Chapter 28: Public Execution

PS: "Let's call her Erina or Eri"

Erina Uzumaki thought, "Is he treating me?"

Erina stopped her tears, staring blankly at Shishou beside her. Even Karin Uzumaki looked at Shishou with a mix of curiosity and awe. Although Karin didn't understand medical techniques, she noticed that wherever Shishou's hands moved on her mother's arm, the hateful bite marks disappeared. This made her very happy.

"This is really tasty," Shishou said, stopping his treatment to unwrap a piece of candy and pop it into his mouth before handing another piece to Karin.

"Karin," she replied, reaching out to take the candy from Shishou's hand and quickly retreating to eat it beside her mother.

Watching Karin's actions, Shishou smiled, thinking, "As expected of you, Karin Uzumaki. You're surprisingly brave."

Erina was startled by Karin's actions and carefully looked at Shishou. Seeing the smile on his face, she finally felt relieved. Then she shivered as her face turned red again because Shishou resumed treating her, this time on areas without bite marks.

If possible, Erina really didn't want to be stripped of her defenses in front of her daughter, even if it was for treatment. However, she had no courage to resist Shishou and could only close her eyes and endure the embarrassment.

"What are you doing...?" Yugao Uzuki and Izumi Uchiha arrived after escaping from Kusagakure, both blushing at the scene before them. Yugao couldn't help but question out loud.

"What's going on here?" Mikoto Uchiha, who arrived shortly after, also stepped forward to see the situation, her cheeks turning red as she spat in embarrassment.

Erina Uzumaki, being the center of attention, trembled all over, feeling as if she was being publicly humiliated. If she could, she would have preferred to faint right then and there.

"Relax," Shishou sighed, wiping the sweat from his forehead and pulling out a blanket to cover Erina. He looked at the three women behind him and explained, "I'm just treating her. Why are your minds always in the gutter?"

Erina didn't need treatment for injuries but had exhausted her physical energy. For Shishou, this was easily resolved. He used Kikaichu insects to absorb his own chakra and then transferred it to Erina. Once her energy was replenished, the bite marks naturally disappeared. However, completely removing the marks required long-term energy supplementation from Shishou.

"Tch, pervert," Yugao scoffed. "I'm injured too, treat me."

She extended her injured left hand to Shishou, ignoring his explanation. Both she and Izumi had injuries, and Mikoto was also significantly hurt.

"Get lost!" Shishou dismissed her, slapping a healing insect on her hand before turning to Mikoto. "Mikoto, what about the Kusagakure shinobi?"

"We've shaken them off. They won't be chasing us," Mikoto replied.

"In that case, let's leave. I'll summon 101," Shishou said, forming hand seals to summon the red-armored centipede.

"What's 101?" Karin wondered, looking at Shishou with curiosity while eating her candy.

"Summoning Jutsu!" Shishou exclaimed, and with a puff of smoke, the red-armored centipede appeared. He jumped on it, carrying the blanket-wrapped Erina.

"Wow," Karin exclaimed in shock, frozen in place at the sight of the giant centipede.

"Mikoto, take care of Karin," Shishou instructed.

"Got it," Mikoto replied, grabbing the stunned Karin and leaping onto the centipede behind Shishou.

Once everyone was on board, Shishou signaled the centipede to move. He glanced at the lightly dressed Erina and Karin and ordered, "Wrap us up with your shell, Red."

The centipede raised a few armor plates, forming a protective enclosure around them, shielding them from the cold wind. Shishou skillfully hung a lamp on one of the plates, illuminating the area.

"Sir, what are your plans for us?" Erina asked anxiously, though she sensed no malice from Shishou.

"Don't worry," Shishou reassured her with a smile. "Once you've recovered, I'll find work for you. I need more hands for my business in the Land of Fire."

Erina, noticing Shishou's genuine concern, agreed and soon succumbed to her exhaustion, falling asleep with Karin in her arms. Seeing them asleep, Shishou took off his jacket and covered them.

Mikoto, noticing Erina's exposed legs, adjusted the blanket to cover her more modestly. She looked at Shishou and asked, "Are they the reason for your journey?"

And so, the story continues. If you enjoyed this chapter, please remember to add to the library and follow for more updates!