Chapter 155: Screams and Shouts

Leonar's eyes scanned the room, his gaze darting from the stone walls to the flickering torches. "So where's the next door to another room or something? Is this the end? It can't be, right?" His voice echoed off the walls, betraying a hint of unease.

Malakai shook his fur, his ears perked up as he looked around the room. His tail twitched slightly, a sign of his growing impatience.

Aric shook his head, his eyes narrowing as he examined the room. "No, I'm sure there's a secret door somewhere. Maybe we should look for levers or buttons hidden around here."

The group began to search the room, their footsteps quiet on the cold stone floor. Elara ran her hands over the walls, searching for any hidden mechanisms.

Malakai looked around the room, his eyes scanning every inch of the space. He sniffed the air, his sensitive nose searching for any hidden scents.