Chapter 151: Flesh Golem III

The flesh golem's roar echoed through the cavern, a deafening sound that made Malakai's ears ring.


Its chest was bleeding, blood dripping to the ground in thick, crimson droplets. Malakai didn't want to feel useless, so he stood up straight and focused on the battle.

His tail, previously still, now twitched and stood up, its ice crystals beginning to glow with a soft, blue light.


Ice shards shot out from his tail, flying towards the golem with deadly precision.

The shards struck the golem's skin, stabbing into its flesh and staying there, like tiny, icy knives.

The golem's body shuddered, its stitched-together limbs twitching in response to the sudden attack.

The group stared at Malakai in surprise, their eyes wide with disbelief. They hadn't expected anything from him, and his sudden attack caught them off guard.