked down at his body, he realized with a start that he was in his birthform.

Panic set in as he scrambled to his feet, only to find that his legs were wobbly and uncoordinated.

Malakai's mind raced with fear and doubt. "Did it not work?" he screamed silently, his thoughts a jumbled mix of confusion and despair.

He tried to stand up on his hind legs, but they buckled beneath him, and he collapsed back onto a fours.

As he struggled to regain his footing, Malakai's family rushed to his side.

Akira was the first to reach him, her eyes filled with concern and compassion. Amari followed close behind, her tail wagging anxiously as she sniffed her brother's face.

Malakai felt a surge of comfort as his mother's warm breath washed over him, and her gentle nuzzling helped to calm his racing heart.