Knowing Piotr

"As I mentioned earlier, my name is Piotr Nicolas Vidoviski, and I am part of the Hybrydowy Projekt Furii ('Hybrid Fury Project' in Polish)."

"As a guinea pig, I imagine," said Kowalsk, interrupting Piotr.

"Yes, old soldier, as a guinea pig. After all, how could I serve my splendid country if I didn't dedicate myself entirely to it?"

"You really are very patriotic, my friend," Kowalsk mocked.

"I was conscripted to serve the country at a very young age when an arrogant dictator came marching across the world with tanks and thousands of soldiers under his command to subjugate my homeland."

"Are you talking about Hi..."

"Do not say that name in my presence, Mr. Kowalsk, because my blood boils, and I lose control over my actions and become something you call dizk bestia."

"Ah, yes! 'A wild beast'. It seems I already had a small demonstration of that part. But did that winged creature you fought by any chance mention the dictator...," Kowalsk prodded.

"Stop it, Kowalsk. Do not say that name, please."

"Alright, Piotr, continue your story, please."

"Okay, old soldier. Forgive me for some memory lapses because I don't remember the name of the place where my comrades and I were ambushed by dozens of enemy soldiers who greeted us with machine gun fire, killing or injuring many of us. Taken by surprise, we didn't even have time to fight back."

"So, you were ambushed and killed by the dictator's soldiers..."

"Yes, yes, but don't make me hear that name."

"And if you were all killed, how are you here telling me all this?"

"I only know that I woke up a few days later inside a glass tank with a strange viscous liquid that covered my entire body, helping me recover from all my previous injuries."

"What happened next?" asked Kowalsk, curious.

"They put me back into battle in a strange armor and told me that if I took down many enemy soldiers, I would be avenging the death of some families who suffered horrors as prisoners on the enemy lines. But if I killed many enemy soldiers, I would be avenging my country and would be a true hero."

"Let me get this straight, Piotr. They sent you into battle in a strange armor and ordered you to slaughter the enemy. Up to this point, I understand. But now comes the complicated part. What was the unbeatable weapon they gave you to annihilate the soldiers and become the hero of your country?" asked Kowalsk with a tone of irony.

"No unbeatable weapon was given to me, old soldier. My weapons were just my hands and my legs. Even so, I can assure you that alone, I caused much more damage to the enemy soldiers than I did when I was part of a battalion."

The look of astonishment and disbelief was visible to any living being who looked at Kowalsk. Piotr, however, seemed unconcerned about the old soldier's disregard, and while recounting the events, he skillfully cut the tongue of the winged creature, which seemed as tough as a piece of rubber.

"What are you doing, Piotr?" asked Kowalsk, diverting from the absurd comments of the strange soldier.

"I'm collecting samples," Piotr replied calmly. "This winged specimen has unique properties. Its tissue is extremely resistant, and understanding its biology could be crucial for future battles and experiments. Even in chaos, we must seize every opportunity to learn and improve our strategies."

Kowalsk watched in silence, trying to assimilate everything he had heard and seen. Piotr's story was hard to believe, but the facts were there before his eyes. The deformed and scarred soldier was living proof of the horrors and experiments of war. The battle he fought against the winged creature showed that despite his deformities, Piotr was still a force to be reckoned with.

"Piotr," Kowalsk finally said, "I don't know what's next, but I know that fighting by your side might be our best chance of survival in this hell. Let's clean up this mess, and then you can tell me more about this 'Hybrid Fury Project'. It seems we still have a lot to discuss and plan."