Chapter 163: Void of Existence

In a dark void space, a white wolf floated. The void was so dark that the wolf's fur was invisible. The wolf's belly was open, but no blood came out. It was as if time had stopped for the wolf's body.

The wolf's heart was gone. Its core was gone. When a being loses its heart, it loses its core. When a being loses its core, it loses its affinity. When a being loses its affinity, life ends.

But some beings are different. Some beings have transcended the need for a heart. They have transcended the need for a core. They have transcended the need for affinity.

The wolf's body was still. Its eyes were closed. Its fur was still. The void was eating away at its existence. The wolf was disappearing into the void.

The void was dark. The void was silent. The void was empty. The void was nothing.

The wolf's body was fading away. Its existence was fading away. The wolf was becoming nothing.