Chapter 6: Contributing to the Bright Future of the Uchiha

Monday, 6 AM

On his way to school, Shishou gazed at the morning glow in the sky, his mind filled with thoughts.

He was considering whether or not to skip class today.

His Phosphorus Devourers had successfully evolved, but their numbers had dwindled to just one-third of the original, urgently needing replenishment.

Simultaneously, Shishou's venomous caterpillars and mutant healing insects had also evolved once more under his chakra nourishment, respectively enhancing their toxicity and healing abilities.

These two also needed chakra nourishment, provided by the Phosphorus Devourers.

Skip, not skip, skip, not skip...

"Well, it's not like I absolutely have to skip class…"

"I'll just write a leave note."

Shishou pulled out a piece of paper from his bag, wrote a leave note, and handed it to Kiba, who was passing by.

Afterward, Shishou slung his backpack over his shoulder and headed straight for the Forest of Death.

Whether Iruka would approve his leave or not, he didn't care.


10 AM, Forest of Death

After subduing a giant centipede with the Phosphorus Devourers, Shishou collapsed onto the centipede's back to rest.

Since it was a rare giant insect, Shishou decided to keep it as his summoning beast.

His height had noticeably increased compared to when he entered, a result of the Phosphorus Devourers' nourishing effect.

At this moment, Shishou's Phosphorus Devourers had evolved once again.

However, this time it was just a regular evolution; he chose to continue enhancing their vitality to increase their survival time in the air.

The venomous caterpillars and healing insects also evolved successively.

The venomous caterpillars continued to enhance their toxicity.

To Shishou's delight, the mutant healing insects gained a special evolution this time: feigned death.

[Feigned Death: The healing insect can parasitize a target. If the target suffers a fatal injury, the healing insect will automatically activate, placing the target in a feigned death state, extending survival time by five hours.]

This is a very useful skill, Shishou remarked.

"Huh? Is this the giant centipede's nest?"

"Let's see if there are any treasures inside."

Jumping off the centipede, Shishou approached the roots of a towering tree and discovered a hidden cave at the base.

Passing through the cave, Shishou arrived at an empty underground chamber.

The chamber was filled with various experimental tools and container jars.

Clearly, this was a secret laboratory built by someone, abandoned and later occupied by the giant centipede as its nest.

"When was this lab built?"

Seeing the thick layer of dust on the table, Shishou wrinkled his nose in distaste.


In the afternoon, Shishou's healing insects and Phosphorus Devourers had evolved once more.


"Isn't that Uchiha Itachi?"

Heading back to school for class, Shishou noticed a figure on a distant tree, feeling a bit puzzled.

"So, he's still watching Sasuke…"

Following Itachi's gaze, Shishou saw Sasuke's face.

One is obsessed with his brother, the other with his younger sibling!

These two are hopeless, Shishou thought, smirking before suddenly freezing.

Is tonight the night of the Uchiha massacre?

Shishou pursed his lips and left the school.


Hokage's Office

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, looked at the kneeling Uchiha Itachi before him, remaining silent for a long while before speaking:

"Have you made up your mind?"

Regarding Itachi's decision, the Third neither approved nor disapproved, feeling extremely conflicted.

The Uchiha massacre would increase Konoha's stability and reduce internal strife.

But it would also weaken Konoha's strength.

"Yes, Lord Third Hokage, I have made my decision."

"My only request is that you take care of my brother."

Kneeling before the Third Hokage, Itachi's Sharingan was visible, his voice calm.

Deeply influenced by the Will of Fire, or 'Konoha Above All,' Uchiha Itachi.

Realizing that the Uchiha's rebellion could no longer be suppressed, he resolutely chose to side with Konoha.

Meanwhile, the mysterious figure from the Nine-Tails incident had approached him, inviting him to join the organization called 'Akatsuki.'

As a condition for joining, the mysterious figure would help him massacre the Uchiha and extract his Sharingan.

In return, Itachi would join 'Akatsuki' to gather intelligence on the organization.

His only concern was for his brother, Uchiha Sasuke.

"I understand. As long as I'm here, no one will harm him."

The Third Hokage put down his pipe and sighed.

"In that case, I'll take my leave,"

Uchiha Itachi replied respectfully before disappearing.


Outside the Uchiha District

Shishou used his insects' perception to observe the Uchiha clan members coming and going.

He channeled chakra into the insect breeding space of the healing insects.

With Shishou's deliberate guidance, the number of healing insects was rapidly increasing, soon reaching about fifty.

He then attached the Phosphorus Devourers to the healing insects and placed them on tree branches and gates. When the Uchiha clan members passed by, the insects would drop onto them, and once the Phosphorus Devourers entered their bodies, he would order them to enter dormancy.

Activating the Sharingan consumes chakra, so Shishou wasn't worried about being discovered.

Shishou didn't know much about the Uchiha clan.

He had little emotional response to the impending massacre of the Uchiha clan.

The only regret he felt was for Uchiha Mikoto, a beautiful woman.

However, as a model youth raised under the red flag, he also wanted a share of the spoils.

No, it's to contribute to the bright future of the Uchiha clan!

Under the conspiracy of Danzo, Itachi, and Shisui.

The Uchiha massacre was already a foregone conclusion.

Afterward, Danzo and Shisui would divide the tempting fruit that was the Uchiha clan.

And Shishou planned to use the Phosphorus Devourers to pick up some scraps.


Is that Uchiha Mikoto?

Shishou tilted his head towards the Uchiha district gate and saw Uchiha Mikoto cheerfully walking out with a shopping basket, clearly heading to buy groceries.

A perfect example of a virtuous wife and loving mother.

Uchiha Mikoto was the best friend of Kushina Uzumaki, the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and also an Uchiha Jonin with the three-tomoe Sharingan.

Surprising, isn't it?

If Shishou hadn't checked the Uchiha records in the family archives, he wouldn't have known that this seemingly gentle and beautiful woman was actually an Uchiha Jonin.

Watching as the healing insect, carrying the Phosphorus Devourer, successfully slipped into Mikoto's clothes,

Shishou's lips curled into a smile.