Chapter 32: What do you want in return

After shaking hands firmly with Pakura and Anko, Shishou extended his hand to Kakashi as well. Kakashi, looking weary due to his Sharingan, gave a tired nod in return. The strain of the Mangekyou Sharingan was significant, especially since Kakashi couldn't deactivate it.

Shishou continued to greet the other shinobi, maintaining the act. He didn't want anyone to suspect that his true intention was to get closer to Pakura and Anko. Of course, this was just his assumption.

Uchiha Izumi, observing Shishou's actions from start to finish, wasn't fooled. She had already seen through Shishou's intentions but chose not to expose him. Both she and Shishou were wearing disguises, ensuring that Kakashi and the others wouldn't recognize them.

"I am Shishou, and this is Ikari," Shishou introduced, gesturing to Izumi. "We are freelance mercenaries here in response to the priestess' bounty."

Just as Shishou finished introducing themselves, a group of ninja arrived to escort them. The ninja welcomed them enthusiastically, having witnessed Shishou's giant centipede crushing the enemy's puppet soldiers. The sight of such powerful allies lifted the deathly shadow that had hung over them for days, filling them with joy and relief.

Inside the palace temple, a young girl of about six or seven was diligently studying at a table. Behind her stood the priestess Miroku, watching over her with a stern expression. When Miroku saw Shishou and his companions being led into the temple, she nodded to them and continued supervising the girl.

"In a time like this, she's still teaching her student?" Anko muttered, feeling slighted by the lack of immediate attention.

"Anko, you misunderstand," Shishou said with a smile, seeing the confused looks from the others. "The priestess likely plans to face 'Moryo' head-on. She's ensuring her student's education continues, possibly to preserve her legacy."

The group fell silent, contemplating Shishou's explanation. It made sense that the priestess wouldn't waste time on trivial matters in such a critical moment. They all took a deep breath, admiring the priestess's resolve and bravery.

"Sorry, I spoke out of turn," Anko apologized quickly.

Pakura and Kakashi looked at Shishou with newfound respect, impressed by his quick deduction. Uchiha Izumi gave Shishou an admiring glance, to which Shishou responded with a slight smile, thinking to himself, I know the script.

Miroku also glanced at Shishou in surprise, impressed that he had guessed her intentions so accurately. She continued teaching the girl while Shishou and his companions waited patiently, not feeling slighted at all.

An hour later, the young girl finished her lesson and suddenly hugged the priestess, tears streaming down her face.

"Mother," she cried.

"Azami, remember your duties," Miroku said gently, stroking Azami's hair. She then looked at the ninja nearby.

"Take Azami to the underground chamber. Do not come out until Moryo is sealed," she ordered.

"Yes, ma'am," the ninja replied, leading a reluctant Azami away.

"Mother..." Azami called out, looking back at Miroku.

Once Azami was gone, Miroku turned to Shishou and the others. "Thank you for your patience. Now, let's discuss the task at hand."

Miroku briefed them on the situation. Moryo, a demon that had been summoned from another realm, had taken control of various rogue ninjas and their followers, forcing them to do its bidding. After failing to ally with Miroku, Moryo had its undead puppet army spread chaos across the Land of Demons to force Miroku into submission.

Shishou and his team were tasked with escorting the priestess to a cave in the Land of Marshes, where she could use its power to seal Moryo. The journey was long and perilous, and only Shishou, with his giant summon, could ensure her safety.

While the others considered the dangerous journey, Shishou wasn't surprised. However, he was unsure how to ask Miroku for the sealing technique he desired. It felt inappropriate to demand a reward while she was risking her life for peace.

"Mr. Shishou, do you have any concerns?" Miroku asked, seeing everyone's eyes on Shishou.

"Well," Shishou began, clearing his throat, "Priestess, I need to discuss the terms of our reward in private."

"Of course, Mr. Shishou. Please follow me," Miroku replied, leading Shishou to a side room. Uchiha Izumi followed discreetly, standing guard outside.

Pakura and the others weren't surprised by Shishou's request. As mercenaries, they had no obligation to help without compensation. Even the major shinobi villages had accepted payment for their assistance.

Once in the side room, Miroku spoke first. "What do you want, Mr. Shishou?"

"I imagine you don't wish to leave Azami alone in this world," Shishou began, not directly stating his request.

"What do you mean?" Miroku asked, puzzled.

"That demon is not invincible. There are many like it in our world," Shishou said calmly. "When we reach the Land of Marshes, I can hold the demon off for a few minutes, giving you time to set up the sealing technique without sacrificing yourself."

Miroku's eyes lit up at Shishou's offer. If possible, she didn't want to die and leave her young daughter behind.

"And what do you want in return shishou?" Miroku asked directly, eager to hear Shishou's terms.