Chapter 37: The Nature of Treatment and Punishment

After parting ways with Pakura, Shishou used the Flying Thunder God technique to return to the priestess's palace in the Land of Demons.

In the following days, Shishou helped the priestess Miroku clean up the remnants of the Yellow Spring Cult. With the tasks completed, he and Uchiha Izumi returned to the Land of Fire. Although he hadn't achieved his primary goal, he did secure the priestess's promise and deepened their bond, which wasn't a bad outcome.

Shishou also moved his giant centipede to Miroku's place, ensuring her safety and maintaining a convenient way to contact her. Additionally, with Kakashi and the others having seen the centipede, keeping it in the Forest of Death would only raise suspicions about Shishou's identity.

At his residence in Fire Source City, Shishou knocked on the door of Uzumaki Eri's quarters. Hearing the knock, Eri quickly opened the door and welcomed him in.

"Is there something you need, my lord?" Eri asked nervously, sitting beside him. Since Shishou had rescued her, she had been staying here with her daughter Karin, who often played with the Uchiha children and wouldn't return home until dark.

Shishou observed Eri quietly. It had been half a month since he rescued her, and this was his first visit. Eri had recovered well, her complexion much healthier and her beauty more apparent. Her timid nature and tearful eyes gave her a delicate, pitiable aura that made one want to protect her.

Eri, a distant branch of the Uzumaki clan, didn't know any sealing techniques, which had likely saved her from the massacre of her clan. Karin was the same. In the original story, Karin had learned Kagura's Mind Eye and the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style mainly thanks to Orochimaru.

For Shishou to acquire the Uzumaki clan's sealing techniques, he had a few options: forcibly taking them from Konoha, asking Tsunade, the granddaughter of Mito Uzumaki, or seeking out Orochimaru. The first two were impractical, leaving Orochimaru as his best option.

"Curse that Orochimaru," Shishou muttered. Orochimaru's presence in the ninja world was unavoidable.

"Lord Shishou?" Eri's timid voice broke his thoughts, fearing his silence indicated displeasure.

"Since neither you nor Karin know the Uzumaki sealing techniques, I was wondering what use you might have," Shishou said, looking at her. "I don't keep idle people around."

Eri, close to tears, immediately rolled up her sleeve to show her arm. "I can be useful, I can heal you..."

For the past ten days, Eri had lived in comfort, with a fine house and respectful servants. The mistress of the house was kind to her, and Karin had playmates. It was more than she had ever hoped for, all thanks to Shishou. The thought of being deemed useless terrified her.

Shishou noticed the bite marks on her arm. Even after all this time, they were still visible. She had clearly overused her abilities. "I'll need to help you recover your strength," he thought.

Seeing his gaze on her arm, Eri quickly covered the bite marks, feeling ashamed. She recalled that Shishou was skilled in medical ninjutsu, and his treatments had been incredibly soothing.

Shishou gently stroked her face and then pushed her onto the bed. "Relax. I'm here to heal you. You'll be more useful once you're healthy."

Eri trembled but didn't resist as he removed her clothes. Shishou's touch was warm, and as he channeled energy back into her, she felt a rush of vitality.

An hour later, Shishou sat back. "Take good care of your health. Once you're better, I'll arrange for someone to teach you sealing techniques. For now, rest. I'll help you again when I have time."

Eri, blushing deeply, nodded. "Thank you, my lord."

Shishou admired her for a moment before using the Flying Thunder God to leave, fearing he might give in to temptation if he stayed longer.

Next, Shishou went to see Uchiha Mikoto, finding her diligently practicing ninjutsu. To quickly increase her strength, Mikoto spent most of her time training, only taking breaks to oversee her duties once a week.

Despite the Uchiha clan's reliance on the Mangekyou Sharingan for power, Mikoto didn't neglect other ninjutsu.

"How long have you been here?" Mikoto asked, noticing Shishou.

"Just arrived. Here, I have something for you," Shishou said, handing her a box.

"A gift? What is it?" Mikoto asked, curious.

"Open it and see," Shishou said with a smile.

Mikoto opened the box and quickly shut it, her face turning bright red. Inside was an outfit unlike anything she had ever worn.

Seeing her reaction, Shishou leaned in and whispered, "This is your punishment for failing the mission in the Land of Grass."

Mikoto was speechless, her face still flushed with embarrassment.