Chapter 35: Ways to Get Closer to the Priestess

"Izumi, once Moryo gets in, you stay at the entrance," Shishou instructed as they entered the Sealing Cave.

"Understood," Uchiha Izumi responded, jumping off the centipede and hiding near the cave entrance.

"Izumi?" Miroku asked, curious. "Is that her real name?"

"Yes, but you must keep it a secret," Shishou replied.

"And what is your real name, then?" Miroku asked.

"You can call me Shishou."

Miroku was silent for a moment, then sighed. "Shishou, you trust me a lot."

"To earn someone's trust, you have to give your own first," Shishou said with a smile. "So, I'll always trust you, Priestess."

Hearing this, Miroku blushed slightly and turned away, feeling a strange warmth despite the critical situation. Somehow, Shishou's confidence made her feel less anxious.

As they moved deeper into the cave, Miroku began setting up the sealing array. Shishou observed the cave and occasionally glanced at Miroku, who was calmly arranging the seals.

Shishou didn't understand the complex sealing techniques Miroku was using. Instead, he focused on watching her, admiring her dedication.

"Shishou, the array is set up, but it will take some time to activate. You'll need to hold off Moryo for about ten minutes," Miroku said nervously.

"Don't worry," Shishou reassured her, crossing his arms confidently. "My centipede is great at taking hits. Holding off Moryo for ten minutes will be a piece of cake."

Miroku couldn't help but laugh at Shishou's humor, her tension melting away.

Suddenly, a loud crash echoed from outside, and the ground began to shake.

"Moryo is here," Miroku said, rushing to the center of the array to begin the sealing process.

Shishou disappeared in a flash, unsummoning his centipede to prepare for an ambush.

Moryo's massive form squeezed through the cave entrance, its bulk filling the space. Its eyes locked onto Miroku as it advanced.

"Miroku... Miroku... Miroku..." Moryo chanted, its voice echoing eerily through the cave. "Today, you will finally be mine. Let us become one."

With that, Moryo lunged at Miroku.

"Summoning Jutsu!" Shishou called out, reappearing with his giant centipede, blocking Moryo's path. Moryo collided with the centipede, momentarily stunned by its unexpected presence.

Wasting no time, Shishou directed the centipede to wrap around Moryo, restraining its movements.

"You dare..." Moryo growled, its body exuding a dark, malevolent chakra as it struggled.

The two giant creatures wrestled, causing the cave to tremble. Shishou realized his centipede, only a third the size of Moryo, couldn't hold it for long.

"Sharingan: Body Amplification!" Shishou activated his right eye, causing the centipede to grow until it matched Moryo in size.

Miroku watched in awe as the centipede doubled in size. She hadn't expected such a maneuver.

The enlarged centipede continued to grapple with Moryo, their fierce battle filling the cave with deafening noise.

Shishou threw a few kunai at Moryo, each carrying parasitic insects that began consuming Moryo's chakra. However, Moryo's body secreted a corrosive fluid that quickly dissolved the insects.

Seeing his tactic fail, Shishou felt a pang of disappointment. Using Moryo to nurture his insects was no longer an option.

Despite the centipede's increased size, Moryo soon regained the upper hand, its corrosive fluids starting to eat away at the centipede's armor.

Shishou dashed to Miroku's side, standing protectively in front of her. "Miroku, the seal needs five more minutes to activate," she said, noticing the centipede's struggles.

"Don't worry, I have other ways," Shishou assured her, focusing on the battle. His Sharingan spun again, and the centipede grew even larger, finally overpowering Moryo.

Shishou knew this was the limit; the centipede could only maintain this size for about ten minutes, but that was enough for Miroku.

Moryo, seeing its impending defeat, began to secrete a thick, black liquid, dissolving its own body to escape the centipede's grasp. Reforming into a multi-headed sludge monster, it surged towards Shishou and Miroku.

Miroku, feeling helpless, clung to Shishou's clothing in fear. She couldn't move or assist due to the delicate state of the seal.

Shishou frowned, quickly realizing Moryo's new tactic. Using the Aburame clan's insect control jutsu, he commanded the centipede to return and form a protective barrier around them.

The centipede coiled tightly, creating a shield that encased Shishou and Miroku. Moryo's liquid form slammed against this barrier, causing it to shake violently.

Feeling Miroku's grip tighten, Shishou took her hand in his, offering a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I'll protect you."

Miroku, comforted by Shishou's confidence, allowed herself to relax, holding his hand as she focused on the seal.

Seeing Miroku trust him so openly made Shishou inwardly rejoice. He kept his eyes on the centipede, ready to use Susanoo if necessary. Though he would prefer not to, the current situation was perfect for building a stronger bond with Miroku.

For now, it was all worth it. At least he had succeeded in holding her hand, and she seemed content to let him.