Chapter 59: Investigating Myself?

Various Sensory Techniques

Shishou was determined to master the most fundamental sensory technique: chakra sensory perception. This technique, which allowed the user to sense chakra in their surroundings by concentrating their own chakra, was basic yet essential. Unlike the Byakugan or Karin's Mind's Eye of the Kagura, its range could be expanded with continuous training, making it ideal for pairing with the Flying Thunder God technique.

Learning chakra sensory perception was straightforward for Shishou, but mastering it required excellent chakra control and years of dedicated practice.

"Master, someone is here to see you at the gambling den," Heiko, a loyal subordinate, reported quietly after receiving approval from Mikoto to interrupt Shishou's training.

"Looking for Shishou? The only ones who know that name are from the Land of Demons. It must be someone from Konoha, Suna, or Iwa," Shishou mused.

"Notify Izumi to meet me in Mikoto's room," Shishou instructed, exiting his training room and glancing at Heiko.

"Yes, Master," Heiko replied respectfully, turning to carry out the order.

Shishou used the Flying Thunder God technique to teleport to Mikoto's room, interrupting her studies.

"Come, help me put on some makeup like you did last time," Shishou said, smiling as he embraced her.

"Alright, Mr. Shishou," Mikoto teased, setting aside her scroll. She had learned about Shishou and Izumi's exploits in the Land of Demons from Izumi and was familiar with their aliases.

After Mikoto finished applying makeup on both herself and Izumi, Shishou kissed her on the cheek, eliciting a flustered, angry glare from her as he left with Izumi for the gambling den.

Despite Mikoto's desire to maintain her status as the main wife and avoid public displays of affection, Shishou had no such reservations.

At the gambling den, Shishou and Izumi were escorted by Heiko to a special elevator that took them to the top floor.

"Mr. Shishou, the Third Hokage asked me to deliver this letter to you. It contains a request for your services," Anko Mitarashi said after a brief exchange of pleasantries, handing over a sealed letter.

Izumi, her face cold, took the letter, walked back to Shishou, and handed it to him. Due to the Uchiha massacre, she harbored little goodwill towards Konoha.

"Thank you, Anko," Shishou said with a smile, accepting the letter and reading its contents. He had a fondness for Anko, particularly remembering the striking sight from his previous encounter with her.

A few minutes later, Shishou's expression turned complex. The Third Hokage wanted him to investigate himself. Shishou found it amusing and somewhat absurd.

The letter revealed that the Third Hokage wanted Shishou, under his mercenary alias, to investigate the recent "Three-Tails Incident" in the Mist Village. The Hokage specifically wanted him to identify the users of Wood Release and Flying Thunder God techniques involved in the incident.

The Third Hokage believed Shishou, not being affiliated with any major ninja villages, could easily enter and leave the Land of Water and the Mist Village. With Shishou's strength, the investigation would pose little danger. The Hokage offered a generous reward of five million ryo, confident that Shishou had no reason to refuse.

Furthermore, the Hokage's true intent was to use Shishou to divert the attention of the mysterious masked man and the Flying Thunder God user, allowing Konoha to conduct its own investigations elsewhere. If Shishou accepted, all the better. If not, it wouldn't be a significant loss.

The only flaw in the Hokage's plan was his ignorance of Shishou's dual identity as both the mercenary and the Flying Thunder God user.

"This old fox is using me as a pawn," Shishou thought, understanding the Hokage's strategy.

"Alright, Anko. I'll accept the Third Hokage's request, but I have one condition," Shishou said, deciding to go along with the plan. After all, he knew Obito's identity and could easily provide fabricated information to satisfy the Hokage. However, he was unsatisfied with the offered reward.

"What is your condition, Mr. Shishou?" Anko asked eagerly. Though unaware of the mission's specifics, she was keen on fulfilling it.

Shishou wrote his demands on a piece of paper and handed it to Anko.

"I'll take my leave now," Anko said, pocketing the note.

"No rush, Anko. You've come a long way from Konoha. Stay and rest here for the night before heading back tomorrow," Shishou suggested, clapping his hands.

"Master," Heiko entered the office and bowed.

"Prepare the best room for Anko and give her a hundred chips to enjoy herself," Shishou ordered.

"Yes, Master," Heiko responded, leading a reluctant but polite Anko out.

"Why did you ask the Third Hokage for that?" Izumi asked once Anko left, puzzled by Shishou's request.

"Hehe, Izumi, the ninja world isn't just about fighting. I want to find a way to bring peace through my efforts," Shishou replied, playfully pinching Izumi's chubby cheeks. Izumi swatted his hand away, prompting Shishou to explain further.

Shishou hadn't asked the Hokage for secret or forbidden techniques, knowing the Hokage would likely refuse. Instead, he requested the Hokage's help in setting up a production facility: a fertilizer plant.