Chapter 138: ID Badge

In the large Grand City, Malakai left the inn where he and his pack had been staying.

The inn's wooden sign creaked in the gentle morning breeze, and the sound of clanging pots and pans came from the kitchen.

Malakai's stomach growled, reminding him that he needed to find a way to earn some money.

He walked through the bustling streets, his paws making soft crunching sounds on the cobblestone pavement.

The smell of freshly baked bread wafted from a nearby bakery, enticing his senses. People of all shapes and sizes hurried past him, each with their own destination in mind.

Malakai's pack had managed to find the inn, and with his guild membership papers, they got a good discount, he hoped it would be even better when he got the badge.

However, his coins were running low, and he didn't have a steady income. He needed to take on quests to earn money.